package edx.quantum.laser import java.awt.Color import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.ReflectionHelper import edx.core.Electrodynamics import net.minecraft.block.material.Material import net.minecraft.block.{Block, BlockStainedGlass, BlockStainedGlassPane, BlockTNT} import net.minecraft.init.Blocks import net.minecraft.item.ItemDye import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityFurnace import net.minecraft.util.{DamageSource, MovingObjectPosition} import import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.Vector3 import scala.collection.mutable /** * Handles laser interaction * @author Calclavia */ object Laser { val maxDistance = 100 val minEnergy = 100d val maxEnergy = 20000d val minEnergyToMine = 10000d val maxEnergyToMine = 500000d val minBurnEnergy = minEnergyToMine val currentBlockEnergy = mutable.HashMap[Vector3, Double]() val accumilatedBlockEnergy = mutable.HashMap[Vector3, Double]() var lastUpdateTime = 0L def spawn(world: World, start: Vector3, direction: Vector3, energy: Double) { spawn(world, start, start, direction, energy) } def spawn(world: World, start: Vector3, renderStart: Vector3, direction: Vector3, energy: Double) { spawn(world, start, renderStart, direction, new Vector3(1, 1, 1), energy) } def spawn(world: World, start: Vector3, renderStart: Vector3, direction: Vector3, color: Vector3, energy: Double) { if (energy > minEnergy) { val maxPos = start + (direction * maxDistance) val hit = start.rayTrace(world, maxPos) if (hit != null) { if (hit.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.BLOCK) { val hitVec = new Vector3(hit.hitVec) val hitBlockPos = new Vector3(hit.blockX, hit.blockY, hit.blockZ) /** * Handle Mirror Reflection */ val hitTile = world.getTileEntity(hit.blockX, hit.blockY, hit.blockZ) val hitBlock = world.getBlock(hit.blockX, hit.blockY, hit.blockZ) val hitMetadata = world.getBlockMetadata(hit.blockX, hit.blockY, hit.blockZ) if (hitTile.isInstanceOf[ILaserHandler]) { if (!hitTile.asInstanceOf[ILaserHandler].onLaserHit(renderStart, direction, hit, color, energy)) { Electrodynamics.proxy.renderLaser(world, renderStart, hitVec, color, energy) } } else if (hitBlock.getMaterial == { Electrodynamics.proxy.renderLaser(world, renderStart, hitVec, color, energy) var newColor = color if (hitBlock.isInstanceOf[BlockStainedGlass] || hitBlock.isInstanceOf[BlockStainedGlassPane]) { val dyeColor = new Color(ItemDye.field_150922_c(blockToDye(hitMetadata))) newColor = new Vector3(dyeColor.getRed, dyeColor.getGreen, dyeColor.getBlue).normalize } spawn(world, hitVec + direction * 0.9, hitVec, direction, ((newColor + color) / 2).normalize, energy / 1.05) } else { /** * Attempt to burn block */ if (!world.isRemote) { val hardness = hitBlock.getBlockHardness(world, hitBlockPos.x.toInt, hitBlockPos.y.toInt, hitBlockPos.z.toInt) if (hardness != -1) { if (lastUpdateTime != world.getWorldTime) { currentBlockEnergy.clear lastUpdateTime = world.getWorldTime } val energyOnBlock = (if (currentBlockEnergy.contains(hitBlockPos)) currentBlockEnergy(hitBlockPos) else 0) + energy currentBlockEnergy.put(hitBlockPos, energyOnBlock) if (hitTile.isInstanceOf[TileEntityFurnace]) { /** * Cook in furnace */ val furnace = hitTile.asInstanceOf[TileEntityFurnace] try { if (ReflectionHelper.findMethod(classOf[TileEntityFurnace], furnace, Array("canSmelt", "func_145948_k")).invoke(furnace).asInstanceOf[Boolean]) { furnace.furnaceBurnTime = Math.max(2, furnace.furnaceBurnTime) furnace.furnaceCookTime = Math.min(199, furnace.furnaceCookTime + (15 * (energy / maxEnergy)).toInt) } } catch { case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace() } } else { if (energyOnBlock > minEnergyToMine) { /** * The laser can mine the hitBlock! */ val accumulatedEnergy = (if (accumilatedBlockEnergy.contains(hitBlockPos)) accumilatedBlockEnergy(hitBlockPos) else 0) + energy accumilatedBlockEnergy.put(hitBlockPos, accumulatedEnergy) val energyRequiredToMineBlock = hardness * maxEnergyToMine world.destroyBlockInWorldPartially(Block.blockRegistry.getIDForObject(hitBlock), hitBlockPos.x.toInt, hitBlockPos.y.toInt, hitBlockPos.z.toInt, (accumulatedEnergy / energyRequiredToMineBlock * 10).toInt) if (accumulatedEnergy > energyRequiredToMineBlock) { hitBlock.dropBlockAsItem(world, hitBlockPos.x.toInt, hitBlockPos.y.toInt, hitBlockPos.z.toInt, world.getBlockMetadata(hitBlockPos.x.toInt, hitBlockPos.y.toInt, hitBlockPos.z.toInt), 0) world.setBlockToAir(hitBlockPos.x.toInt, hitBlockPos.y.toInt, hitBlockPos.z.toInt) accumilatedBlockEnergy.remove(hitBlockPos) } } else { //accumilatedBlockEnergy.remove(hitBlockPos) } /** * Catch Fire */ if (energyOnBlock > minBurnEnergy && hitBlock.getMaterial.getCanBurn) { if (hitBlock.isInstanceOf[BlockTNT]) { hitBlock.asInstanceOf[BlockTNT].func_150114_a(world, hitBlockPos.x.toInt, hitBlockPos.y.toInt, hitBlockPos.z.toInt, 1, null) } world.setBlock(hitBlockPos.x.toInt, hitBlockPos.y.toInt, hitBlockPos.z.toInt, } } } } /** * Render laser hit */ Electrodynamics.proxy.renderLaser(world, renderStart, hitVec, color, energy) /** * Render scorch and particles */ Electrodynamics.proxy.renderScorch(world, hitVec - (direction * 0.02), hit.sideHit) Electrodynamics.proxy.renderBlockParticle(world, hitVec, hitBlock, hit.sideHit) } } else if (hit.typeOfHit == MovingObjectPosition.MovingObjectType.ENTITY) { if (energy > minBurnEnergy) { val fireTime = (10 * (energy / maxEnergy)).toInt if (fireTime > 0) { hit.entityHit.setFire(fireTime) hit.entityHit.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.onFire, (20 * (energy / maxEnergy)).toInt) } } Electrodynamics.proxy.renderLaser(world, renderStart, new Vector3(hit.hitVec), color, energy) } return } Electrodynamics.proxy.renderLaser(world, renderStart, maxPos, color, energy) } } def blockToDye(blockMeta: Int): Int = { return ~blockMeta & 15 } }