Worked on chem element enum some more
Added room phase state to each as well classification to each. Generally will not be used as much though i might handle how each work as a fluid.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 336 additions and 130 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
package universalelectricity.core.vector;
import universalelectricity.core.vector.Vector3;
/** Simple quaternion class designed to be used for rotation of objects.
* @author DarkGuardsman */
public class Quaternion
public static final float TOLERANCE = 0.00001f;
float x, y, z, w;
public Quaternion()
this(0, 0, 0, 1);
public Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.w = w;
public Quaternion(Vector3 vec, float w)
this((float) vec.x, (float) vec.y, (float) vec.z, w);
public void set(Quaternion quaternion)
w = quaternion.w;
x = quaternion.x;
y = quaternion.y;
z = quaternion.z;
public void set(float x, float y, float z, float w)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.w = w;
/** Normalizes the Quaternion only if its outside the min errors range */
public void normalise()
// Don't normalize if we don't have to
double mag2 = w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z;
if (Math.abs(mag2) > TOLERANCE && Math.abs(mag2 - 1.0f) > TOLERANCE)
float mag = (float) Math.sqrt(mag2);
w /= mag;
x /= mag;
y /= mag;
z /= mag;
/** Gets the inverse of this Quaternion */
public Quaternion getConj()
return new Quaternion(-x, -y, -z, w);
public void conj()
x = -x;
y = -y;
z = -z;
/** Multiplying q1 with q2 applies the rotation q2 to q1 */
public Quaternion multi(Quaternion rq)
return new Quaternion(w * rq.x + x * rq.w + y * rq.z - z * rq.y, w * rq.y + y * rq.w + z * rq.x - x * rq.z, w * rq.z + z * rq.w + x * rq.y - y * rq.x, w * rq.w - x * rq.x - y * rq.y - z * rq.z);
public void multLocal(Quaternion q)
Quaternion temp = this.multi(q);
/** Multi a vector against this in other words applying rotation */
public Vector3 multi(Vector3 vec)
Vector3 vn = vec.clone();
Quaternion vecQuat = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), resQuat;
vecQuat.x = (float) vn.x;
vecQuat.y = (float) vn.y;
vecQuat.z = (float) vn.z;
vecQuat.w = 0.0f;
resQuat = vecQuat.multi(this.getConj());
resQuat = this.multi(resQuat);
return new Vector3(resQuat.x, resQuat.y, resQuat.z);
public void FromAxis(Vector3 v, float angle)
angle *= 0.5f;
Vector3 vn = v.clone();
float sinAngle = (float) Math.sin(angle);
x = (float) (vn.x * sinAngle);
y = (float) (vn.y * sinAngle);
z = (float) (vn.z * sinAngle);
w = (float) Math.cos(angle);
// Convert from Euler Angles
public void FromEuler(float pitch, float yaw, float roll)
// Basically we create 3 Quaternions, one for pitch, one for yaw, one for roll
// and multiply those together.
// the calculation below does the same, just shorter
float p = (float) (pitch * (Math.PI / 180) / 2.0);
float y = (float) (yaw * (Math.PI / 180) / 2.0);
float r = (float) (roll * (Math.PI / 180) / 2.0);
float sinp = (float) Math.sin(p);
float siny = (float) Math.sin(y);
float sinr = (float) Math.sin(r);
float cosp = (float) Math.cos(p);
float cosy = (float) Math.cos(y);
float cosr = (float) Math.cos(r);
x = sinr * cosp * cosy - cosr * sinp * siny;
y = cosr * sinp * cosy + sinr * cosp * siny;
z = cosr * cosp * siny - sinr * sinp * cosy;
w = cosr * cosp * cosy + sinr * sinp * siny;
/* Convert to Matrix
public Matrix4 getMatrix()
float x2 = (float) (x * x);
float y2 = (float) (y * y);
float z2 = (float) (z * z);
float xy = (float) (x * y);
float xz = (float) (x * z);
float yz = (float) (y * z);
float wx = (float) (w * x);
float wy = (float) (w * y);
float wz = (float) (w * z);
// This calculation would be a lot more complicated for non-unit length quaternions
// Note: The constructor of Matrix4 expects the Matrix in column-major format like expected
// by
// OpenGL
return new Matrix4(1.0f - 2.0f * (y2 + z2), 2.0f * (xy - wz), 2.0f * (xz + wy), 0.0f, 2.0f * (xy + wz), 1.0f - 2.0f * (x2 + z2), 2.0f * (yz - wx), 0.0f, 2.0f * (xz - wy), 2.0f * (yz + wx), 1.0f - 2.0f * (x2 + y2), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Convert to Axis/Angles
public void getAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle)
float scale = (float) Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
x = x / scale;
y = y / scale;
z = z / scale;
angle = (float) (Math.acos(w) * 2.0f);
public String toString()
return "<" + x + "x " + y + "y " + z + "z @" + w + ">";
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.builtbroken.common;
/** List of element from the periodic table of elements for any kind of use. Is not complete for all
* parts but each element should have a listed names, symbol, and atomic mass. Atomic number should
* be the placement # in the list. Var ZERO should not be used as its designed to offset the
@ -12,123 +13,123 @@ package com.builtbroken.common;
public enum ChemElement
/** Placeholder so that hydrogen starts as number one */
ZERO("ZERO", "ZERO", 0, 0),
Hydrogen("Hydrogen", "H", 1.00794f, 0.08988f),
Helium("Helium", "He", 4.002602f, 0.1785f),
Lithium("Lithium", "Li", 6.941f, 0.53f),
Beryllium("Beryllium", "Be", 9.012182f, 1.8477f),
Boron("Boron", "B", 10.811f),
Carbon("Carbon", "C", 12.0107f),
Nitrogen("Nitrogen", "N", 14.0067f),
Oxygen("Oxygen", "O", 15.9994f),
Fluorine("Fluorine", "F", 18.9994f),
Neon("Neon", "Ne", 20.1797f),
Sodium("Sodium", "Na", 22.98976928f),
Magnesium("Magnesium", "Mg", 24.305f),
aluminium("aluminium", "Al", 26.9815386f),
Silicon("Silicon", "Si", 28.0855f),
Phosphorus("Phosphorus", "P", 30.973762f),
Sulphur("Sulphur", "S", 32.065f),
Chlorine("Chlorine", "Cl", 35.453f),
Argon("Argon", "Ar", 39.948f),
Potassium("Potassium", "K", 39.0983f),
Calcium("Calcium", "Ca", 40.078f),
Scandium("Scandium", "Sc", 44.955912f),
Titanium("Titanium", "Ti", 47.867f),
Vanadium("Vanadium", "V", 50.9415f),
Chromium("Chromium", "Cr", 51.9961f),
Manganese("Manganese", "Mn", 54.938045f),
Iron("Iron", "Fe", 55.845f),
Cobalt("Cobalt", "Co", 58.933195f),
Nickel("Nickel", "Ni", 58.6934f),
Copper("Copper", "Cu", 63.546f),
Zinc("Zinc", "Zn", 65.38f),
Gallium("Gallium", "Ga", 69.723f),
Germanium("Germanium", "Ge", 72.64f),
Arsenic("Arsenic", "As", 74.9216f),
Selenium("Selenium", "Se", 78.96f),
Bromine("Bromine", "Br", 79.904f),
Krypton("Krypton", "Kr", 83.798f),
Rubidium("Rubidium", "Rb", 85.4678f),
Strontium("Strontium", "Sr", 87.62f),
Yttrium("Yttrium", "Y", 88.90585f),
Zirkonium("Zirkonium", "Zr", 91.224f),
Niobium("Niobium", "Nb", 92.90638f),
Molybdaenum("Molybdaenum", "Mo", 95.96f),
Technetium("Technetium", "Tc", 98f),
Ruthenium("Ruthenium", "Ru", 101.07f),
Rhodium("Rhodium", "Rh", 102.9055f),
Palladium("Palladium", "Pd", 106.42f),
Silver("Silver", "Ag", 107.8682f),
Cadmium("Cadmium", "Cd", 112.411f),
Indium("Indium", "In", 114.818f),
Tin("Tin", "Sn", 118.71f),
Antimony("Antimony", "Sb", 121.76f),
Tellurium("Tellurium", "Te", 127.6f),
Iodine("Iodine", "I", 126.90447f),
Xenon("Xenon", "Xe", 131.293f),
Cesium("Cesium", "Cs", 132.9054519f),
Barium("Barium", "Ba", 137.327f),
Lanthanum("Lanthanum", "La", 138.90547f),
Cerium("Cerium", "Ce", 140.116f),
Praseodymium("Praseodymium", "Pr", 140.90765f),
Neodymium("Neodymium", "Nd", 144.242f),
Promethium("Promethium", "Pm", 145f),
Samarium("Samarium", "Sm", 150.36f),
Europium("Europium", "Eu", 151.964f),
Gadolinium("Gadolinium", "Gd", 157.25f),
Terbium("Terbium", "Tb", 158.92535f),
Dysprosium("Dysprosium", "Dy", 162.5001f),
Holmium("Holmium", "Ho", 164.93032f),
Erbium("Erbium", "Er", 167.259f),
Thulium("Thulium", "Tm", 168.93421f),
Ytterbium("Ytterbium", "Yb", 173.054f),
Lutetium("Lutetium", "Lu", 174.9668f),
Hafnium("Hafnium", "Hf", 178.49f),
Tantalum("Tantalum", "Ta", 180.94788f),
Tungsten("Tungsten", "W", 183.84f),
Rhenium("Rhenium", "Re", 186.207f),
Osmium("Osmium", "Os", 190.23f),
Iridium("Iridium", "Ir", 192.217f),
Platinum("Platinum", "Pt", 192.084f),
Gold("Gold", "Au", 196.966569f),
Hydrargyrum("Hydrargyrum", "Hg", 200.59f),
Thallium("Thallium", "Tl", 204.3833f),
Lead("Lead", "Pb", 207.2f),
Bismuth("Bismuth", "Bi", 208.980401f),
Polonium("Polonium", "Po", 210f),
Astatine("Astatine", "At", 210f),
Radon("Radon", "Rn", 220f),
Francium("Francium", "Fr", 223f),
Radium("Radium", "Ra", 226f),
Actinium("Actinium", "Ac", 227f),
Thorium("Thorium", "Th", 232.03806f),
Protactinium("Protactinium", "Pa", 231.03588f),
Uranium("Uranium", "U", 238.02891f),
Neptunium("Neptunium", "Np", 237f),
Plutonium("Plutonium", "Pu", 244f),
Americium("Americium", "Am", 243f),
Curium("Curium", "Cm", 247f),
Berkelium("Berkelium", "Bk", 247f),
Californium("Californium", "Cf", 251f),
Einsteinium("Einsteinium", "Es", 252f),
Fermium("Fermium", "Fm", 257f),
Mendelevium("Mendelevium", "Md", 258f),
Nobelium("Nobelium", "No", 259f),
Lawrencium("Lawrencium", "Lr", 262f),
Rutherfordium("Rutherfordium", "Rf", 261f),
Dubnium("Dubnium", "Db", 262f),
Seaborgium("Seaborgium", "Sg", 266f),
Bohrium("Bohrium", "Bh", 264f),
Hassium("Hassium", "Hs", 277f),
Meitnerium("Meitnerium", "Mt", 268f),
Ununnilium("Ununnilium", "Ds", 271f),
Unununium("Unununium", "Rg", 272f),
Ununbium("Ununbium", "Uub", 285f),
Ununtrium("Ununtrium", "Uut", 284f),
Ununquadium("Ununquadium", "Uuq", 289f),
Ununpentium("Ununpentium", "Uup", 288f),
Ununhexium("Ununhexium", "Uuh", 292f);
ZERO("ZERO", "ZERO", 0, 0, null, null),
Hydrogen("Hydrogen", "H", 1.00794f, 0.08988f, ElementClassifications.nonmetal, MatterPhase.gas),
Helium("Helium", "He", 4.002602f, 0.1785f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Lithium("Lithium", "Li", 6.941f, 0.53f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Beryllium("Beryllium", "Be", 9.012182f, 1.8477f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Boron("Boron", "B", 10.811f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Carbon("Carbon", "C", 12.0107f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Nitrogen("Nitrogen", "N", 14.0067f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Oxygen("Oxygen", "O", 15.9994f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Fluorine("Fluorine", "F", 18.9994f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Neon("Neon", "Ne", 20.1797f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Sodium("Sodium", "Na", 22.98976928f, ElementClassifications.alkaliMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Magnesium("Magnesium", "Mg", 24.305f, ElementClassifications.alkalineEarthMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
aluminium("aluminium", "Al", 26.9815386f, ElementClassifications.otherMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Silicon("Silicon", "Si", 28.0855f, ElementClassifications.otherMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Phosphorus("Phosphorus", "P", 30.973762f, ElementClassifications.nonmetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Sulphur("Sulphur", "S", 32.065f, ElementClassifications.nonmetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Chlorine("Chlorine", "Cl", 35.453f, ElementClassifications.halogen, MatterPhase.gas),
Argon("Argon", "Ar", 39.948f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Potassium("Potassium", "K", 39.0983f, ElementClassifications.alkaliMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Calcium("Calcium", "Ca", 40.078f, ElementClassifications.alkalineEarthMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Scandium("Scandium", "Sc", 44.955912f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Titanium("Titanium", "Ti", 47.867f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Vanadium("Vanadium", "V", 50.9415f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Chromium("Chromium", "Cr", 51.9961f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Manganese("Manganese", "Mn", 54.938045f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Iron("Iron", "Fe", 55.845f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Cobalt("Cobalt", "Co", 58.933195f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Nickel("Nickel", "Ni", 58.6934f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Copper("Copper", "Cu", 63.546f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Zinc("Zinc", "Zn", 65.38f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Gallium("Gallium", "Ga", 69.723f, ElementClassifications.otherMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Germanium("Germanium", "Ge", 72.64f, ElementClassifications.semimetallic, MatterPhase.solid),
Arsenic("Arsenic", "As", 74.9216f, ElementClassifications.semimetallic, MatterPhase.solid),
Selenium("Selenium", "Se", 78.96f, ElementClassifications.nonmetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Bromine("Bromine", "Br", 79.904f, ElementClassifications.halogen, MatterPhase.liquid),
Krypton("Krypton", "Kr", 83.798f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Rubidium("Rubidium", "Rb", 85.4678f, ElementClassifications.alkaliMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Strontium("Strontium", "Sr", 87.62f, ElementClassifications.alkalineEarthMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Yttrium("Yttrium", "Y", 88.90585f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Zirkonium("Zirkonium", "Zr", 91.224f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Niobium("Niobium", "Nb", 92.90638f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Molybdaenum("Molybdaenum", "Mo", 95.96f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Technetium("Technetium", "Tc", 98f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Ruthenium("Ruthenium", "Ru", 101.07f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Rhodium("Rhodium", "Rh", 102.9055f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Palladium("Palladium", "Pd", 106.42f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Silver("Silver", "Ag", 107.8682f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Cadmium("Cadmium", "Cd", 112.411f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Indium("Indium", "In", 114.818f, ElementClassifications.otherMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Tin("Tin", "Sn", 118.71f, ElementClassifications.otherMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Antimony("Antimony", "Sb", 121.76f, ElementClassifications.semimetallic, MatterPhase.solid),
Tellurium("Tellurium", "Te", 127.6f, ElementClassifications.semimetallic, MatterPhase.solid),
Iodine("Iodine", "I", 126.90447f, ElementClassifications.halogen, MatterPhase.solid),
Xenon("Xenon", "Xe", 131.293f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Cesium("Cesium", "Cs", 132.9054519f, ElementClassifications.alkaliMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Barium("Barium", "Ba", 137.327f, ElementClassifications.alkalineEarthMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Lanthanum("Lanthanum", "La", 138.90547f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Cerium("Cerium", "Ce", 140.116f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Praseodymium("Praseodymium", "Pr", 140.90765f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Neodymium("Neodymium", "Nd", 144.242f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Promethium("Promethium", "Pm", 145f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Samarium("Samarium", "Sm", 150.36f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Europium("Europium", "Eu", 151.964f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Gadolinium("Gadolinium", "Gd", 157.25f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Terbium("Terbium", "Tb", 158.92535f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Dysprosium("Dysprosium", "Dy", 162.5001f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Holmium("Holmium", "Ho", 164.93032f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Erbium("Erbium", "Er", 167.259f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Thulium("Thulium", "Tm", 168.93421f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Ytterbium("Ytterbium", "Yb", 173.054f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Lutetium("Lutetium", "Lu", 174.9668f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Hafnium("Hafnium", "Hf", 178.49f, ElementClassifications.lanthanide, MatterPhase.solid),
Tantalum("Tantalum", "Ta", 180.94788f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Tungsten("Tungsten", "W", 183.84f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Rhenium("Rhenium", "Re", 186.207f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Osmium("Osmium", "Os", 190.23f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Iridium("Iridium", "Ir", 192.217f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Platinum("Platinum", "Pt", 192.084f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Gold("Gold", "Au", 196.966569f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Hydrargyrum("Hydrargyrum", "Hg", 200.59f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Thallium("Thallium", "Tl", 204.3833f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Lead("Lead", "Pb", 207.2f, ElementClassifications.otherMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Bismuth("Bismuth", "Bi", 208.980401f, ElementClassifications.otherMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Polonium("Polonium", "Po", 210f, ElementClassifications.semimetallic, MatterPhase.solid),
Astatine("Astatine", "At", 210f, ElementClassifications.halogen, MatterPhase.solid),
Radon("Radon", "Rn", 220f, ElementClassifications.inertGas, MatterPhase.gas),
Francium("Francium", "Fr", 223f, ElementClassifications.alkaliMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Radium("Radium", "Ra", 226f, ElementClassifications.alkalineEarthMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Actinium("Actinium", "Ac", 227f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Thorium("Thorium", "Th", 232.03806f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Protactinium("Protactinium", "Pa", 231.03588f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Uranium("Uranium", "U", 238.02891f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Neptunium("Neptunium", "Np", 237f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Plutonium("Plutonium", "Pu", 244f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Americium("Americium", "Am", 243f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Curium("Curium", "Cm", 247f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Berkelium("Berkelium", "Bk", 247f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Californium("Californium", "Cf", 251f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Einsteinium("Einsteinium", "Es", 252f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Fermium("Fermium", "Fm", 257f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Mendelevium("Mendelevium", "Md", 258f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Nobelium("Nobelium", "No", 259f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Lawrencium("Lawrencium", "Lr", 262f, ElementClassifications.actinide, MatterPhase.solid),
Rutherfordium("Rutherfordium", "Rf", 261f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Dubnium("Dubnium", "Db", 262f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Seaborgium("Seaborgium", "Sg", 266f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Bohrium("Bohrium", "Bh", 264f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Hassium("Hassium", "Hs", 277f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Meitnerium("Meitnerium", "Mt", 268f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Ununnilium("Ununnilium", "Ds", 271f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Unununium("Unununium", "Rg", 272f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Ununbium("Ununbium", "Uub", 285f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Ununtrium("Ununtrium", "Uut", 284f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Ununquadium("Ununquadium", "Uuq", 289f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Ununpentium("Ununpentium", "Uup", 288f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid),
Ununhexium("Ununhexium", "Uuh", 292f, ElementClassifications.transitionMetal, MatterPhase.solid);
/** g/cm^3 */
public float density;
@ -138,16 +139,16 @@ public enum ChemElement
public String elementName = "element";
public String elementSymbol = "element";
private ChemElement(String name, String symbol, float atomicMass)
private ChemElement(String name, String symbol, float atomicMass, ElementClassifications type, MatterPhase defaultPhase)
this.elementName = name;
this.elementSymbol = symbol;
this.atomicMass = atomicMass;
private ChemElement(String name, String symbol, float atomicMass, float density)
private ChemElement(String name, String symbol, float atomicMass, float density, ElementClassifications type, MatterPhase defaultPhase)
this(name, symbol, atomicMass);
this(name, symbol, atomicMass, type, defaultPhase);
this.density = density;
@ -10,16 +10,15 @@ public enum ChemThermal
/** Placeholder so that hydrogen starts as number one */
Hydrogen(MatterPhase.Gas, 14.01f, 20.28f, 0.558f, 0.558f, 14300f),
Helium(MatterPhase.Gas, 0, 4.22f, 0.02f, 0.083f, 5193.1f),
Lithium(MatterPhase.Solid, 543.69f, 1615f, 3f, 147f, 3570f),
Hydrogen(14.01f, 20.28f, 0.558f, 0.558f, 14300f),
Helium(0, 4.22f, 0.02f, 0.083f, 5193.1f),
Lithium(543.69f, 1615f, 3f, 147f, 3570f),
public MatterPhase phase = MatterPhase.Solid;
public float meltingPointKelvin;
public float boilingPointKelvin;
/** kJ/mol */
@ -37,9 +36,8 @@ public enum ChemThermal
private ChemThermal(MatterPhase phase, float meltingPoint, float boilingPoint, float fisionHeat, float vaporHeat, float specificHeat)
private ChemThermal(float meltingPoint, float boilingPoint, float fisionHeat, float vaporHeat, float specificHeat)
this.phase = phase;
this.meltingPointKelvin = meltingPoint;
this.boilingPointKelvin = boilingPoint;
this.heatOfFusion = fisionHeat;
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package com.builtbroken.common;
public enum ElementClassifications
inertGas("Inert gas"),
alkaliMetal("Alkali metal"),
alkalineEarthMetal("Alkaline earth metal"),
otherMetal("Other metal"),
transitionMetal("Transition metal"),
final String name;
private ElementClassifications(String name)
|||| = name;
public String toString()
return name;
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package com.builtbroken.common;
public enum MatterPhase
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