Started reworking MechanicalNode
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 403 additions and 518 deletions
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public class DebugFrameMechanical extends FrameNodeDebug
public String buildLabel()
return super.buildLabel() + DebugFrameMechanical.this.getNode().angularVelocity;
return super.buildLabel() + DebugFrameMechanical.this.getNode().angularVelocity();
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public class DebugFrameMechanical extends FrameNodeDebug
public String buildLabel()
return super.buildLabel() + DebugFrameMechanical.this.getNode().renderAngle;
return super.buildLabel() + DebugFrameMechanical.this.getNode().renderAngle();
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class DebugFrameMechanical extends FrameNodeDebug
public String buildLabel()
return super.buildLabel() + DebugFrameMechanical.this.getNode().torque;
return super.buildLabel() + DebugFrameMechanical.this.getNode().torque();
@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.mech;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection;
import resonant.api.grid.INode;
import resonant.api.grid.INodeProvider;
import resonant.api.grid.IUpdate;
import resonant.lib.grid.node.NodeConnector;
import resonant.lib.transform.vector.IVectorWorld;
import resonant.lib.utility.nbt.ISaveObj;
import resonantinduction.core.interfaces.IMechanicalNode;
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.node.TMultipartNode;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Prefab node for the mechanical system used by almost ever mechanical object in Resonant Induction. Handles connections to other tiles, and shares power with them
* @author Calclavia, Darkguardsman
//Don't convert to scala as this will find its way into RE later - From Darkguardsman
public class MechanicalNode extends NodeConnector<MechanicalNode> implements TMultipartNode<MechanicalNode>, IMechanicalNode, ISaveObj, IVectorWorld, IUpdate
* Marks that the rotation has changed and should be updated client side
public boolean markRotationUpdate = false;
* Makrs that the torque value has changed and should be updated client side
public boolean markTorqueUpdate = false;
* Allows the node to share its power with other nodes
public boolean sharePower = true;
public double torque = 0, prevTorque;
public double prevAngularVelocity, angularVelocity = 0;
* Current angle of rotation, mainly used for rendering
public double renderAngle = 0;
* Angle of rotation of last update
public double prev_angle = 0;
public float acceleration = 2f;
protected double maxDeltaAngle = Math.toRadians(120);
protected double load = 2;
private double power = 0;
* Current update tick #
private long ticks = 0;
public MechanicalNode(INodeProvider parent)
public double getRadius(ForgeDirection dir, IMechanicalNode with)
return 0.5;
public double getAngularSpeed(ForgeDirection side)
return angularVelocity;
public double getForce(ForgeDirection side)
return torque;
public boolean inverseRotation(ForgeDirection side)
return false;
final public void update()
final public void update(double deltaTime)
if (ticks >= Long.MAX_VALUE)
ticks = 0;
// Render Update
// Updates rotation angle and prevents it from rotating too fast
if (angularVelocity >= 0)
renderAngle += Math.min(angularVelocity, this.maxDeltaAngle) * deltaTime;
renderAngle += Math.max(angularVelocity, -this.maxDeltaAngle) * deltaTime;
// Cap rotation angle to prevent render issues
if (renderAngle >= Math.PI * 2)
renderAngle = renderAngle % (Math.PI * 2);
// Server side Update
if (world() != null && !world().isRemote)
final double acceleration = this.acceleration * deltaTime;
if (Math.abs(prevAngularVelocity - angularVelocity) > 0.01f)
prevAngularVelocity = angularVelocity;
markRotationUpdate = true;
if (Math.abs(prevTorque - torque) > 0.01f)
prevTorque = torque;
markTorqueUpdate = true;
// Loss calculations
double torqueLoss = Math.min(Math.abs(getTorque()), (Math.abs(getTorque() * getTorqueLoad()) + getTorqueLoad() / 10) * deltaTime);
torque += torque > 0 ? -torqueLoss : torqueLoss;
double velocityLoss = Math.min(Math.abs(getAngularSpeed()), (Math.abs(getAngularSpeed() * getAngularVelocityLoad()) + getAngularVelocityLoad() / 10) * deltaTime);
angularVelocity += angularVelocity > 0 ? -velocityLoss : velocityLoss;
if (getEnergy() <= 0)
angularVelocity = torque = 0;
power = getEnergy() / deltaTime;
if (sharePower)
// Power sharing calculations
Iterator<Entry<MechanicalNode, ForgeDirection>> it = directionMap().entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
MechanicalNode adjacentMech = null;
Entry<MechanicalNode, ForgeDirection> entry =;
ForgeDirection dir = entry.getValue();
//TODO: Will never happen that it isn't a mech node.
// Get mech node
if (entry.getKey() instanceof MechanicalNode)
adjacentMech = (MechanicalNode) entry.getKey();
else if (entry.getKey() instanceof INodeProvider)
INode node = ((INodeProvider) entry.getKey()).getNode(MechanicalNode.class, dir.getOpposite());
if (node instanceof MechanicalNode)
adjacentMech = (MechanicalNode) node;
// If node is not null apply power
if (adjacentMech != null)
/** Calculate angular velocity and torque. */
double ratio = adjacentMech.getRadius(dir.getOpposite(), this) / getRadius(dir, adjacentMech);
boolean inverseRotation = inverseRotation(dir) && adjacentMech.inverseRotation(dir.getOpposite());
int inversion = inverseRotation ? -1 : 1;
double targetTorque = inversion * adjacentMech.getTorque() / ratio;
double applyTorque = targetTorque * acceleration;
if (Math.abs(torque + applyTorque) < Math.abs(targetTorque))
torque += applyTorque;
else if (Math.abs(torque - applyTorque) > Math.abs(targetTorque))
torque -= applyTorque;
double targetVelocity = inversion * adjacentMech.getAngularSpeed() * ratio;
double applyVelocity = targetVelocity * acceleration;
if (Math.abs(angularVelocity + applyVelocity) < Math.abs(targetVelocity))
angularVelocity += applyVelocity;
else if (Math.abs(angularVelocity - applyVelocity) > Math.abs(targetVelocity))
angularVelocity -= applyVelocity;
/** Set all current rotations */
// adjacentMech.angle = Math.abs(angle) * (adjacentMech.angle >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
prev_angle = renderAngle;
public boolean canUpdate()
return true;
public boolean continueUpdate()
return true;
protected void onUpdate()
* Called when one revolution is made.
protected void revolve()
public void apply(Object source, double torque, double angularVelocity)
this.torque += torque;
this.angularVelocity += angularVelocity;
private double getTorque()
return angularVelocity != 0 ? torque : 0;
private double getAngularSpeed()
return torque != 0 ? angularVelocity : 0;
* The energy percentage loss due to resistance in seconds.
public double getTorqueLoad()
return load;
public double getAngularVelocityLoad()
return load;
public double getEnergy()
return getTorque() * getAngularSpeed();
public double getPower()
return power;
public void load(NBTTagCompound nbt)
torque = nbt.getDouble("torque");
angularVelocity = nbt.getDouble("angularVelocity");
public void save(NBTTagCompound nbt)
nbt.setDouble("torque", torque);
nbt.setDouble("angularVelocity", angularVelocity);
public <B extends MechanicalNode> boolean canConnect(B other, ForgeDirection from)
if (canConnect(from))
if (other instanceof INodeProvider)
return ((INodeProvider) other).getNode(MechanicalNode.class, from.getOpposite()) instanceof MechanicalNode;
return other instanceof MechanicalNode;
return false;
public boolean isValidConnection(Object object)
return true;
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
package resonantinduction.mechanical.mech
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonant.api.grid.{INodeProvider, IUpdate}
import resonant.lib.grid.node.NodeConnector
import resonant.lib.transform.vector.IVectorWorld
import resonant.lib.utility.nbt.ISaveObj
import resonantinduction.core.interfaces.IMechanicalNode
import resonantinduction.core.prefab.node.TMultipartNode
import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
* Prefab node for the mechanical system used by almost ever mechanical object in Resonant Induction. Handles connections to other tiles, and shares power with them
* @author Calclavia, Darkguardsman
class MechanicalNode(parent: INodeProvider) extends NodeConnector[MechanicalNode](parent) with TMultipartNode[MechanicalNode] with IMechanicalNode with ISaveObj with IVectorWorld with IUpdate
* Marks that the rotation has changed and should be updated client side
var markRotationUpdate: Boolean = false
* Makrs that the torque value has changed and should be updated client side
var markTorqueUpdate: Boolean = false
* Allows the node to share its power with other nodes
var sharePower: Boolean = true
var torque: Double = 0
var prevTorque: Double = .0
var prevAngularVelocity: Double = .0
var angularVelocity: Double = 0
* Current angle of rotation, mainly used for rendering
var renderAngle: Double = 0
* Angle of rotation of last update
var prev_angle: Double = 0
var acceleration: Float = 2f
protected var maxDeltaAngle: Double = Math.toRadians(120)
protected var load: Double = 2
private var power: Double = 0
override def getRadius(dir: ForgeDirection, `with`: IMechanicalNode): Double = 0.5
override def getAngularSpeed(side: ForgeDirection): Double = angularVelocity
override def getForce(side: ForgeDirection): Double = torque
override def inverseRotation(side: ForgeDirection): Boolean = false
override def update(deltaTime: Double)
if (angularVelocity >= 0)
renderAngle += Math.min(angularVelocity, this.maxDeltaAngle) * deltaTime
renderAngle += Math.max(angularVelocity, -this.maxDeltaAngle) * deltaTime
if (renderAngle >= Math.PI * 2)
renderAngle = renderAngle % (Math.PI * 2)
if (world != null && !world.isRemote)
val acceleration: Double = this.acceleration * deltaTime
if (Math.abs(prevAngularVelocity - angularVelocity) > 0.01f)
prevAngularVelocity = angularVelocity
markRotationUpdate = true
if (Math.abs(prevTorque - torque) > 0.01f)
prevTorque = torque
markTorqueUpdate = true
val torqueLoss: Double = Math.min(Math.abs(getTorque), (Math.abs(getTorque * getTorqueLoad) + getTorqueLoad / 10) * deltaTime)
torque += (if (torque > 0) -torqueLoss else torqueLoss)
val velocityLoss: Double = Math.min(Math.abs(getAngularSpeed), (Math.abs(getAngularSpeed * getAngularVelocityLoad) + getAngularVelocityLoad / 10) * deltaTime)
angularVelocity += (if (angularVelocity > 0) -velocityLoss else velocityLoss)
if (getEnergy <= 0)
angularVelocity = ({torque = 0; torque })
power = getEnergy / deltaTime
if (sharePower)
case (adjacentMech: MechanicalNode, dir: ForgeDirection) =>
if (adjacentMech != null)
val ratio: Double = adjacentMech.getRadius(dir.getOpposite, this) / getRadius(dir, adjacentMech)
val inverseRotation: Boolean = this.inverseRotation(dir) && adjacentMech.inverseRotation(dir.getOpposite)
val inversion: Int = if (inverseRotation) -1 else 1
val targetTorque: Double = inversion * adjacentMech.getTorque / ratio
val applyTorque: Double = targetTorque * acceleration
if (Math.abs(torque + applyTorque) < Math.abs(targetTorque))
torque += applyTorque
else if (Math.abs(torque - applyTorque) > Math.abs(targetTorque))
torque -= applyTorque
val targetVelocity: Double = inversion * adjacentMech.getAngularSpeed * ratio
val applyVelocity: Double = targetVelocity * acceleration
if (Math.abs(angularVelocity + applyVelocity) < Math.abs(targetVelocity))
angularVelocity += applyVelocity
else if (Math.abs(angularVelocity - applyVelocity) > Math.abs(targetVelocity))
angularVelocity -= applyVelocity
prev_angle = renderAngle
override def canUpdate: Boolean = true
override def continueUpdate: Boolean = true
* Called when one revolution is made.
protected def revolve
override def apply(source: AnyRef, torque: Double, angularVelocity: Double)
this.torque += torque
this.angularVelocity += angularVelocity
private def getTorque: Double =
return if (angularVelocity != 0) torque else 0
private def getAngularSpeed: Double =
return if (torque != 0) angularVelocity else 0
* The energy percentage loss due to resistance in seconds.
def getTorqueLoad: Double =
return load
def getAngularVelocityLoad: Double =
return load
def getEnergy: Double =
return getTorque * getAngularSpeed
def getPower: Double =
return power
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
torque = nbt.getDouble("torque")
angularVelocity = nbt.getDouble("angularVelocity")
def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
nbt.setDouble("torque", torque)
nbt.setDouble("angularVelocity", angularVelocity)
* Can this node connect with another node?
* @param other - Most likely a node, but it can also be another object
* @param from - Direction of connection
* @return True connection is allowed
override def canConnect[B <: MechanicalNode](other: B, from: ForgeDirection): Boolean =
if (canConnect(from))
if (other.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
return (other.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], from.getOpposite).isInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
return other.isInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
return false
override def isValidConnection(`object`: AnyRef): Boolean =
return true
@ -52,18 +52,19 @@ abstract class PartMechanical extends PartAbstract with JNormalOcclusion with TF
override def update
override def update()
if (!world.isRemote)
if (frame != null)
override def activate(player: EntityPlayer, hit: MovingObjectPosition, itemStack: ItemStack): Boolean =
@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ import codechicken.lib.vec.Rotation
import codechicken.multipart.{TMultiPart, TileMultipart}
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonant.lib.grid.electric.DCNode
import resonant.api.grid.INodeProvider
import resonant.lib.transform.vector.{IVectorWorld, Vector3, VectorWorld}
import resonantinduction.core.interfaces.IMechanicalNode
import resonantinduction.mechanical.mech.MechanicalNode
import resonantinduction.mechanical.mech.gearshaft.PartGearShaft
import resonant.api.grid.INodeProvider
import resonant.lib.transform.vector.{IVectorWorld, Vector3, VectorWorld}
* Node for the gear
@ -19,205 +18,205 @@ import resonant.lib.transform.vector.{IVectorWorld, Vector3, VectorWorld}
class GearNode(parent: PartGear) extends MechanicalNode(parent: PartGear)
protected def gear: PartGear =
return this.getParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
protected def gear: PartGear =
return this.getParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
override def onUpdate
override def update(deltaTime: Double)
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
torque = 0
angularVelocity = 0
else if (gear.tier == 10)
torque = 100
angularVelocity = 100
torque = 0
angularVelocity = 0
override def getTorqueLoad: Double =
else if (gear.tier == 10)
if (gear.tier == 1) return 0.2
if (gear.tier == 2) return 0.1
if (gear.tier == 0) return 0
return 0.3
torque = 100
angularVelocity = 100
override def getAngularVelocityLoad: Double =
override def getTorqueLoad: Double =
if (gear.tier == 1) return 0.2
if (gear.tier == 2) return 0.1
if (gear.tier == 0) return 0
return 0.3
override def getAngularVelocityLoad: Double =
if (gear.tier == 1) return 0.2
if (gear.tier == 2) return 0.1
if (gear.tier == 0) return 0
return 0.3
override def reconstruct()
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary || world == null)
if (gear.tier == 1) return 0.2
if (gear.tier == 2) return 0.1
if (gear.tier == 0) return 0
return 0.3
override def reconstruct()
val tileBehind: TileEntity = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(gear.placementSide).getTileEntity(world)
if (tileBehind.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary || world == null)
val tileBehind: TileEntity = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(gear.placementSide).getTileEntity(world)
if (tileBehind.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val instance: MechanicalNode = (tileBehind.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], gear.placementSide.getOpposite).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
if (instance != null && instance != this && !(instance.getParent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft]) && instance.canConnect(this,gear.placementSide.getOpposite))
connect(instance, gear.placementSide)
for (i <- 0 until 6)
val checkDir: ForgeDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i)
var tile: TileEntity = gear.tile
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed && checkDir != gear.placementSide && checkDir != gear.placementSide.getOpposite)
tile = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(checkDir).getTileEntity(world)
if (tile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val instance: MechanicalNode = (tile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], if (checkDir == gear.placementSide.getOpposite) ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN else checkDir).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
if (!directionMap.containsValue(checkDir) && instance != this && checkDir != gear.placementSide && instance != null && instance.canConnect(this,checkDir.getOpposite))
connect(instance, checkDir)
var displaceCheck: Int = 1
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary && gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
displaceCheck = 2
for (i <- 0 until 4)
val checkDir: ForgeDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(Rotation.rotateSide(gear.placementSide.ordinal, i))
val checkTile: TileEntity = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(checkDir).getTileEntity(world)
if (!directionMap.containsValue(checkDir) && checkTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val instance: MechanicalNode = (checkTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], gear.placementSide).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
if (instance != null && instance != this && instance.canConnect(this,checkDir.getOpposite) && !(instance.getParent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft]))
connect(instance, checkDir)
val instance: MechanicalNode = (tileBehind.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], gear.placementSide.getOpposite).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
if (instance != null && instance != this && !(instance.getParent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft]) && instance.canConnect(this, gear.placementSide.getOpposite))
connect(instance, gear.placementSide)
* Can this gear be connected BY the source?
* @param from - Direction source is coming from.
* @param other - The source of the connection.
* @return True is so.
override def canConnect[B](other: B, from: ForgeDirection): Boolean =
for (i <- 0 until 6)
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
val checkDir: ForgeDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i)
var tile: TileEntity = gear.tile
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed && checkDir != gear.placementSide && checkDir != gear.placementSide.getOpposite)
tile = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(checkDir).getTileEntity(world)
if (tile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val instance: MechanicalNode = (tile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], if (checkDir == gear.placementSide.getOpposite) ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN else checkDir).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
if (!directionMap.containsValue(checkDir) && instance != this && checkDir != gear.placementSide && instance != null && instance.canConnect(this, checkDir.getOpposite))
return false
connect(instance, checkDir)
if (other.isInstanceOf[MechanicalNode])
var displaceCheck: Int = 1
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary && gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
displaceCheck = 2
for (i <- 0 until 4)
val checkDir: ForgeDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(Rotation.rotateSide(gear.placementSide.ordinal, i))
val checkTile: TileEntity = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(checkDir).getTileEntity(world)
if (!directionMap.containsValue(checkDir) && checkTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val instance: MechanicalNode = (checkTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], gear.placementSide).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
if (instance != null && instance != this && instance.canConnect(this, checkDir.getOpposite) && !(instance.getParent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft]))
val parent: INodeProvider = (other.asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]).getParent
if (from == gear.placementSide.getOpposite)
connect(instance, checkDir)
* Can this gear be connected BY the source?
* @param from - Direction source is coming from.
* @param other - The source of the connection.
* @return True is so.
override def canConnect[B](other: B, from: ForgeDirection): Boolean =
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
return false
if (other.isInstanceOf[MechanicalNode])
val parent: INodeProvider = (other.asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]).getParent
if (from == gear.placementSide.getOpposite)
if (parent.isInstanceOf[PartGear] || parent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft])
if (parent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft])
val shaft: PartGearShaft = parent.asInstanceOf[PartGearShaft]
return shaft.tile.partMap(from.getOpposite.ordinal) != gear && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetX) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetX) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetY) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetY) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetZ) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetZ)
else if (parent.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
if ((parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).tile == gear.tile && !gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
if (parent.isInstanceOf[PartGear] || parent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft])
if (parent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft])
val shaft: PartGearShaft = parent.asInstanceOf[PartGearShaft]
return shaft.tile.partMap(from.getOpposite.ordinal) != gear && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetX) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetX) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetY) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetY) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetZ) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetZ)
else if (parent.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
if ((parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).tile == gear.tile && !gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
return true
if ((parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).placementSide ne gear.placementSide)
val part: TMultiPart = gear.tile.partMap((parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).placementSide.ordinal)
if (part.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
val sourceGear: PartGear = part.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
if (sourceGear.isCenterMultiBlock && !sourceGear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
return true
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
val checkPart: TMultiPart = (parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).tile.partMap(gear.placementSide.ordinal)
if (checkPart.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
val requiredDirection: ForgeDirection = (checkPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).getPosition.subtract(position).toForgeDirection
return (checkPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).isCenterMultiBlock && (parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).placementSide == requiredDirection
val sourceTile: TileEntity = position.add(from.getOpposite).getTileEntity(world)
if (sourceTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val sourceInstance: MechanicalNode = (sourceTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], from).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
return sourceInstance == other
return true
else if (from == gear.placementSide)
if ((parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).placementSide ne gear.placementSide)
val sourceTile: TileEntity = position.add(from).getTileEntity(world)
if (sourceTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val part: TMultiPart = gear.tile.partMap((parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).placementSide.ordinal)
if (part.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
val sourceGear: PartGear = part.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
if (sourceGear.isCenterMultiBlock && !sourceGear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
val sourceInstance: MechanicalNode = (sourceTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], from.getOpposite).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
return sourceInstance == other
return true
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
val checkPart: TMultiPart = (parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).tile.partMap(gear.placementSide.ordinal)
if (checkPart.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
val requiredDirection: ForgeDirection = (checkPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).getPosition.subtract(position).toForgeDirection
return (checkPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).isCenterMultiBlock && (parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).placementSide == requiredDirection
val sourceTile: TileEntity = position.add(from.getOpposite).getTileEntity(world)
if (sourceTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val sourceInstance: MechanicalNode = (sourceTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], from).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
return sourceInstance == other
else if (from == gear.placementSide)
val sourceTile: TileEntity = position.add(from).getTileEntity(world)
if (sourceTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val sourceInstance: MechanicalNode = (sourceTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider]).getNode(classOf[MechanicalNode], from.getOpposite).asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]
return sourceInstance == other
val destinationTile: TileEntity = (other.asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]).position.add(from.getOpposite).getTileEntity(world)
if (destinationTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider] && destinationTile.isInstanceOf[TileMultipart])
val destinationPart: TMultiPart = (destinationTile.asInstanceOf[TileMultipart]).partMap(gear.placementSide.ordinal)
if (destinationPart.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
if (gear ne destinationPart)
return (destinationPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).isCenterMultiBlock
val destinationTile: TileEntity = (other.asInstanceOf[MechanicalNode]).position.add(from.getOpposite).getTileEntity(world)
if (destinationTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider] && destinationTile.isInstanceOf[TileMultipart])
val destinationPart: TMultiPart = (destinationTile.asInstanceOf[TileMultipart]).partMap(gear.placementSide.ordinal)
if (destinationPart.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
if (gear ne destinationPart)
return (destinationPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear]).isCenterMultiBlock
return true
return true
return true
return true
return false
return false
override def getRadius(dir: ForgeDirection, `with`: IMechanicalNode): Double =
val deltaPos: Vector3 = new VectorWorld(`with`.asInstanceOf[IVectorWorld]).subtract(position)
val caseX: Boolean = gear.placementSide.offsetX != 0 && deltaPos.y == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0
val caseY: Boolean = gear.placementSide.offsetY != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0
val caseZ: Boolean = gear.placementSide.offsetZ != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.y == 0
if (caseX || caseY || caseZ)
val deltaPos: Vector3 = new VectorWorld(`with`.asInstanceOf[IVectorWorld]).subtract(position)
val caseX: Boolean = gear.placementSide.offsetX != 0 && deltaPos.y == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0
val caseY: Boolean = gear.placementSide.offsetY != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0
val caseZ: Boolean = gear.placementSide.offsetZ != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.y == 0
if (caseX || caseY || caseZ)
return super.getRadius(dir, `with`)
return if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed) 1.5f else super.getRadius(dir, `with`)
return super.getRadius(dir, `with`)
return if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed) 1.5f else super.getRadius(dir, `with`)
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