Removed pump for now
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 0 additions and 638 deletions
@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ import resonantinduction.mechanical.belt.TileConveyorBelt;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ItemBlockFluidContainer;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pipe.ItemPipe;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump.BlockGrate;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump.BlockPump;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump.TileGrate;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump.TilePump;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.BlockTank;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.TileTank;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.gear.ItemGear;
@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ public class Mechanical
public static Block blockTank;
public static Block blockReleaseValve;
public static Block blockGrate;
public static Block blockPump;
public static Item itemPipe;
public static Item itemPipeGuage;
@ -107,7 +104,6 @@ public class Mechanical
blockTank = contentRegistry.createBlock(BlockTank.class, ItemBlockFluidContainer.class, TileTank.class);
blockGrate = contentRegistry.createTile(BlockGrate.class, TileGrate.class);
blockPump = contentRegistry.createTile(BlockPump.class, TilePump.class);
itemPipeGuage = contentRegistry.createItem(ItemPipeGauge.class);
itemPipe = contentRegistry.createItem(ItemPipe.class);
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.block.BlockRI;
import resonantinduction.core.render.RIBlockRenderingHandler;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.Mechanical;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class BlockPump extends BlockRI
public BlockPump()
super("pump", Material.iron);
public boolean isOpaqueCube()
return false;
public boolean renderAsNormalBlock()
return false;
public int getRenderType()
return RIBlockRenderingHandler.ID;
public int damageDropped(int meta)
return 0;
public boolean isBlockSolidOnSide(World world, int x, int y, int z, ForgeDirection side)
return side != ForgeDirection.DOWN;
public ItemStack getPickBlock(MovingObjectPosition target, World world, int x, int y, int z)
int meta = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
TileEntity ent = world.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);
if (meta < 4)
return new ItemStack(Mechanical.blockPump, 1, 0);
return null;
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world)
return new TilePump();
public void getSubBlocks(int par1, CreativeTabs par2CreativeTabs, List par3List)
par3List.add(new ItemStack(par1, 1, 0));
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
// Date: 4/15/2013 6:17:44 AM
// Template version 1.1
// Java generated by Techne
// Keep in mind that you still need to fill in some blanks
// - ZeuX
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBase;
import net.minecraft.client.model.ModelRenderer;
public class ModelConstructionPump extends ModelBase
// fields
ModelRenderer Side3;
ModelRenderer Motor2;
ModelRenderer Motor;
ModelRenderer side;
ModelRenderer base;
ModelRenderer side2;
ModelRenderer side4;
public ModelConstructionPump()
textureWidth = 128;
textureHeight = 128;
Side3 = new ModelRenderer(this, 46, 37);
Side3.addBox(-5F, 0F, -3F, 10, 11, 5);
Side3.setRotationPoint(0F, 10F, -4F);
Side3.setTextureSize(64, 32);
Side3.mirror = true;
setRotation(Side3, 0F, 0F, 0F);
Motor2 = new ModelRenderer(this, 10, 23);
Motor2.addBox(-4F, -4F, 0F, 8, 8, 4);
Motor2.setRotationPoint(0F, 15F, -2F);
Motor2.setTextureSize(64, 32);
Motor2.mirror = true;
setRotation(Motor2, 0F, 0F, 0F);
Motor = new ModelRenderer(this, 10, 23);
Motor.addBox(-4F, -4F, 0F, 8, 8, 4);
Motor.setRotationPoint(0F, 15F, -2F);
Motor.setTextureSize(64, 32);
Motor.mirror = true;
setRotation(Motor, 0F, 0F, 0.7853982F);
side = new ModelRenderer(this, 15, 37);
side.addBox(-5F, 0F, -3F, 10, 11, 5);
side.setRotationPoint(0F, 10F, 5F);
side.setTextureSize(64, 32);
side.mirror = true;
setRotation(side, 0F, 0F, 0F);
base = new ModelRenderer(this, 16, 54);
base.addBox(-7F, 0F, -8F, 14, 3, 16);
base.setRotationPoint(0F, 21F, 0F);
base.setTextureSize(64, 32);
base.mirror = true;
setRotation(base, 0F, 0F, 0F);
side2 = new ModelRenderer(this, 0, 37);
side2.addBox(-3F, 0F, 2F, 6, 10, 1);
side2.setRotationPoint(0F, 11F, 5F);
side2.setTextureSize(64, 32);
side2.mirror = true;
setRotation(side2, 0F, 0F, 0F);
side4 = new ModelRenderer(this, 77, 37);
side4.addBox(-3F, 0F, -3F, 6, 10, 1);
side4.setRotationPoint(0F, 11F, -5F);
side4.setTextureSize(64, 32);
side4.mirror = true;
setRotation(side4, 0F, 0F, 0F);
public void render(float f5)
public void renderMotor(float f5)
private void setRotation(ModelRenderer model, float x, float y, float z)
model.rotateAngleX = x;
model.rotateAngleY = y;
model.rotateAngleZ = z;
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySpecialRenderer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import resonantinduction.core.Reference;
import resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.tank.ModelPump;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class RenderPump extends TileEntitySpecialRenderer
public static final ModelPump MODEL = new ModelPump();
public static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE = new ResourceLocation(Reference.DOMAIN, Reference.MODEL_PATH + "pump.png");
public void renderTileEntityAt(TileEntity t, double d, double d1, double d2, float f)
int meta = t.getBlockType() != null ? t.getBlockMetadata() : 0;
GL11.glTranslatef((float) d + 0.5F, (float) d1 + 1.5F, (float) d2 + 0.5F);
GL11.glScalef(1.0F, -1F, -1F);
switch (meta)
case 2:
GL11.glRotatef(0f, 0f, 1f, 0f);
case 3:
GL11.glRotatef(90f, 0f, 1f, 0f);
case 0:
GL11.glRotatef(180f, 0f, 1f, 0f);
case 1:
GL11.glRotatef(270f, 0f, 1f, 0f);
if (t instanceof TilePump)
MODEL.renderMotion(0.0625F, ((TilePump) t).rotation);
@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTank;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidTankInfo;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidHandler;
import resonantinduction.api.fluid.IDrain;
import resonantinduction.api.fluid.IFluidPipe;
import resonantinduction.core.tilenetwork.ITileConnector;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.VectorHelper;
import com.builtbroken.common.Pair;
public class TileConstructionPump extends TilePump implements IFluidHandler, ITileConnector
/** Internal tank for interaction but not real storage */
private FluidTank fakeTank = new FluidTank(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME);
List<IDrain> drainsUsed = new ArrayList<IDrain>();
public TileConstructionPump()
super(50, 50, 30);
* Gets the facing direction
* @param input true for input side, false for output side
* @return
public ForgeDirection getFacing(boolean input)
return input ? this.getDirection() : this.getDirection().getOpposite();
public Pair<World, Vector3> getDrainOrigin()
TileEntity inputTile = VectorHelper.getTileEntityFromSide(worldObj, new Vector3(this), getFacing(true));
TileEntity outputTile = VectorHelper.getTileEntityFromSide(worldObj, new Vector3(this), getFacing(false));
IDrain drain = this.getNextDrain(inputTile, outputTile, drainsUsed);
if (drain == null)
drain = this.getNextDrain(inputTile, outputTile, drainsUsed);
if (drain instanceof TileEntity)
return new Pair<World, Vector3>(((TileEntity) drain).worldObj, new Vector3(((TileEntity) drain)));
return null;
* Gets the nextDrain in the list
* @param inputTile - input tile must be an instance of INetworkPipe
* @param outputTile - output tile must be an instance of IFluidHandler
* @param ignoreList - list of drains to ignore so that the next one is selected
* @return the next drain it finds or null if it went threw the entire list. Its suggested to
* clear the ignoreList after getting null
public IDrain getNextDrain(TileEntity inputTile, TileEntity outputTile, List<IDrain> ignoreList)
IDrain drain = null;
if (ignoreList == null)
ignoreList = new ArrayList<IDrain>();
if (inputTile instanceof IFluidPipe && ((IFluidPipe) inputTile).getNetwork() instanceof PipeNetwork)
if (outputTile instanceof IFluidHandler)
for (IFluidHandler fluidHandler : ((PipeNetwork) ((IFluidPipe) inputTile).getNetwork()).getNodes())
if (fluidHandler instanceof IDrain && !ignoreList.contains(fluidHandler))
drain = (IDrain) fluidHandler;
return drain;
public boolean canConnect(ForgeDirection direction)
return direction != getFacing(true) && direction != getFacing(false);
public int fill(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doFill)
TileEntity entity = VectorHelper.getTileEntityFromSide(this.worldObj, new Vector3(this), getFacing(false));
if (entity instanceof IFluidHandler)
return ((IFluidHandler) entity).fill(getFacing(false).getOpposite(), resource, doFill);
return 0;
public FluidStack drain(ForgeDirection from, int maxDrain, boolean doDrain)
return null;
public FluidStack drain(ForgeDirection from, FluidStack resource, boolean doDrain)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public FluidTankInfo[] getTankInfo(ForgeDirection direction)
if (direction == this.getFacing(false) && this.fakeTank != null)
return new FluidTankInfo[] { new FluidTankInfo(fakeTank.getFluid(), fakeTank.getCapacity()) };
return null;
public boolean canFill(ForgeDirection from, Fluid fluid)
return from != getFacing(true);
public boolean canDrain(ForgeDirection from, Fluid fluid)
return false;
public boolean canTileConnect(Connection type, ForgeDirection dir)
TileEntity entity = new Vector3(this).modifyPositionFromSide(dir).getTileEntity(this.worldObj);
return entity instanceof IFluidHandler && (dir == this.getFacing(false) || dir == this.getFacing(true));
public void invalidate()
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.fluid.pump;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidHandler;
import resonantinduction.api.IReadOut;
import resonantinduction.api.fluid.IDrain;
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.tile.TileMachine;
import resonantinduction.core.tilenetwork.ITileConnector;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
import calclavia.lib.prefab.tile.IRotatable;
import calclavia.lib.utility.FluidUtility;
import com.builtbroken.common.Pair;
public class TilePump extends TileMachine implements IReadOut, ITileConnector, IRotatable
private int currentWorldEdits, MAX_WORLD_EDITS_PER_PROCESS;
public long ENERGY_PER_DRAIN = 50;
private LiquidPathFinder pathLiquid;
private Vector3 lastDrainOrigin;
public int rotation = 0;
public TilePump()
this(10, 50, 5);
/** @param wattTick - cost in watts per tick to run the tile
* @param wattDrain - cost in watts to drain or fill one block
* @param maxEdits - max world edits per update (1/2 second) */
public TilePump(long wattTick, long wattDrain, int maxEdits)
|||| = new EnergyStorageHandler((maxEdits * wattDrain) + (wattTick * 20));
this.ENERGY_PER_DRAIN = wattDrain;
/** Liquid path finder used by this tile. Retrieve the path finder if using IDrain block */
public LiquidPathFinder getLiquidFinder()
if (pathLiquid == null)
pathLiquid = new LiquidPathFinder(this.worldObj, 100, 20);
return pathLiquid;
public void updateEntity()
if (this.ticks % 10 == 0)
this.currentWorldEdits = 0;
if (this.isFunctioning())
this.rotation = Math.max(Math.min(this.rotation + 1, 7), 0);
if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)
Pair<World, Vector3> pair = this.getDrainOrigin();
if (pair != null && pair.left() != null && pair.right() != null)
this.drainAroundArea(pair.left(), pair.right(), 3);
/** Gets the origin the path finder starts on */
public Pair<World, Vector3> getDrainOrigin()
// TODO change this to lower by the amount of air between the pump and bottom
return new Pair<World, Vector3>(this.worldObj, new Vector3(this).modifyPositionFromSide(ForgeDirection.DOWN));
/** Drains an area starting at the given location
* @param world - world to drain in, most cases will be the TileEntities world
* @param loc - origin to start the path finder with. If this is an instance of IDrain this
* method will act different */
public void drainAroundArea(World world, Vector3 vec, int update)
Vector3 origin = vec.clone();
if (origin == null)
/* Update last drain origin to prevent failed path finding */
if (this.lastDrainOrigin == null || !this.lastDrainOrigin.equals(origin))
this.lastDrainOrigin = origin.clone();
TileEntity drain = vec.clone().getTileEntity(world);
TileEntity entity = null;
Set<Vector3> drainList = null;
if (drain instanceof IDrain)
origin = vec.modifyPositionFromSide(((IDrain) drain).getDirection());
entity = origin.getTileEntity(world);
if (entity instanceof IFluidHandler)
FluidStack draStack = ((IFluidHandler) entity).drain(ForgeDirection.UP, MAX_WORLD_EDITS_PER_PROCESS * FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME, false);
if (draStack != null && FluidUtility.fillTanksAllSides(worldObj, new Vector3(this), draStack, false, ForgeDirection.DOWN) > 0)
((IFluidHandler) entity).drain(ForgeDirection.UP, FluidUtility.fillTanksAllSides(worldObj, new Vector3(this), draStack, true, ForgeDirection.DOWN), true);
return;// TODO check why return is here
if (drainList == null)
if (this.getLiquidFinder().results.size() < MAX_WORLD_EDITS_PER_PROCESS + 10)
this.getLiquidFinder().setWorld(world).refresh().start(origin, MAX_WORLD_EDITS_PER_PROCESS, false);
drainList = this.getLiquidFinder().refresh().results;
if (entity == null && drainList != null && drainList.size() > 0)
// System.out.println("StartPump>>DrainArea>>Targets>" +
// this.getLiquidFinder().results.size());
Iterator<Vector3> fluidList = drainList.iterator();
while (fluidList.hasNext() && this.consumePower(ENERGY_PER_DRAIN, false))
if (this.currentWorldEdits >= MAX_WORLD_EDITS_PER_PROCESS)
Vector3 drainLocation =;
FluidStack drainStack = FluidUtility.drainBlock(world, drainLocation, false, 3);
// System.out.println("StartPump>>DrainArea>>Draining>>NextFluidBlock>" +
// (drainStack == null ? "Null" : drainStack.amount + "mb of " +
// drainStack.getFluid().getName()));
// int fillV = FluidHelper.fillTanksAllSides(worldObj, new Vector3(this),
// drainStack, false, ForgeDirection.DOWN);
// System.out.println("StartPump>>DrainArea>>Draining>>NextFluidBlock>Filled>" +
// fillV + "mb");
if (drainStack != null && this.fill(drainStack, false) >= drainStack.amount && this.consumePower(ENERGY_PER_DRAIN, true))
// System.out.println("StartPump>>DrainArea>>Draining>>Fluid>" +
// drainLocation.toString());
FluidUtility.drainBlock(this.worldObj, drainLocation, true, update);
this.fill(drainStack, true);
public int fill(FluidStack stack, boolean doFill)
return FluidUtility.fillTanksAllSides(worldObj, new Vector3(this), stack, doFill, ForgeDirection.DOWN);
public boolean canFunction()
return super.canFunction() && worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);
public String getMeterReading(EntityPlayer user, ForgeDirection side, EnumTools tool)
if (tool == EnumTools.PIPE_GUAGE)
return "Source Blocks: " + this.getLiquidFinder().results.size();
return null;
public boolean canConnect(ForgeDirection direction)
return direction != ForgeDirection.DOWN;
public boolean canTileConnect(Connection type, ForgeDirection direction)
return direction != ForgeDirection.DOWN;
public ForgeDirection getDirection()
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public void setDirection(ForgeDirection direection)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Add table
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