2015-01-26 19:40:54 +08:00

164 lines
5 KiB

package edx.electrical.multimeter
import net.minecraft.nbt.{NBTTagCompound, NBTTagList}
import resonantengine.lib.grid.core.Grid
import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.Vector3
import resonantengine.lib.utility.LanguageUtility
import resonantengine.lib.utility.science.UnitDisplay
import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class GridMultimeter extends Grid[PartMultimeter]
final val displayInformation = new ArrayBuffer[String]
* The available graphs to be handled.
final val graphs = new ArrayBuffer[Graph[_]]
final val energyGraph = new Graph[Double]("energy", maxData)
final val powerGraph = new Graph[Double]("power", maxData)
final val voltageGraph = new Graph[Double]("voltage", maxData)
final val torqueGraph = new Graph[Double]("torque", maxData)
final val angularVelocityGraph = new Graph[Double]("speed", maxData)
final val fluidGraph = new Graph[Int]("fluid", maxData)
final val thermalGraph = new Graph[Int]("temperature", maxData)
final val pressureGraph = new Graph[Int]("pressure", maxData)
* Maximum data points a graph can store.
private val maxData: Int = 1
* The absolute center of the multimeter screens.
var center: Vector3 = new Vector3
* The relative bound sizes.
var upperBound: Vector3 = new Vector3
var lowerBound: Vector3 = new Vector3
* The overall size of the multimeter
var size: Vector3 = new Vector3
* If the screen is not a perfect rectangle, don't render.
var isEnabled: Boolean = true
var primaryMultimeter: PartMultimeter = null
private var doUpdate: Boolean = false
nodeClass = classOf[PartMultimeter]
graphs += energyGraph
graphs += powerGraph
graphs += voltageGraph
graphs += torqueGraph
graphs += angularVelocityGraph
graphs += fluidGraph
graphs += thermalGraph
graphs += pressureGraph
def getDisplay(graphID: Int): String =
val graph = graphs(graphID)
var graphValue: String = ""
if (graph == energyGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.JOULES, energyGraph()).toString
if (graph == powerGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.WATT, powerGraph()).toString
if (graph == voltageGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.VOLTAGE, voltageGraph()).toString
if (graph == torqueGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.NEWTON_METER, torqueGraph(), true).toString
if (graph == angularVelocityGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(angularVelocityGraph()) + " rad/s"
if (graph == fluidGraph) graphValue = new UnitDisplay(UnitDisplay.Unit.LITER, fluidGraph()).toString
if (graph == thermalGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(thermalGraph()) + " K"
if (graph == pressureGraph) graphValue = UnitDisplay.roundDecimals(pressureGraph()) + " Pa"
return getLocalized(graph) + ": " + graphValue
def getLocalized(graph: Graph[_]): String =
return LanguageUtility.getLocal("tooltip.graph." + graph.name)
def isPrimary(check: PartMultimeter): Boolean =
return primaryMultimeter == check
def markUpdate
doUpdate = true
override def isValidNode(node: AnyRef): Boolean =
return node.isInstanceOf[PartMultimeter] && node.asInstanceOf[PartMultimeter].world != null && node.asInstanceOf[PartMultimeter].tile != null
override def reconstruct()
if (getNodes.size > 0)
primaryMultimeter = null
upperBound = null
lowerBound = null
nodes.foreach(node =>
if (primaryMultimeter == null) primaryMultimeter = node
if (upperBound == null)
upperBound = node.getPosition.add(1)
if (lowerBound == null)
lowerBound = node.getPosition
upperBound = upperBound.max(node.getPosition.add(1))
lowerBound = lowerBound.min(node.getPosition)
center = upperBound.midPoint(lowerBound)
upperBound -= center
lowerBound -= center
size = new Vector3(Math.abs(upperBound.x) + Math.abs(lowerBound.x), Math.abs(upperBound.y) + Math.abs(lowerBound.y), Math.abs(upperBound.z) + Math.abs(lowerBound.z))
val area: Double = (if (size.x != 0) size.x else 1) * (if (size.y != 0) size.y else 1) * (if (size.z != 0) size.z else 1)
isEnabled = area == getNodes.size
getNodes foreach (c =>
doUpdate = true
def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
val nbtList: NBTTagList = nbt.getTagList("graphs", 0)
for (i <- 0 until nbtList.tagCount)
val nbtCompound: NBTTagCompound = nbtList.getCompoundTagAt(i)
def save: NBTTagCompound =
val nbt = new NBTTagCompound
val data = new NBTTagList
g =>
val tag = new NBTTagCompound
nbt.setTag("graphs", data)
return nbt