package edx.mechanical.mech import edx.mechanical.mech.grid.NodeMechanical import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import net.minecraft.block.material.Material import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection import resonant.lib.grid.core.TBlockNodeProvider import import{TPacketReceiver, TPacketSender} import resonant.lib.prefab.tile.spatial.SpatialTile import resonant.lib.prefab.tile.traits.TRotatable import resonant.lib.transform.vector.Vector3 import resonant.lib.wrapper.ByteBufWrapper._ import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._ /** Prefab for resonantinduction.mechanical tiles * * @author Calclavia */ abstract class TileMechanical(material: Material) extends SpatialTile(material: Material) with TRotatable with TBlockNodeProvider with TPacketSender with TPacketReceiver { /** Node that handles most mechanical actions */ private var _mechanicalNode: NodeMechanical = null override def setDirection(direction: ForgeDirection): Unit = { super.setDirection(direction) if (!world.isRemote) nodes.foreach(_.reconstruct()) } override def use(player: EntityPlayer, side: Int, hit: Vector3): Boolean = { if (!world.isRemote) { println(mechanicalNode + " in " + mechanicalNode.grid) mechanicalNode.reconstruct() } return false } override def write(buf: ByteBuf, id: Int) { super.write(buf, id) id match { case 0 => case 1 => buf <<< mechanicalNode.angularVelocity.toFloat } } def mechanicalNode = _mechanicalNode override def read(buf: ByteBuf, id: Int, packetType: PacketType) {, id, packetType) id match { case 0 => case 1 => mechanicalNode.angularVelocity = buf.readFloat() } } def mechanicalNode_=(newNode: NodeMechanical) { _mechanicalNode = newNode mechanicalNode.onVelocityChanged = () => sendPacket(1) nodes.removeAll(nodes.filter(_.isInstanceOf[NodeMechanical])) nodes.add(mechanicalNode) } mechanicalNode = new NodeMechanical(this) }