package edx.electrical.circuit.source import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly} import edx.core.Reference import net.minecraft.block.material.Material import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister import net.minecraft.init.Blocks import net.minecraft.util.IIcon import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection import resonantengine.lib.content.prefab.TIO import import resonantengine.lib.modcontent.block.{ResonantBlock, ResonantTile} import resonantengine.prefab.block.impl.TBlockNodeProvider import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._ class TileThermopile extends ResonantTile(Material.rock) with TBlockNodeProvider with TIO { /** * The amount of ticks the thermopile will use the temperature differences before turning all * adjacent sides to thermal equilibrium. */ private val maxTicks = 120 * 20 private val electricNode = new NodeElectricComponent(this) private var ticksUsed = 0 ioMap = 728 nodes.add(electricNode) electricNode.dynamicTerminals = true electricNode.setPositives(Set(ForgeDirection.NORTH, ForgeDirection.EAST)) electricNode.setNegatives(Set(ForgeDirection.SOUTH, ForgeDirection.WEST)) override def update() { super.update() if (!world.isRemote) { var heatSources = 0 var coolingSources = 0 for (dir <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { val checkPos = toVectorWorld + dir val block = checkPos.getBlock if (block == Blocks.water || block == Blocks.flowing_water) { coolingSources += 1 } else if (block == Blocks.snow) { coolingSources += 2 } else if (block == { coolingSources += 2 } else if (block == { heatSources += 1 } else if (block == Blocks.lava || block == Blocks.flowing_lava) { heatSources += 2 } } val multiplier = 3 - Math.abs(heatSources - coolingSources) if (multiplier > 0 && coolingSources > 0 && heatSources > 0) { electricNode.generateVoltage(0.1 * multiplier) ticksUsed += 1 if (ticksUsed >= maxTicks) { for (dir <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { val checkPos = toVectorWorld.add(dir) val block = checkPos.getBlock(worldObj) if (block == Blocks.water || block == Blocks.flowing_water) { checkPos.setBlockToAir(worldObj) } else if (block == { checkPos.setBlock(worldObj, Blocks.water) } else if (block == { checkPos.setBlockToAir(worldObj) } else if (block == Blocks.lava || block == Blocks.flowing_lava) { checkPos.setBlock(worldObj, Blocks.stone) } } ticksUsed = 0 } } } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) override def registerIcons(iconReg: IIconRegister) { ResonantBlock.icon.put("thermopile_top", iconReg.registerIcon(Reference.prefix + "thermopile_top")) super.registerIcons(iconReg) } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) override def getIcon(side: Int, meta: Int): IIcon = { if (side == 1) { return ResonantBlock.icon.get("thermopile_top") } return super.getIcon(side, meta) } }