144 lines
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144 lines
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package dark.lib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.item.EnumToolMaterial;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.Icon;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
* Class for storing materials, there icon names, sub items to be made from them or there sub ores
* @author DarkGuardsman
public enum EnumMaterial
WOOD("Wood", EnumToolMaterial.WOOD, EnumOrePart.INGOTS, EnumOrePart.PLATES, EnumOrePart.RUBBLE, EnumOrePart.ROD, EnumOrePart.MOLTEN),
STONE("Stone", EnumToolMaterial.STONE, EnumOrePart.INGOTS, EnumOrePart.SCRAPS, EnumOrePart.MOLTEN),
IRON("Iron", EnumToolMaterial.IRON, EnumOrePart.INGOTS),
OBBY("Obby", true, 7.0f, 500, 4, EnumOrePart.INGOTS, EnumOrePart.RUBBLE, EnumOrePart.SCRAPS, EnumOrePart.PLATES, EnumOrePart.MOLTEN),
GOLD("Gold", EnumToolMaterial.GOLD, EnumOrePart.GEARS, EnumOrePart.INGOTS),
COAL("Coal", EnumToolMaterial.WOOD, EnumOrePart.GEARS, EnumOrePart.TUBE, EnumOrePart.PLATES, EnumOrePart.RUBBLE, EnumOrePart.SCRAPS, EnumOrePart.MOLTEN),
COPPER("Copper", true, 3.5f, 79, 1),
TIN("Tin", true, 2.0f, 50, 1, EnumOrePart.GEARS, EnumOrePart.TUBE),
LEAD("Lead", false, 0, 0, 1, EnumOrePart.GEARS, EnumOrePart.TUBE),
ALUMINIUM("Aluminum", true, 5.0f, 100, 2, EnumOrePart.GEARS, EnumOrePart.TUBE),
SILVER("Silver", true, 11.0f, 30, 0, EnumOrePart.GEARS),
STEEL("Steel", true, 7.0f, 4, 1000, EnumOrePart.RUBBLE),
BRONZE("Bronze", true, 6.5f, 3, 560, EnumOrePart.RUBBLE);
/** Name of the material */
public String simpleName;
/** List of ore parts that to not be created for the material */
public List<EnumOrePart> unneedItems;
public boolean hasTools = false;
/** Limit by which each material is restricted by for creating orePart sub items */
public static final int itemCountPerMaterial = 50;
/** Client side only var used by ore items to store icon per material set */
public Icon[] itemIcons;
public float materialEffectiveness = 2.0f;
public int maxUses = 100;
public float damageBoost = 0;
private EnumMaterial(String name, EnumToolMaterial material, EnumOrePart... enumOreParts)
this(name, false, material.getEfficiencyOnProperMaterial(), material.getMaxUses(), material.getDamageVsEntity(), enumOreParts);
private EnumMaterial(String name, boolean tool, float effectiveness, int toolUses, float damage, EnumOrePart... enumOreParts)
this.simpleName = name;
this.hasTools = tool;
this.materialEffectiveness = effectiveness;
this.maxUses = toolUses;
this.damageBoost = damage;
unneedItems = new ArrayList<EnumOrePart>();
for (int i = 0; enumOreParts != null && i < enumOreParts.length; i++)
* Creates a new item stack using material and part given. Uses a preset length of 50 for parts
* enum so to prevent any unwanted changes in loading of itemStacks metadata.
* @param mat - material
* @param part - part
* @return new ItemStack created from the two enums as long as everything goes right
public static ItemStack getStack(Item item, EnumMaterial mat, EnumOrePart part, int ammount)
ItemStack reStack = null;
if (mat != null && part != null)
if (part == EnumOrePart.INGOTS)
if (mat == EnumMaterial.IRON)
return new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron, 1);
else if (mat == EnumMaterial.GOLD)
return new ItemStack(Item.ingotGold, 1);
int meta = mat.ordinal() * itemCountPerMaterial;
meta += part.ordinal();
return new ItemStack(item, ammount, meta);
return reStack;
public ItemStack getStack(Item item, EnumOrePart part)
return this.getStack(item, part, 1);
public ItemStack getStack(Item item, EnumOrePart part, int ammount)
return getStack(item, this, part, ammount);
public static Icon getIcon(int metadata)
int mat = metadata / EnumMaterial.itemCountPerMaterial;
if (mat < EnumMaterial.values().length)
return EnumMaterial.values()[metadata / EnumMaterial.itemCountPerMaterial].itemIcons[metadata % EnumMaterial.itemCountPerMaterial];
return null;
public static String getOreName(EnumMaterial mat, EnumOrePart part)
return mat.getOreName(part);
public String getOreName(EnumOrePart part)
return part.simpleName.toLowerCase() + this.simpleName;
public boolean shouldCreateItem(EnumOrePart part)
return this.unneedItems == null || !this.unneedItems.contains(part);
public boolean shouldCreateTool()
return this.hasTools;