package icbm.api.sentry; /** * Apply this to an entity if it is meant to be targeted by the AA Turret. * * @author Calclavia * */ public interface IAATarget { /** * destroys the target with a boom. This is a forced way for the sentry too kill the target if * it doesn't take damage */ public void destroyCraft(); /** * Applies damage to the the target * * @param damage - damage in half HP * @return the amount of HP left. Return -1 if this target can't take damage, and will be chance * killed. Return 0 if this target is dead and destroyCraft() will be called. */ public int doDamage(int damage); /** * Can this be targeted by automated targeting systems or AIs. Used to implement radar jammers, * cloaking devices, and other addons for the Entity being targeted * * @param entity - entity that is targeting this, can be an Entity, EntityLiving, or TileEntity * @return true if it can */ public boolean canBeTargeted(Object entity); }