PLC I know another mod has Programming logic controls(PLCs) however i don't really care. What i'm planning on doing is adding a block that can use the same coding system as the armbot. This way there are even more uses for the flowchart system, and more factory control. Idea Basic multi-functional mini computer that can do several different logic tasks. Mainly it will be used to control redstone, power, and other machines. It will not do anything on its own or even have built in sensors. It will however use the same exact commands system as the armbot. This means the armbot system is going to need to be recoded to understand non-armbot machines. Looks Little box smaller than a single block. Will have 4 sides for input and one side for power. Will connect to the face of a wall. Will render connections to objects near it. Extras Wrench rotation support for both rotation and turning off connection nodes. Displays Very simple programable display that is fully customizable to display data and control systems. Idea The idea is to provide a display that can be designed and programmed by users. Using a system very simular to Visual studios drag and drop GUI builder. Other than that it will use the same coding interface to do its logic. Though its main purpose is to display data and change data values of machines. A very easy use of it will be redstone switch to turn off a machine. Another is to display the machines power needs/uses and item outputs. Looks Like a computer monitor that has several different selectable monitors. Very basic versions will be a CC monitor look, and flat panel version. Though there plan is to allow rotation to make it easer to view. Extras Selectable rotations both pitch and yaw. As well different colors, models, textures, and designs.