
This commit is contained in:
DarkGuardsman 2013-10-25 03:15:51 -04:00
parent 1d708b9a33
commit 23f19c17a4
15 changed files with 36 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public class UnitHelper
/** Tries to parse a value that may be anything.
* @param var - String, Integer, Float, Double
* @param suggestValue - Used by string parsing in case it fails and you want to return a
* default value */
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class UnitHelper
/** Tries to parse a value that may be anything.
* @param var - String, Integer, Float, Double */
public static int tryToParseInt(Object var)
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class UnitHelper
/** Tries to parse a value that may be anything.
* @param var - String, Integer, Float, Double
* @param suggestValue - Used by string parsing in case it fails and you want to return a
* default value */
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class UnitHelper
/** Tries to parse a value that may be anything.
* @param var - String, Integer, Float, Double */
public static Double tryToParseDouble(Object var)
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public class UnitHelper
/** Tries to parse a value that may be anything.
* @param var - String, Integer, Float, Double
* @param suggestValue - Used by string parsing in case it fails and you want to return a
* default value */
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class UnitHelper
/** Tries to parse a value that may be anything.
* @param var - String, Integer, Float, Double
* @return Zero if it fails to parse the value */
public static Float tryToParseFloat(Object var)

View file

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import universalelectricity.core.vector.Vector3;
import com.builtbroken.common.Pair;
/** Information about blocks not provided by minecraft such as density, mass, volume, heating values, chemical properties, etc
* etc
/** Information about blocks not provided by minecraft such as density, mass, volume, heating values,
* chemical properties, etc etc
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public class ExtraBlockData

View file

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
/** Used by TileEntities or Entities to show heat stored and cooling rate of the object
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public interface IHeatObject extends ITileConnector
/** Amount of heat stored in the body of the object. Think of it as a battery for heat but
* remember that heat is lost very fast
* @return amount of heat in generic units */
public float getHeat(ForgeDirection side);
/** Sets the heat level of the object or increase it
* @param amount - amount to set or increase by
* @param incrase - true if should increase the current heat level */
public void setHeat(double amount, boolean incrase);

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import com.builtbroken.common.Triple;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
/** Recipe system to make it easier to load recipes for a mod
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public abstract class RecipeLoader
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public abstract class RecipeLoader
/** An easier to read recipe system for the basic minecraft recipes
* @author DarkGaurdsman */
public static class RecipeGrid
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ public abstract class RecipeLoader
/** 3x3 Crafting grid. Each Triple is a row. Input for the triples should be any of { Item,
* Block, ItemStack, String}
* @param one - top row
* @param two - middle row
* @param three - bottom row */
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public abstract class RecipeLoader
/** 2x2 Crafting grid. Each Pair is a row. Input for the pairs should be any of { Item,
* Block, ItemStack, String}
* @param one - top row
* @param two - middle row */
public RecipeGrid(Object stack, Pair one, Pair two)

View file

@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ import net.minecraft.util.Icon;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import dark.core.common.CoreRecipeLoader;
import dark.core.common.DarkMain;
/** Class for storing materials, there icon names, sub items to be made from them or there sub ores
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public enum EnumMaterial
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ public enum EnumMaterial
/** Creates a new item stack using material and part given. Uses a preset length of 50 for parts
* enum so to prevent any unwanted changes in loading of itemStacks metadata.
* @param mat - material
* @param part - part
* @return new ItemStack created from the two enums as long as everything goes right */

View file

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ package dark.core.common.items;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.List;
import universalelectricity.core.electricity.ElectricityDisplay;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
@ -26,6 +24,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
import net.minecraftforge.event.Event.Result;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.UseHoeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
import universalelectricity.core.electricity.ElectricityDisplay;
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ import dark.core.prefab.ModPrefab;
/** Flexible tool class that uses NBT to store damage and effect rather than metadata. Metadata
* instead is used to store sub items allowing several different tools to exist within the same item
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public class ItemCommonTool extends Item implements IExtraItemInfo

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import dark.core.prefab.items.ItemBasic;
/** A meta data item containing parts of various crafting recipes. These parts do not do anything but
* allow new crafting recipes to be created.
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public class ItemParts extends ItemBasic

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@ -4,13 +4,10 @@ import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
import universalelectricity.prefab.block.IRotatableBlock;
import universalelectricity.prefab.tile.IRotatable;
import dark.core.common.DarkMain;
import dark.core.prefab.IExtraInfo.IExtraItemInfo;

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import;
import dark.core.prefab.machine.TileEntityEnergyMachine;
/** Machine that turns heat into usable electrical energy
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public class TileEntityHeatCouple extends TileEntityEnergyMachine
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ public class TileEntityHeatCouple extends TileEntityEnergyMachine
return this.outputWatts;
public EnumSet<ForgeDirection> getOutputDirections()
return EnumSet.allOf(ForgeDirection.class);

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@ -23,11 +23,10 @@ import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityCow;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityPig;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase;
/** Dictionary to track entities by several names to be used for anything. Current use is armbot task
* so the user has an easy way to ID creatures.
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public class EntityDictionary

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
/** Helper class used to work with minecraft's NBT file system.
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public class NBTFileHelper
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class NBTFileHelper
/** Saves an NBT file
* @param file - exact File
* @param data - nbt data
* @return */
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class NBTFileHelper
/** Uses the default world directory to save the data to file by the given name
* @param filename - file name
* @param data - nbt data
* @return true if everything goes well */
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class NBTFileHelper
/** Reads NBT data from the world folder.
* @return The NBT data */
public static NBTTagCompound loadNBTFile(File saveDirectory, String filename)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class NBTFileHelper
/** Loads an NBT file from the current world file
* @param filename - name of the file
* @return NBTTagCompound that was stored in the file */
public static NBTTagCompound loadNBTFile(String filename)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class NBTFileHelper
/** Used to save an object without knowing what the object is exactly. Supports most
* NBTTagCompound save methods including some special cases. Which includes boolean being saves
* as a string so it can be loaded as a boolean from an object save.
* @param tag - NBTTagCompound to save the tag too
* @param key - name to save the object as
* @param value - the actual object
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public class NBTFileHelper
/** Reads an unknown object with a known name from NBT
* @param tag - tag to read the value from
* @param key - name of the value
* @param suggestionValue - value to return in case nothing is found

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL12;
import universalelectricity.core.vector.Vector2;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import dark.core.registration.ModObjectRegistry.BlockBuildData;
/** Basic TileEntity Container class designed to be used by generic machines. It is suggested that
* each mod using this create there own basic block extending this to reduce need to use build data
* per block.
* @author Darkguardsman */
public abstract class BlockMachine extends BlockTile implements IExtraBlockInfo

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public class ModHelpPage
private static boolean init = false;
/** Call this to setup mod page helper for the mod
* @param modID - mod's id used to track it, and register all xmls too
* @param configFolder - location of the mods config folder for storing player crated xmls */
public static void init(String modID, String configFolder)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public class ModHelpPage
/** Call this to load an xmlFile from within the mod package
* @param modID - mod's id used to track it, and register all xmls too
* @param xmlFile - path to the file */
public static void load(String modID, String xmlFile)

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@ -62,6 +62,5 @@ public class XMLHelpFileReader
String name;