package import java.util.ArrayList import codechicken.multipart.ControlKeyModifer import import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly} import edx.basic.blocks.ItemImprint import edx.basic.process.grinding.ItemHammer import edx.core.{Electrodynamics, Reference} import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import net.minecraft.block.Block import net.minecraft.block.material.Material import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister import net.minecraft.entity.player.{EntityPlayer, EntityPlayerMP, InventoryPlayer} import net.minecraft.inventory.{IInventory, ISidedInventory, InventoryCrafting} import net.minecraft.item.crafting.CraftingManager import net.minecraft.item.{Item, ItemStack} import net.minecraft.nbt.{NBTTagCompound, NBTTagList} import import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity import net.minecraft.util.{ChatComponentText, IIcon} import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11 import resonantengine.api.edx.recipe.{MachineRecipes, RecipeResource, RecipeType} import resonantengine.api.gui.ISlotPickResult import import resonantengine.api.tile.IRotatable import resonantengine.core.ResonantEngine import{PacketTile, PacketType} import resonantengine.lib.collection.Pair import resonantengine.lib.render.RenderItemOverlayUtility import resonantengine.lib.transform.region.Cuboid import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.{Vector2, Vector3} import resonantengine.lib.utility.LanguageUtility import resonantengine.lib.utility.inventory.AutoCraftingManager.IAutoCrafter import resonantengine.lib.utility.inventory.{AutoCraftingManager, InventoryUtility} import resonantengine.prefab.block.itemblock.ItemBlockSaved import resonantengine.prefab.block.mixed.TileInventory import resonantengine.prefab.gui.ContainerDummy import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ /** * Advanced crafting table that stores its crafting grid, can craft out of the player's inv, and be * configed to auto craft. * * @author DarkGuardsman, Calclavia */ object TileEngineeringTable { val CRAFTING_MATRIX_END: Int = 9 val CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END: Int = CRAFTING_MATRIX_END + 1 val PLAYER_OUTPUT_END: Int = CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END + 40 val CENTER_SLOT: Int = 4 val CRAFTING_OUTPUT_SLOT: Int = 0 /** * 9 slots for crafting, 1 slot for a output. */ val CRAFTING_MATRIX_SIZE: Int = 9 val craftingSlots: Array[Int] = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private var iconTop: IIcon = null @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private var iconFront: IIcon = null @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) private var iconSide: IIcon = null } class TileEngineeringTable extends TileInventory(Material.wood) with IPacketReceiver with IRotatable with ISidedInventory with ISlotPickResult with IAutoCrafter { var craftingMatrix: Array[ItemStack] = new Array[ItemStack](TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_MATRIX_SIZE) /** * The output inventory containing slots. */ var outputInventory: Array[ItemStack] = new Array[ItemStack](1) /** * The ability for the engineering table to search nearby inventories. */ var searchInventories: Boolean = true private var craftManager: AutoCraftingManager = null /** * Temporary player inventory stored to draw the player's items. */ private var invPlayer: InventoryPlayer = null private var playerSlots: Array[Int] = null //Constructor bounds = new Cuboid(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.9f, 1) isOpaqueCube = false itemBlock(classOf[ItemBlockSaved]) @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) override def getIcon(side: Int, meta: Int): IIcon = { return if (side == 1) TileEngineeringTable.iconTop else (if (side == meta) TileEngineeringTable.iconFront else TileEngineeringTable.iconSide) } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) override def registerIcons(iconRegister: IIconRegister) { TileEngineeringTable.iconTop = iconRegister.registerIcon(getTextureName + "_top") TileEngineeringTable.iconFront = iconRegister.registerIcon(getTextureName + "_front") TileEngineeringTable.iconSide = iconRegister.registerIcon(getTextureName + "_side") } override def click(player: EntityPlayer) { if (!world.isRemote && ControlKeyModifer.isControlDown(player)) { { var i: Int = 0 while (i < getSizeInventory - 1) { { if (getStackInSlot(i) != null) { InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, new Vector3(player), getStackInSlot(i)) setInventorySlotContents(i, null) } } ({ i += 1; i }) } } } } override def getSizeInventory: Int = { return 10 + (if (this.invPlayer != null) this.invPlayer.getSizeInventory else 0) } override def setInventorySlotContents(slot: Int, itemStack: ItemStack) { if (slot < TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_MATRIX_END) { craftingMatrix(slot) = itemStack } else if (slot < TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END) { outputInventory(slot - TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_MATRIX_END) = itemStack } else if (slot < TileEngineeringTable.PLAYER_OUTPUT_END && this.invPlayer != null) { this.invPlayer.setInventorySlotContents(slot - TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END, itemStack) val player: EntityPlayer = this.invPlayer.player if (player.isInstanceOf[EntityPlayerMP]) { (player.asInstanceOf[EntityPlayerMP]).sendContainerToPlayer(player.inventoryContainer) } } else if (searchInventories) { var idDisplacement: Int = TileEngineeringTable.PLAYER_OUTPUT_END for (dir <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { val tile: TileEntity = position.add(dir).getTileEntity if (tile.isInstanceOf[IInventory]) { val inventory: IInventory = tile.asInstanceOf[IInventory] val slotID: Int = slot - idDisplacement if (slotID >= 0 && slotID < inventory.getSizeInventory) { inventory.setInventorySlotContents(slotID, itemStack) } idDisplacement += inventory.getSizeInventory } } } onInventoryChanged } /** * Updates all the output slots. Call this to update the Engineering Table. */ override def onInventoryChanged { if (worldObj != null) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { this.outputInventory(TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_SLOT) = null var didCraft: Boolean = false val inventoryCrafting: InventoryCrafting = this.getCraftingMatrix val matrixOutput: ItemStack = CraftingManager.getInstance.findMatchingRecipe(inventoryCrafting, this.worldObj) if (matrixOutput != null && this.getCraftingManager.getIdealRecipe(matrixOutput) != null) { this.outputInventory(TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_SLOT) = matrixOutput didCraft = true } if (!didCraft) { val filterStack: ItemStack = craftingMatrix(TileEngineeringTable.CENTER_SLOT) if (filterStack != null && filterStack.getItem.isInstanceOf[ItemImprint]) { val filters: java.util.List[ItemStack] = ItemImprint.getFilters(filterStack) for (o <- filters) { val outputStack: ItemStack = o if (outputStack != null) { val idealRecipe: Pair[ItemStack, Array[ItemStack]] = this.getCraftingManager.getIdealRecipe(outputStack) if (idealRecipe != null) { val recipeOutput: ItemStack = idealRecipe.left if (recipeOutput != null & recipeOutput.stackSize > 0) { this.outputInventory(TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_SLOT) = recipeOutput didCraft = true worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) return } } } } } } worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) } } } /** * Gets the AutoCraftingManager that does all the crafting results */ def getCraftingManager: AutoCraftingManager = { if (craftManager == null) { craftManager = new AutoCraftingManager(this) } return craftManager } /** * Construct an InventoryCrafting Matrix on the fly. * * @return */ def getCraftingMatrix: InventoryCrafting = { val inventoryCrafting: InventoryCrafting = new InventoryCrafting(new ContainerDummy(this), 3, 3) for (i <- 0 until this.craftingMatrix.length) { inventoryCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(i, this.craftingMatrix(i)) } return inventoryCrafting } override def use(player: EntityPlayer, hitSide: Int, hit: Vector3): Boolean = { if (player.getCurrentEquippedItem != null && player.getCurrentEquippedItem.getItem.isInstanceOf[ItemHammer]) { for (slot <- 0 to TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END) { val inputStack: ItemStack = getStackInSlot(slot) if (inputStack != null) { val oreName: String = OreDictionary.getOreName(OreDictionary.getOreID(inputStack)) if (oreName != null && !(oreName == "Unknown")) { val outputs: Array[RecipeResource] = MachineRecipes.instance.getOutput(, oreName) if (outputs != null && outputs.length > 0) { if (!world.isRemote && world.rand.nextFloat < 0.2) { for (resource <- outputs) { val outputStack: ItemStack = resource.getItemStack.copy if (outputStack != null) { InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, new Vector3(player), outputStack, 0) setInventorySlotContents(slot, if (({ inputStack.stackSize -= 1; inputStack.stackSize }) <= 0) null else inputStack) } } } Electrodynamics.proxy.renderBlockParticle(world, new Vector3(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5), new Vector3((Math.random - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random - 0.5f) * 3), Item.getIdFromItem(inputStack.getItem), 1) world.playSoundEffect(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5, Reference.prefix + "hammer", 0.5f, 0.8f + (0.2f * world.rand.nextFloat)) player.addExhaustion(0.1f) player.getCurrentEquippedItem.damageItem(1, player) return true } } } } return true } if (hitSide == 1) { if (!world.isRemote) { val hitVector: Vector3 = new Vector3(hit.x, 0, hit.z) val regionLength: Double = 1d / 3d for (j <- 0 to 3) { for (k <- 0 to 3) { val check: Vector2 = new Vector2(j, k).multiply(regionLength) if (check.distance(hitVector.toVector2) < regionLength) { val slotID: Int = j * 3 + k interactCurrentItem(this, slotID, player) onInventoryChanged return true } } } onInventoryChanged } return true } else if (hitSide != 0) { if (!world.isRemote) { setPlayerInventory(player.inventory) var output: ItemStack = getStackInSlot(9) var firstLoop: Boolean = true while (output != null && (firstLoop || ControlKeyModifer.isControlDown(player))) { onPickUpFromSlot(player, 9, output) if (output.stackSize > 0) { InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, new Vector3(player), output, 0) } setInventorySlotContents(9, null) onInventoryChanged output = getStackInSlot(9) firstLoop = false } setPlayerInventory(null) } return true } return false } /** * Creates a "fake inventory" and hook the player up to the crafter to use the player's items. */ def setPlayerInventory(invPlayer: InventoryPlayer) { if (searchInventories) { if (invPlayer != null) { playerSlots = new Array[Int](invPlayer.getSizeInventory) for (i <- 0 until playerSlots.length) { playerSlots(i) = i + TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END } } else { playerSlots = null } this.invPlayer = invPlayer } } def onPickUpFromSlot(entityPlayer: EntityPlayer, slotID: Int, itemStack: ItemStack) { if (!worldObj.isRemote) { if (itemStack != null) { val idealRecipeItem: Pair[ItemStack, Array[ItemStack]] = getCraftingManager.getIdealRecipe(itemStack) if (idealRecipeItem != null) { getCraftingManager.consumeItems(idealRecipeItem.right.clone: _*) } else { itemStack.stackSize = 0 } } } } override def configure(player: EntityPlayer, side: Int, hit: Vector3): Boolean = { if (player.isSneaking) { searchInventories = !searchInventories if (!world.isRemote) { if (searchInventories) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(LanguageUtility.getLocal("engineerTable.config.inventory.true"))) } else { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(LanguageUtility.getLocal("engineerTable.config.inventory.false"))) } } markUpdate return true } return super.configure(player, side, hit) } override def getDrops(metadata: Int, fortune: Int): ArrayList[ItemStack] = new ArrayList[ItemStack] override def onRemove(block: Block, par6: Int) { val stack: ItemStack = ItemBlockSaved.getItemStackWithNBT(block, world, x, y, z) InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, center, stack) } override def canUpdate: Boolean = { return false } override def getDescriptionPacket: Packet = { val nbt: NBTTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound this.writeToNBT(nbt) return ResonantEngine.packetHandler.toMCPacket(new PacketTile(this, nbt)) } /** * Writes a tile entity to NBT. */ override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) { super.writeToNBT(nbt) val nbtList: NBTTagList = new NBTTagList for (i <- 0 to this.getSizeInventory) { if (this.getStackInSlot(i) != null) { val var4: NBTTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound var4.setByte("Slot", i.asInstanceOf[Byte]) this.getStackInSlot(i).writeToNBT(var4) nbtList.appendTag(var4) } } nbt.setTag("Items", nbtList) nbt.setBoolean("searchInventories", this.searchInventories) } def read(data: ByteBuf, player: EntityPlayer, `type`: PacketType) { try { readFromNBT(ByteBufUtils.readTag(data)) } catch { case e: Exception => { e.printStackTrace } } } /** * NBT Data */ override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound) { super.readFromNBT(nbt) val nbtList: NBTTagList = nbt.getTagList("Items", 0) this.craftingMatrix = new Array[ItemStack](9) this.outputInventory = new Array[ItemStack](1) for (i <- 0 to nbtList.tagCount) { val stackTag: NBTTagCompound = nbtList.getCompoundTagAt(i) val id: Byte = stackTag.getByte("Slot") if (id >= 0 && id < this.getSizeInventory) { this.setInventorySlotContents(id, ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(stackTag)) } } this.searchInventories = nbt.getBoolean("searchInventories") } override def decrStackSize(i: Int, amount: Int): ItemStack = { if (getStackInSlot(i) != null) { var stack: ItemStack = null if (getStackInSlot(i).stackSize <= amount) { stack = getStackInSlot(i) setInventorySlotContents(i, null) return stack } else { stack = getStackInSlot(i).splitStack(amount) if (getStackInSlot(i).stackSize == 0) { setInventorySlotContents(i, null) } return stack } } else { return null } } /** * When some containers are closed they call this on each slot, then drop whatever it returns as * an EntityItem - like when you close a workbench GUI. */ override def getStackInSlotOnClosing(slot: Int): ItemStack = { if (this.getStackInSlot(slot) != null) { val var2: ItemStack = this.getStackInSlot(slot) this.setInventorySlotContents(slot, null) return var2 } else { return null } } override def isItemValidForSlot(i: Int, itemstack: ItemStack): Boolean = { return true } override def getInventoryStackLimit: Int = { return 64 } override def isUseableByPlayer(entityplayer: EntityPlayer): Boolean = { return if (this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) ne this) false else entityplayer.getDistanceSq(this.xCoord + 0.5D, this.yCoord + 0.5D, this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D } override def getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(side: Int): Array[Int] = { return new Array[Int](0) } /** * Auto-crafting methods. */ override def canInsertItem(slot: Int, itemstack: ItemStack, side: Int): Boolean = { if (getStackInSlot(4) != null && getStackInSlot(4).getItem.isInstanceOf[ItemImprint]) { return true } var minSize: Int = 64 var optimalSlot: Int = -1 for (i <- 0 to craftingMatrix.length) { val checkStack: ItemStack = getStackInSlot(i) if (checkStack != null && checkStack.isItemEqual(itemstack)) { if (checkStack.stackSize < minSize || optimalSlot < 0) { optimalSlot = i minSize = checkStack.stackSize } } } return slot == optimalSlot } /** * DO NOT USE THIS INTERNALLY. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY! */ override def getStackInSlot(slot: Int): ItemStack = { if (slot < TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_MATRIX_END) { return this.craftingMatrix(slot) } else if (slot < TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END) { return outputInventory(slot - TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_MATRIX_END) } else if (slot < TileEngineeringTable.PLAYER_OUTPUT_END && invPlayer != null) { return this.invPlayer.getStackInSlot(slot - TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_OUTPUT_END) } else if (searchInventories) { var idDisplacement: Int = TileEngineeringTable.PLAYER_OUTPUT_END for (dir <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { val tile: TileEntity = position.add(dir).getTileEntity if (tile.isInstanceOf[IInventory]) { val inventory: IInventory = tile.asInstanceOf[IInventory] val slotID: Int = slot - idDisplacement if (slotID >= 0 && slotID < inventory.getSizeInventory) { return inventory.getStackInSlot(slotID) } idDisplacement += inventory.getSizeInventory } } } return null } override def canExtractItem(slot: Int, itemstack: ItemStack, side: Int): Boolean = { val outputStack: ItemStack = getStackInSlot(TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_MATRIX_END) if (outputStack != null) { val idealRecipeItem: Pair[ItemStack, Array[ItemStack]] = this.getCraftingManager.getIdealRecipe(outputStack) val doubleResults: Array[ItemStack] = ArrayUtils.addAll(idealRecipeItem.right, idealRecipeItem.right: _*) if (!getCraftingManager.consumeItems(false, doubleResults: _*)) { return false } } return slot == TileEngineeringTable.CRAFTING_MATRIX_END } def getCraftingInv: Array[Int] = { var slots: Array[Int] = TileEngineeringTable.craftingSlots if (playerSlots != null) { slots = ArrayUtils.addAll(playerSlots, slots: _*) } if (searchInventories) { var temporaryInvID: Int = TileEngineeringTable.PLAYER_OUTPUT_END for (dir <- ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) { val tile: TileEntity = position.add(dir).getTileEntity(worldObj) if (tile.isInstanceOf[IInventory]) { val inventory: IInventory = tile.asInstanceOf[IInventory] val nearbySlots: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](inventory.getSizeInventory) for (i <- 0 to inventory.getSizeInventory) { temporaryInvID = temporaryInvID + 1; nearbySlots(i) = temporaryInvID; } slots = ArrayUtils.addAll(nearbySlots, slots: _*) } } } return slots } override def renderDynamic(position: Vector3, frame: Float, pass: Int) { GL11.glPushMatrix RenderItemOverlayUtility.renderItemOnSides(TileEngineeringTable.this, getStackInSlot(9), position.x, position.y, position.z) RenderItemOverlayUtility.renderTopOverlay(TileEngineeringTable.this, craftingMatrix, getDirection, position.x, position.y - 0.1, position.z) GL11.glPopMatrix } override def getDirection: ForgeDirection = { return null } override def setDirection(direction: ForgeDirection) { } }