Build script fix #1
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 137 additions and 118 deletions
@ -15,10 +15,8 @@ buildscript {
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'scala'
apply plugin: 'scala'
apply plugin: 'forge'
apply plugin: 'forge'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
ext.buildProps = file ""
ext.buildProps = file ""
@ -29,32 +27,128 @@ buildProps.withReader {
ext.config = new ConfigSlurper().parse prop
ext.config = new ConfigSlurper().parse prop
group = "resonantinduction"
version = "${config.version.mod.major}.${config.version.mod.minor}.${config.version.mod.revis}"
archivesBaseName = "${System.getenv().JOB_NAME}"
minecraft {
if (System.getenv("TEAMCITY_BUILDCONF_NAME").equalsIgnoreCase("Production")) {
version = "${rootProject.config.version.minecraft}-${rootProject.config.version.forge}"
group = "com.calclavia.resonantinduction"
archivesBaseName = System.getenv("TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME").replaceAll(" ", "-")
replaceIn ""
} else {
replace "@MAJOR@", rootProject.config.version.mod.major
group = "dev.calclavia.resonantinduction"
replace "@MINOR@", rootProject.config.version.mod.minor
archivesBaseName = System.getenv("TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME").replaceAll(" ", "-") + "-" + System.getenv("TEAMCITY_BUILDCONF_NAME")
replace "@REVIS@", rootProject.config.version.mod.revis
replace "@BUILD@", "${System.getenv().BUILD_NUMBER}"
subprojects*.apply plugin: 'java'
minecraft {
subprojects*.apply plugin: 'scala'
version = "${config.version.minecraft}-${config.version.forge}"
allprojects {
replaceIn ""
version = "${config.version.mod.major}.${config.version.mod.minor}.${config.version.mod.revis}"
replace "@MAJOR@", config.version.mod.major
replace "@MINOR@", config.version.mod.minor
replace "@REVIS@", config.version.mod.revis
replace "@BUILD@", System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER")
if (System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER") != null)
if (System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER") != null)
version += ".${System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER")}"
version += ".${System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER")}"
processResources {
| "version", project.version
| "mcversion", project.minecraft.version
// replace stuff in text files, not binary ones.
from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs) {
include '**/*.info'
// replace version and MCVersion
// forge version is also accessible via project.minecraftforgeVersion
// it contains the full minecraft version, including buildNumber
expand 'version': project.version, 'mcversion': project.minecraft.version
// copy everything else, thats not text
from ''
task copyBuildXml(type: Copy) {
from ''
into 'output'
* Generates a TeamCity XML changelog via the REST API.
task("createChangelog").doLast {
def teamCityURL = ""
* Create a new file
def file = new FileOutputStream("output/changelog.xml")
def out = new BufferedOutputStream(file)
* Grab the build first, parse the XML to find the changelog XML URL
def changesXML = new XmlSlurper().parse(teamCityURL + "guestAuth/app/rest/changes?locator=build:(id:" + teamcity[""] + ")")
def changes = changesXML.change
* Add the XML definition header in the front of the file and remove all other occurrences of the XML header
out << ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?><changes>")
println("createChangelog: Identified " + changes.size() + " changes to be written into the changelog.")
for (int i = 0; i < changes.size(); i++) {
* Write each changelog XML into the URL
def changelogURL = teamCityURL + "guestAuth/app/rest/changes/id:" + changes[i].@id.text()
out << new URL(changelogURL).getText().replaceAll("<\\?xml version=\"1\\.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"\\?>", "")
out << "</changes>"
jar {
dependsOn copyBuildXml, createChangelog
classifier = 'core'
destinationDir = file 'output'
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifact jar
artifact("output/changelog.xml") {
classifier "changelog"
extension "xml"
artifact("output/") {
classifier "build"
extension "properties"
repositories {
maven {
url "file://var/www/maven"
repositories {
repositories {
maven {
maven {
name "Calclavia maven"
name 'Calclavia Maven'
url ""
url ''
maven {
name = "forge"
url = ""
maven {
maven {
name "Mobius Repo"
name "Mobius Repo"
@ -64,99 +158,24 @@ repositories {
name "CB Repo"
name "CB Repo"
url ""
url ""
maven {
name = "forge"
url = ""
ivy {
name 'FMP'
artifactPattern "[module]/[module]-dev-[revision].[ext]"
dependencies {
compile group: 'universalelectricity', name: 'Universal-Electricity', version: "${rootProject.config.version.universalelectricity}", classifier: "dev"
dependencies {
if (System.getenv().JOB_NAME != null && System.getenv().JOB_NAME == "Resonant-Induction-Development")
if (System.getenv().JOB_NAME != null && System.getenv().JOB_NAME == "Resonant-Induction-Development")
compile group: 'resonant-engine-development', name: 'resonant-engine', version: "${config.version.resonantengine}", classifier: "dev"
compile group: 'dev.calclavia.universalelectricity', name: 'Universal-Electricity', version: "${rootProject.config.version.universalelectricity}", classifier: "dev"
compile group: 'resonant-engine', name: 'resonant-engine', version: "${config.version.resonantengine}", classifier: "dev"
compile group: 'dev.calclavia.resonantengine', name: 'Resonant-Engine', version: "${config.version.resonantengine}", classifier: "dev"
compile name: 'CodeChickenLib', version: "${config.version.minecraft}-${config.version.cclib}", ext: 'jar'
compile name: 'ForgeMultipart', version: "${config.version.minecraft}-${config.version.fmp}", ext: 'jar'
compile name: 'NotEnoughItems', version: "${config.version.nei}", ext: 'jar'
compile name: 'CodeChickenCore', version: "${config.version.cccore}", ext: 'jar'
compile group: 'com.calclavia.universalelectricity', name: 'Universal-Electricity', version: "${rootProject.config.version.universalelectricity}", classifier: "dev"
compile name: 'UniversalElectricity', version: "${config.version.universalelectricity}", ext: 'jar'
compile group: 'com.calclavia.resonantengine', name: 'Resonant-Engine', version: "${config.version.resonantengine}", classifier: "dev"
jar {
compile group: 'codechicken', name: 'CodeChickenLib', version: "${config.version.minecraft}-${config.version.cclib}", ext: 'jar'
classifier =
compile group: 'codechicken', name: 'ForgeMultipart', version: "${config.version.minecraft}-${config.version.fmp}", ext: 'jar'
dependsOn ":copyBuildXml"
compile group: 'codechicken', name: 'NotEnoughItems', version: "${config.version.nei}", ext: 'jar'
destinationDir = file (rootProject.getRootDir().getPath() + '/output')
compile group: 'codechicken', name: 'CodeChickenCore', version: "${config.version.cccore}", ext: 'jar'
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifact jar
repositories {
maven {
url "file://var/www/maven"
subprojects {
archivesBaseName = "${System.getenv().JOB_NAME}"
sourceSets.main.compileClasspath += rootProject.sourceSets.api.output
dependencies {
compile rootProject
rootProject.tasks.reobf {
reobf(tasks.jar) { spec ->
spec.classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
processResources {
from ''
task copyBuildXml(type: Copy) {
from ''
into 'output'
task apiZip(type: Zip) {
classifier = 'api'
from sourceSets*.allSource
include 'resonantinduction/api/**'
destinationDir = file 'output'
artifacts {
archives apiZip
import net.minecraftforge.gradle.common.Constants
import net.minecraftforge.gradle.delayed.*
task createChangelog(type: ChangelogTask) {
def jobName = "${System.getenv().JOB_NAME}"
def buildNumber = "${System.getenv().BUILD_NUMBER}"
setServerRoot(new DelayedString(project, ''))
setJobName(new DelayedString(project, jobName.toString()));
setAuthName(new DelayedString(project, 'console_script'));
setAuthPassword(new DelayedString(project, '625d2ac53190be3422faa0c474fb299b'));
setOutput(new DelayedFile(project, 'output/' + jobName + "-${project.version}" + '-changelog' + '.txt'));
build.dependsOn "apiZip", "copyBuildXml", "createChangelog"
Add table
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