2015-01-26 19:40:54 +08:00

52 lines
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package edx.basic.process.mixing
import edx.core.resource.alloy.{Alloy, TAlloyItem}
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.world.World
import resonantengine.lib.prefab.tile.item.ItemBlockSaved
import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.{IVector3, Vector3}
import resonantengine.lib.utility.nbt.NBTUtility
* The ItemBlock for the glass jar
* @author Calclavia
class ItemGlassJar(block: Block) extends ItemBlockSaved(block) with TAlloyItem
var lastLook: Vector3 = null
override def onUpdate(stack: ItemStack, world: World, entity: Entity, p_77663_4_ : Int, p_77663_5_ : Boolean): Unit =
val player = entity.asInstanceOf[EntityPlayer]
if (!world.isRemote)
val currLook = new Vector3(player.getLookVec).asInstanceOf[IVector3]
if (lastLook == null)
lastLook = currLook.asInstanceOf[Vector3]
val nbt = NBTUtility.getNBTTagCompound(stack)
val alloy = new Alloy(nbt)
if (alloy.size > 0)
if (lastLook.distance(currLook) > 1)
if (world.rand.nextFloat() < 0.05)
//Set mixed
nbt.setBoolean("mixed", true)
lastLook = currLook.asInstanceOf[Vector3]