IDebugInfo now works with multiparts

This commit is contained in:
Calclavia 2015-01-17 12:58:45 +08:00
parent 75aca7efb1
commit 4a590c5fa2
6 changed files with 192 additions and 158 deletions

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ object ResonantPartFactory extends IPartFactory
MultiPartRegistry.registerParts(this, partMap.keys.toArray)
MultipartGenerator.registerTrait("resonant.api.tile.INodeProvider", "edx.core.prefab.pass.TNodeProvider")
MultipartGenerator.registerTrait("resonant.lib.debug.IDebugInfo", "edx.core.prefab.pass.TDebugInfo")

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package edx.core.prefab.part.connector
import java.util
import java.util.{List => JList}
import codechicken.multipart.TMultiPart
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonant.api.ISave
import resonant.api.tile.INodeProvider
import resonant.api.tile.node.INode
import resonant.lib.debug.DebugInfo
import resonant.lib.debug.IDebugInfo
import resonant.lib.grid.core.Node
import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
* A node trait that can be mixed into any multipart nodes. Mixing this trait will cause nodes to reconstruct/deconstruct when needed.
* @author Calclavia
trait TPartNodeProvider extends PartAbstract with INodeProvider with DebugInfo
trait TPartNodeProvider extends PartAbstract with INodeProvider with IDebugInfo
protected val nodes = new util.HashSet[Node]
@ -70,13 +71,13 @@ trait TPartNodeProvider extends PartAbstract with INodeProvider with DebugInfo
return nodes.filter(node => nodeType.isAssignableFrom(node.getClass)).headOption.getOrElse(null).asInstanceOf[N]
override def getDebugInfo: List[String] =
override def getDebugInfo: JList[String] =
val debugs = nodes.toList.filter(_.isInstanceOf[DebugInfo])
val debugs = nodes.toList.filter(_.isInstanceOf[IDebugInfo])
if (debugs.size > 0)
return[DebugInfo].getDebugInfo).reduceLeft(_ ::: _)
return[IDebugInfo].getDebugInfo.toList).reduceLeft(_ ::: _)
return List[String]()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package edx.core.prefab.pass;
import codechicken.multipart.TMultiPart;
import codechicken.multipart.TileMultipart;
import resonant.lib.debug.IDebugInfo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @author Calclavia
public class TDebugInfo extends TileMultipart implements IDebugInfo
public List<String> getDebugInfo()
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (TMultiPart node : jPartList())
if (node instanceof IDebugInfo)
list.addAll(((IDebugInfo) node).getDebugInfo());
return list;

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import net.minecraftforge.client.model.AdvancedModelLoader
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11._
import resonant.lib.content.prefab.{TElectric, TEnergyStorage, TIO}
import resonant.lib.grid.core.TSpatialNodeProvider
import{TPacketReceiver, TPacketSender}
@ -41,13 +42,14 @@ object TileBattery
def getEnergyForTier(tier: Int) = Math.round(Math.pow(500000000, (tier / (maxTier + 0.7f)) + 1) / 500000000) * 500000000
class TileBattery extends SpatialTile(Material.iron) with TIO with TElectric with TPacketSender with TPacketReceiver with TEnergyStorage
class TileBattery extends SpatialTile(Material.iron) with TIO with TElectric with TSpatialNodeProvider with TPacketSender with TPacketReceiver with TEnergyStorage
var renderEnergyAmount = 0d
var doCharge = false
private var markClientUpdate = false
private var markDistributionUpdate = false
energy = new EnergyStorage
textureName = "material_metal_side"
ioMap = 0

View file

@ -14,165 +14,165 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class MultimeterGrid extends Grid[PartMultimeter](classOf[PartMultimeter]) with IUpdate
final val displayInformation = new ArrayBuffer[String]
* The available graphs to be handled.
final val graphs = new ArrayBuffer[Graph[_]]
final val energyGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("energy", maxData)
final val powerGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("power", maxData)
final val energyCapacityGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("capacity", 1)
final val voltageGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("voltage", maxData)
final val torqueGraph: GraphD = new GraphD("torque", maxData)
final val angularVelocityGraph: GraphD = new GraphD("speed", maxData)
final val fluidGraph: GraphI = new GraphI("fluid", maxData)
final val thermalGraph: GraphF = new GraphF("temperature", maxData)
final val pressureGraph: GraphI = new GraphI("pressure", maxData)
* Maximum data points a graph can store.
private val maxData: Int = 1
* The absolute center of the multimeter screens.
var center: Vector3 = new Vector3
* The relative bound sizes.
var upperBound: Vector3 = new Vector3
var lowerBound: Vector3 = new Vector3
* The overall size of the multimeter
var size: Vector3 = new Vector3
* If the screen is not a perfect rectangle, don't render.
var isEnabled: Boolean = true
var primaryMultimeter: PartMultimeter = null
private var doUpdate: Boolean = false
/*nal val energyGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("energy", maxData)
final val powerGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("power", maxData)
final val energyCapacityGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("capacity", 1)
final val voltageGraph: GraphL = new GraphL("voltage", maxData)
final val torqueGraph: GraphD = new GraphD("torque", maxData)
final val angularVelocityGraph: GraphD = new GraphD("speed", maxData)
final val fluidGraph: GraphI = new GraphI("fluid", maxData)
final val thermalGraph: GraphF = new GraphF("temperature", maxData)
final val pressureGraph: GraphI = new GraphI("pressure", maxData)
fi /**
* Maximum data points a graph can store.
private val maxData: Int = 1 /**
* The absolute center of the multimeter screens.
var center: Vector3 = new Vector3
* The relative bound sizes.
var upperBound: Vector3 = new Vector3
var lowerBound: Vector3 = new Vector3
* The overall size of the multimeter
var size: Vector3 = new Vector3
* If the screen is not a perfect rectangle, don't render.
var isEnabled: Boolean = true
var primaryMultimeter: PartMultimeter = null
private var doUpdate: Boolean = false
graphs += energyGraph
graphs += powerGraph
graphs += energyCapacityGraph
graphs += voltageGraph
graphs += torqueGraph
graphs += angularVelocityGraph
graphs += fluidGraph
graphs += thermalGraph
graphs += pressureGraph
graphs += energyGraph
graphs += powerGraph
graphs += energyCapacityGraph
graphs += voltageGraph
graphs += torqueGraph
graphs += angularVelocityGraph
graphs += fluidGraph
graphs += thermalGraph
graphs += pressureGraph
def getDisplay(graphID: Int): String =
val graph = graphs(graphID)
var graphValue: String = ""
if (graph == energyGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.JOULES, energyGraph.get).toString
if (graph == powerGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.WATT, powerGraph.get).toString
if (graph == energyCapacityGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.JOULES, energyCapacityGraph.get).toString
if (graph == voltageGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.VOLTAGE, voltageGraph.get).toString
if (graph == torqueGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.NEWTON_METER, torqueGraph.get, true).toString
if (graph == angularVelocityGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(angularVelocityGraph.get) + " rad/s"
if (graph == fluidGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.LITER, fluidGraph.get.toInt).toString
if (graph == thermalGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(thermalGraph.get.toFloat) + " K"
if (graph == pressureGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(pressureGraph.get.toInt) + " Pa"
return getLocalized(graph) + ": " + graphValue
def getLocalized(graph: Graph[_]): String =
return LanguageUtility.getLocal("tooltip.graph." +
def isPrimary(check: PartMultimeter): Boolean =
return primaryMultimeter == check
def update(delta: Double)
doUpdate = false
def markUpdate
doUpdate = true
def canUpdate: Boolean =
return doUpdate && continueUpdate
def continueUpdate: Boolean =
return getNodes.size > 0
override def isValidNode(node: AnyRef): Boolean =
return node.isInstanceOf[PartMultimeter] && node.asInstanceOf[PartMultimeter].world != null && node.asInstanceOf[PartMultimeter].tile != null
override def reconstruct
if (getNodes.size > 0)
def getDisplay(graphID: Int): String =
primaryMultimeter = null
upperBound = null
lowerBound = null
center = upperBound.midPoint(lowerBound)
upperBound -= center
lowerBound -= center
size = new Vector3(Math.abs(upperBound.x) + Math.abs(lowerBound.x), Math.abs(upperBound.y) + Math.abs(lowerBound.y), Math.abs(upperBound.z) + Math.abs(lowerBound.z))
val area: Double = (if (size.x != 0) size.x else 1) * (if (size.y != 0) size.y else 1) * (if (size.z != 0) size.z else 1)
isEnabled = area == getNodes.size
val graph = graphs(graphID)
var graphValue: String = ""
if (graph == energyGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.JOULES, energyGraph.get).toString
if (graph == powerGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.WATT, powerGraph.get).toString
if (graph == energyCapacityGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.JOULES, energyCapacityGraph.get).toString
if (graph == voltageGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.VOLTAGE, voltageGraph.get).toString
if (graph == torqueGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.NEWTON_METER, torqueGraph.get, true).toString
if (graph == angularVelocityGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(angularVelocityGraph.get) + " rad/s"
if (graph == fluidGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.LITER, fluidGraph.get.toInt).toString
if (graph == thermalGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(thermalGraph.get.toFloat) + " K"
if (graph == pressureGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(pressureGraph.get.toInt) + " Pa"
return getLocalized(graph) + ": " + graphValue
getNodes foreach (c =>
def getLocalized(graph: Graph[_]): String =
return LanguageUtility.getLocal("tooltip.graph." +
def isPrimary(check: PartMultimeter): Boolean =
return primaryMultimeter == check
def update(delta: Double)
doUpdate = false
def markUpdate
doUpdate = true
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
val nbtList: NBTTagList = nbt.getTagList("graphs", 0)
for (i <- 0 until nbtList.tagCount)
def canUpdate: Boolean =
val nbtCompound: NBTTagCompound = nbtList.getCompoundTagAt(i)
return doUpdate && continueUpdate
def save: NBTTagCompound =
val nbt: NBTTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound
val data: NBTTagList = new NBTTagList
graphs.foreach(g => data.appendTag(
nbt.setTag("graphs", data)
return nbt
def continueUpdate: Boolean =
return getNodes.size > 0
protected override def reconstructNode(node: PartMultimeter)
if (primaryMultimeter == null) primaryMultimeter = node
if (upperBound == null)
override def isValidNode(node: AnyRef): Boolean =
upperBound = node.getPosition.add(1)
return node.isInstanceOf[PartMultimeter] && node.asInstanceOf[PartMultimeter].world != null && node.asInstanceOf[PartMultimeter].tile != null
if (lowerBound == null)
override def reconstruct
lowerBound = node.getPosition
if (getNodes.size > 0)
primaryMultimeter = null
upperBound = null
lowerBound = null
center = upperBound.midPoint(lowerBound)
upperBound -= center
lowerBound -= center
size = new Vector3(Math.abs(upperBound.x) + Math.abs(lowerBound.x), Math.abs(upperBound.y) + Math.abs(lowerBound.y), Math.abs(upperBound.z) + Math.abs(lowerBound.z))
val area: Double = (if (size.x != 0) size.x else 1) * (if (size.y != 0) size.y else 1) * (if (size.z != 0) size.z else 1)
isEnabled = area == getNodes.size
getNodes foreach (c =>
doUpdate = true
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
val nbtList: NBTTagList = nbt.getTagList("graphs", 0)
for (i <- 0 until nbtList.tagCount)
val nbtCompound: NBTTagCompound = nbtList.getCompoundTagAt(i)
def save: NBTTagCompound =
val nbt: NBTTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound
val data: NBTTagList = new NBTTagList
graphs.foreach(g => data.appendTag(
nbt.setTag("graphs", data)
return nbt
protected override def reconstructNode(node: PartMultimeter)
if (primaryMultimeter == null) primaryMultimeter = node
if (upperBound == null)
upperBound = node.getPosition.add(1)
if (lowerBound == null)
lowerBound = node.getPosition
upperBound = upperBound.max(node.getPosition.add(1))
lowerBound = lowerBound.min(node.getPosition)
upperBound = upperBound.max(node.getPosition.add(1))
lowerBound = lowerBound.min(node.getPosition)

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package edx.mechanical.mech.grid
import edx.core.interfaces.TNodeMechanical
import edx.core.prefab.node.TMultipartNode
import resonant.api.tile.INodeProvider
import resonant.lib.debug.DebugInfo
import resonant.lib.debug.IDebugInfo
import resonant.lib.grid.core.{GridNode, NodeGrid, TTileConnector}
import resonant.lib.transform.vector.IVectorWorld
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
* @author Calclavia, Darkguardsman
class NodeMechanical(parent: INodeProvider) extends NodeGrid[NodeMechanical](parent) with TTileConnector[NodeMechanical] with TMultipartNode[NodeMechanical] with TNodeMechanical with IVectorWorld with DebugInfo
class NodeMechanical(parent: INodeProvider) extends NodeGrid[NodeMechanical](parent) with TTileConnector[NodeMechanical] with TMultipartNode[NodeMechanical] with TNodeMechanical with IVectorWorld with IDebugInfo
* Angle calculations
@ -51,15 +51,6 @@ class NodeMechanical(parent: INodeProvider) extends NodeGrid[NodeMechanical](par
return prevAngle
* Gets the angular velocity of the mechanical device from a specific side
* @return Angular velocity in meters per second
override def angularVelocity = _angularVelocity
def angularVelocity_=(newVel: Double) = _angularVelocity = newVel
* Sets the mechanical node's angle based on its connections
@ -98,6 +89,15 @@ class NodeMechanical(parent: INodeProvider) extends NodeGrid[NodeMechanical](par
override def toString = "NodeMechanical [" + connections.size() + " Torque: " + BigDecimal(torque).setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP) + " Velocity: " + BigDecimal(angularVelocity).setScale(2, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP) + "]"
* Gets the angular velocity of the mechanical device from a specific side
* @return Angular velocity in meters per second
override def angularVelocity = _angularVelocity
def angularVelocity_=(newVel: Double) = _angularVelocity = newVel
* Gets the torque of the mechanical device from a specific side