package edx.mechanical.mech.process.crusher import java.lang.reflect.Method import edx.core.Electrodynamics import edx.mechanical.mech.TileMechanical import net.minecraft.block.Block import net.minecraft.block.material.Material import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity import import resonantengine.api.edx.recipe.{MachineRecipes, RecipeResource, RecipeType} import resonantengine.lib.mod.config.Config import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.Vector3 import resonantengine.lib.utility.MovementUtility import resonantengine.lib.utility.inventory.InventoryUtility /** * Mechanical driven piston that can be used to move basic blocks and crush ores * @author Calclavia */ object TileMechanicalPiston { @Config private var mechanicalPistonMultiplier: Int = 2 } class TileMechanicalPiston extends TileMechanical(Material.piston) { var markRevolve: Boolean = false //Constructor mechanicalNode = new NodeMechanicalPiston(this) isOpaqueCube = false normalRender = false customItemRender = true rotationMask = 63 setTextureName("material_steel_dark") override def update { super.update if (markRevolve) { val movePosition: Vector3 = toVectorWorld.add(getDirection) if (!hitOreBlock(movePosition)) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { val moveNewPosition: Vector3 = movePosition.clone.add(getDirection) if (canMove(movePosition, moveNewPosition)) { move(movePosition, moveNewPosition) } } } markRevolve = false } } def hitOreBlock(blockPos: Vector3): Boolean = { val block: Block = blockPos.getBlock(world) if (block != null) { val blockStack: ItemStack = new ItemStack(block) val resources: Array[RecipeResource] = MachineRecipes.instance.getOutput(, blockStack) if (resources.length > 0) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { for (recipe <- resources) { if (Math.random <= recipe.getChance) { InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, blockPos.clone.add(0.5), recipe.getItemStack, 10, 0) } } blockPos.setBlockToAir(world) } Electrodynamics.proxy.renderBlockParticle(worldObj, blockPos.clone.add(0.5), new Vector3((Math.random - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random - 0.5f) * 3), Block.getIdFromBlock(block), 1) return true } } if (!worldObj.isRemote) { world.destroyBlockInWorldPartially(0, blockPos.xi, blockPos.yi, blockPos.zi, -1) } return false } def canMove(from: Vector3, to: Vector3): Boolean = { if (this == to.getTileEntity(getWorldObj)) { return false } val targetBlock: Block = to.getBlock(worldObj) if (!(worldObj.isAirBlock(to.xi, to.yi, to.zi) || (targetBlock != null && (targetBlock.canBeReplacedByLeaves(worldObj, to.xi, to.yi, to.zi))))) { return false } return true } def move(from: Vector3, to: Vector3) { val blockID: Block = from.getBlock(worldObj) val blockMetadata: Int = from.getBlockMetadata(worldObj) val tileEntity: TileEntity = from.getTileEntity(worldObj) val tileData: NBTTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound if (tileEntity != null) { tileEntity.writeToNBT(tileData) } MovementUtility.setBlockSneaky(worldObj, from, null, 0, null) if (tileEntity != null && tileData != null) { val isMultipart: Boolean = tileData.getString("id") == "savedMultipart" var newTile: TileEntity = null if (isMultipart) { try { val multipart: Class[_] = Class.forName("codechicken.multipart.MultipartHelper") val m: Method = multipart.getMethod("createTileFromNBT", classOf[World], classOf[NBTTagCompound]) newTile = m.invoke(null, worldObj, tileData).asInstanceOf[TileEntity] } catch { case e: Exception => { e.printStackTrace } } } else { newTile = TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(tileData) } MovementUtility.setBlockSneaky(worldObj, to, blockID, blockMetadata, newTile) if (newTile != null && isMultipart) { try { val multipart: Class[_] = Class.forName("codechicken.multipart.MultipartHelper") multipart.getMethod("sendDescPacket", classOf[World], classOf[TileEntity]).invoke(null, worldObj, newTile) val tileMultipart: Class[_] = Class.forName("codechicken.multipart.TileMultipart") tileMultipart.getMethod("onMoved").invoke(newTile) } catch { case e: Exception => { e.printStackTrace } } } } else { MovementUtility.setBlockSneaky(worldObj, to, blockID, blockMetadata, null) } notifyChanges(from) notifyChanges(to) } def notifyChanges(pos: Vector3) { worldObj.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(pos.xi, pos.yi, pos.zi, pos.getBlock(worldObj)) /* val newTile: TileEntity = pos.getTileEntity(worldObj) if (newTile != null) { if (Loader.isModLoaded("BuildCraft|Factory")) { try { val clazz: Class[_ <: Any] = Class.forName("buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry") if (newTile == clazz) { ReflectionHelper.setPrivateValue(clazz, newTile, true, "isAlive") } } catch { case e: Exception => { e.printStackTrace } } } } */ } }