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2015-01-14 12:06:03 +01:00
package edx.mechanical
2015-01-14 12:06:03 +01:00
import edx.core.interfaces.TNodeMechanical
import edx.core.{EDXCreativeTab, Reference, ResonantPartFactory}
import edx.mechanical.fluid.pipe.{ItemPipe, PartPipe, PipeMaterials}
import edx.mechanical.fluid.transport.TilePump
import edx.mechanical.machine.TileDetector
import edx.mechanical.machine.edit.{TileBreaker, TilePlacer}
import edx.mechanical.mech.gear.{ItemGear, PartGear}
import edx.mechanical.mech.gearshaft.{ItemGearShaft, PartGearShaft}
import edx.mechanical.mech.grid.NodeMechanical
import edx.mechanical.mech.process.crusher.TileMechanicalPiston
import edx.mechanical.mech.process.grinder.TileGrindingWheel
import edx.mechanical.mech.process.mixer.TileMixer
import edx.mechanical.mech.turbine.{TileWaterTurbine, TileWindTurbine}
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.init.{Blocks, Items}
import net.minecraft.item.{Item, ItemStack}
2014-12-09 23:46:07 +01:00
import resonant.api.tile.node.NodeRegistry
2014-12-10 19:47:51 +01:00
import resonant.lib.mod.content.ContentHolder
2014-12-09 23:46:07 +01:00
import resonant.lib.utility.recipe.UniversalRecipe
import resonant.lib.world.schematic.{SchematicPlate, SchematicRegistry}
* The core contents of Resonant Induction
* @author Calclavia
object MechanicalContent extends ContentHolder
2014-11-14 17:22:38 +01:00
2015-01-14 12:06:03 +01:00
2014-11-14 17:22:38 +01:00
var itemGear: Item = new ItemGear
2015-01-14 12:06:03 +01:00
var itemGearShaft: Item = new ItemGearShaft
2014-11-14 17:22:38 +01:00
var itemPipe: Item = new ItemPipe
var blockWindTurbine: Block = new TileWindTurbine
var blockWaterTurbine: Block = new TileWaterTurbine
var blockDetector: Block = new TileDetector
var blockPump: Block = new TilePump
var blockGrinderWheel: Block = new TileGrindingWheel
var blockMixer: Block = new TileMixer
var blockMechanicalPiston: Block = new TileMechanicalPiston
var blockTileBreaker: Block = new TileBreaker
var blockTilePlacer: Block = new TilePlacer
override def preInit()
EDXCreativeTab.itemStack = new ItemStack(blockPump)
2014-12-01 07:56:43 +01:00
2014-11-14 17:22:38 +01:00
SchematicRegistry.register("resonantinduction.mechanical.waterTurbine", new SchematicPlate("schematic.waterTurbine.name", MechanicalContent.blockWaterTurbine))
SchematicRegistry.register("resonantinduction.mechanical.windTurbine", new SchematicPlate("schematic.windTurbine.name", MechanicalContent.blockWindTurbine))
NodeRegistry.register(classOf[TNodeMechanical], classOf[NodeMechanical])
2014-11-14 17:22:38 +01:00
* Recipe registration
override def postInit()
//recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(decoration, 8, 3), "XXX", "XCX", "XXX", 'X', Blocks.cobblestone, 'C', new ItemStack(Items.coal, 1, 1))
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemGear, 1, 0), "SWS", "W W", "SWS", 'W', "plankWood", 'S', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemGear, 1, 1), " W ", "WGW", " W ", 'G', new ItemStack(itemGear, 1, 0), 'W', Blocks.cobblestone)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemGear, 1, 2), " W ", "WGW", " W ", 'G', new ItemStack(itemGear, 1, 1), 'W', Items.iron_ingot)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemGearShaft, 1, 0), "S", "S", "S", 'S', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemGearShaft, 1, 1), "S", "G", "S", 'G', new ItemStack(itemGearShaft, 1, 0), 'S', Blocks.cobblestone)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemGearShaft, 1, 2), "S", "G", "S", 'G', new ItemStack(itemGearShaft, 1, 1), 'S', Items.iron_ingot)
recipes += shaped(blockDetector, "SWS", "SRS", "SWS", 'S', Items.iron_ingot, 'W', UniversalRecipe.WIRE.get)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(blockWindTurbine, 1, 0), "CWC", "WGW", "CWC", 'G', itemGear, 'C', Blocks.wool, 'W', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(blockWindTurbine, 1, 1), "CWC", "WGW", "CWC", 'G', new ItemStack(blockWindTurbine, 1, 0), 'C', Blocks.stone, 'W', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(blockWindTurbine, 1, 2), "CWC", "WGW", "CWC", 'G', new ItemStack(blockWindTurbine, 1, 1), 'C', Items.iron_ingot, 'W', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(blockWaterTurbine, 1, 0), "SWS", "WGW", "SWS", 'G', itemGear, 'W', "plankWood", 'S', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(blockWaterTurbine, 1, 1), "SWS", "WGW", "SWS", 'G', new ItemStack(blockWaterTurbine, 1, 0), 'W', Blocks.stone, 'S', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(blockWaterTurbine, 1, 2), "SWS", "WGW", "SWS", 'G', new ItemStack(blockWaterTurbine, 1, 1), 'W', UniversalRecipe.PRIMARY_METAL.get, 'S', Items.stick)
recipes += shaped(blockPump, "PPP", "GGG", "PPP", 'P', itemPipe, 'G', new ItemStack(itemGear, 1, 2))
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemPipe, 3, PipeMaterials.ceramic.id), "BBB", " ", "BBB", 'B', Items.brick)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemPipe, 3, PipeMaterials.bronze.id), "BBB", " ", "BBB", 'B', "ingotBronze")
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemPipe, 3, PipeMaterials.plastic.id), "BBB", " ", "BBB", 'B', UniversalRecipe.RUBBER.get)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemPipe, 3, PipeMaterials.iron.id), "BBB", " ", "BBB", 'B', Items.iron_ingot)
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemPipe, 3, PipeMaterials.steel.id), "BBB", " ", "BBB", 'B', "ingotSteel")
recipes += shaped(new ItemStack(itemPipe, 3, PipeMaterials.fiberglass.id), "BBB", " ", "BBB", 'B', Items.diamond)
recipes += shaped(blockMechanicalPiston, "SGS", "SPS", "SRS", 'P', Blocks.piston, 'S', Items.iron_ingot, 'R', Items.redstone, 'G', new ItemStack(itemGear, 1, 2))
recipes += shaped(blockGrinderWheel, "III", "LGL", "III", 'I', UniversalRecipe.PRIMARY_METAL.get, 'L', "logWood", 'G', itemGear)
recipes += shaped(blockMixer, "IGI", "IGI", "IGI", 'I', UniversalRecipe.PRIMARY_METAL.get, 'G', itemGear)
recipes += shaped(blockTileBreaker, "CGC", "CPC", "CDC", 'C', Blocks.cobblestone, 'G', itemGear, 'P', Blocks.piston, 'D', Items.diamond_pickaxe)
recipes += shaped(blockTilePlacer, "CGC", "CSC", "CRC", 'C', Blocks.cobblestone, 'G', itemGear, 'S', Items.iron_ingot, 'R', Blocks.redstone_block)