package resonantinduction.wire.part; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockColored; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemShears; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition; import resonantinduction.wire.EnumWireMaterial; import universalelectricity.api.CompatibilityModule; import; import; /** * @author Calclavia * */ public abstract class PartAdvancedWire extends PartConductor { public static final int DEFAULT_COLOR = 16; public int color = DEFAULT_COLOR; public EnumWireMaterial material = EnumWireMaterial.COPPER; public boolean isInsulated = false; /** * INTERNAL USE. * Can this conductor connect with an external object? */ @Override public boolean canConnectTo(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof PartFlatWire) { PartFlatWire wire = (PartFlatWire) obj; if (this.getMaterial() == wire.getMaterial()) { System.out.println("COMMON"); if (this.isInsulated() && wire.isInsulated()) { return this.getColor() == wire.getColor(); } return true; } } return CompatibilityModule.isHandler(obj); } @Override public long getEnergyLoss() { /** * TODO: FIX THIS! */ return (int) (this.getMaterial().resistance * 10); } @Override public long getEnergyCapacitance() { return this.getMaterial().maxAmps * 1000; } /** * Material Methods */ public EnumWireMaterial getMaterial() { return this.material; } public void setMaterial(EnumWireMaterial material) { this.material = material; } public void setMaterial(int id) { this.setMaterial(EnumWireMaterial.values()[id]); } public int getMaterialID() { return this.material.ordinal(); } /** * Insulation Methods */ public void setInsulated(boolean insulated) { this.isInsulated = insulated; this.color = DEFAULT_COLOR; if (! { tile().notifyPartChange(this); this.sendInsulationUpdate(); } } public void setInsulated(int dyeColour) { this.isInsulated = true; this.color = dyeColour; if (! { tile().notifyPartChange(this); this.sendInsulationUpdate(); this.sendColorUpdate(); } } public boolean isInsulated() { return this.isInsulated; } public void sendInsulationUpdate() { tile().getWriteStream(this).writeByte(1).writeBoolean(this.isInsulated); } /** * Wire Coloring Methods */ public int getColor() { return this.isInsulated ? this.color : -1; } public void setColor(int dye) { if (this.isInsulated) { this.color = dye; if (! { tile().notifyPartChange(this); this.sendColorUpdate(); } } } public void sendColorUpdate() { tile().getWriteStream(this).writeByte(2).writeInt(this.color); } /** * Changes the wire's color. */ @Override public boolean activate(EntityPlayer player, MovingObjectPosition part, ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack != null) { if (itemStack.itemID == Item.dyePowder.itemID && this.isInsulated()) { this.setColor(itemStack.getItemDamage()); return true; } else if (itemStack.itemID == Block.cloth.blockID) { if (this.isInsulated()) { if (!world().isRemote) { tile().dropItems(Collections.singletonList(new ItemStack(Block.cloth, 1, BlockColored.getBlockFromDye(color)))); } this.setInsulated(false); return true; } else { this.setInsulated(BlockColored.getDyeFromBlock(itemStack.getItemDamage())); player.inventory.decrStackSize(player.inventory.currentItem, 1); return true; } } else if ((itemStack.itemID == Item.shears.itemID || itemStack.getItem() instanceof ItemShears) && isInsulated()) { if (!world().isRemote) { tile().dropItems(Collections.singletonList(new ItemStack(Block.cloth, 1, BlockColored.getBlockFromDye(color)))); } this.setInsulated(false); return true; } } return false; } protected ItemStack getItem() { return EnumWireMaterial.values()[getMaterialID()].getWire(); } @Override public Iterable getDrops() { List drops = new ArrayList(); drops.add(getItem()); if (this.isInsulated) { drops.add(new ItemStack(Block.cloth, 1, BlockColored.getBlockFromDye(color))); } return drops; } @Override public ItemStack pickItem(MovingObjectPosition hit) { return getItem(); } @Override public void readDesc(MCDataInput packet) { this.setMaterial(packet.readByte()); this.color = packet.readByte(); this.isInsulated = packet.readBoolean(); } @Override public void writeDesc(MCDataOutput packet) { packet.writeByte((byte) this.getMaterialID()); packet.writeByte((byte) this.color); packet.writeBoolean(this.isInsulated); } public void read(MCDataInput packet, int packetID) { switch (packetID) { case 1: this.isInsulated = packet.readBoolean(); this.tile().markRender(); break; case 2: this.color = packet.readInt(); this.tile().markRender(); break; } } @Override public void save(NBTTagCompound nbt) {; nbt.setInteger("typeID", getMaterialID()); nbt.setBoolean("isInsulated", isInsulated); nbt.setInteger("dyeID", color); } @Override public void load(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.load(nbt); setMaterial(nbt.getInteger("typeID")); this.isInsulated = nbt.getBoolean("isInsulated"); this.color = nbt.getInteger("dyeID"); } }