2015-01-26 19:40:54 +08:00

267 lines
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package edx.mechanical.mech.gear
import codechicken.lib.vec.Rotation
import codechicken.multipart.TileMultipart
import edx.core.interfaces.TNodeMechanical
import edx.mechanical.mech.gearshaft.{NodeGearShaft, PartGearShaft}
import edx.mechanical.mech.grid.NodeMechanical
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonantengine.api.tile.INodeProvider
import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.Vector3
import resonantengine.lib.wrapper.ForgeDirectionWrapper._
* Node for the gear
* @author Calclavia, Edited by: Darkguardsman
class NodeGear(parent: PartGear) extends NodeMechanical(parent: PartGear)
override def angleDisplacement = if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed) Math.PI / 36 else Math.PI / 12
protected def gear = getParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
override def inertia: Double =
gear.tier match
case 0 => 50
case 1 => 20
case 2 => 15
override def friction: Double =
gear.tier match
case 0 => 1
case 1 => 1.5
case 2 => 1.3
override def reconstruct()
if (!parent.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
override def rebuild()
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary || world == null)
//Check behind
val tileBehind = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(gear.placementSide).getTileEntity(world)
if (tileBehind.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val other = tileBehind.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider].getNode(classOf[NodeMechanical], gear.placementSide.getOpposite)
if (other != null && other != this && !other.getParent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft] && other.canConnect(this, gear.placementSide.getOpposite))
connect(other, gear.placementSide)
//Check internal
for (i <- 0 until 6)
val toDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i)
var tile: TileEntity = gear.tile
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed && toDir != gear.placementSide && toDir != gear.placementSide.getOpposite)
tile = new Vector3(gear.tile).add(toDir).getTileEntity(world)
if (tile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val other = tile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider].getNode(classOf[NodeMechanical], if (toDir == gear.placementSide.getOpposite) ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN else toDir)
if (other != this && toDir != gear.placementSide && other != null && canConnect(other, toDir) && other.canConnect(this, toDir.getOpposite))
connect(other, toDir)
//TODO: Change this to the radius of the gear
val checkDisplacement = if (gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary && gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed) 2 else 1
//Check the sides of the gear for any other gear connections
for (i <- 0 until 4)
val toDir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(Rotation.rotateSide(gear.placementSide.ordinal, i))
val checkTile = (new Vector3(gear.tile) + (new Vector3(toDir) * checkDisplacement)).getTileEntity(world)
if (!directionMap.containsValue(toDir) && checkTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
val other = checkTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider].getNode(classOf[NodeMechanical], gear.placementSide)
if (other != null && other != this && canConnect(other, toDir) && other.canConnect(this, toDir.getOpposite) && !other.isInstanceOf[NodeGearShaft])
connect(other, toDir)
* Can this gear be connected BY the source?
* @param from - Direction source is coming from.
* @param other - The source of the connection.
* @return True is so.
override def canConnect[B <: NodeMechanical](other: B, from: ForgeDirection): Boolean =
if (!gear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
return false
if (other.isInstanceOf[NodeMechanical])
val otherParent = other.getParent
if (from == gear.placementSide)
//This object is coming from the back of the gear
//Check if it's a gear that's connected back-to-back
if (otherParent.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
val otherGearPart = otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
if (otherGearPart.placementSide == parent.placementSide.getOpposite)
//Check if it is the center of another gear (if it is a multiblock)
return otherGearPart.getMultiBlock.isPrimary
//It's not a gear. It might be be another tile node
val sourceTile = toVectorWorld.add(from).getTileEntity(world)
if (sourceTile.isInstanceOf[INodeProvider])
//Found a potential node. Check if it is actually adjacent to the gear.
val sourceInstance = sourceTile.asInstanceOf[INodeProvider].getNode(classOf[NodeMechanical], from)
return sourceInstance == other
else if (from == gear.placementSide.getOpposite)
//This object is from the front of the gear
//Check if it's a gear internally
if (otherParent.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
//Check internal gears
if (otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear].tile == parent.tile && !parent.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
return true
// otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear].placementSide != parent.placementSide.getOpposite
if (otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear].placementSide != gear.placementSide)
val part = gear.tile.partMap(otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear].placementSide.ordinal)
if (part.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
val sourceGear: PartGear = part.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
if (sourceGear.isCenterMultiBlock && !sourceGear.getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
return true
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
val checkPart = otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear].tile.partMap(gear.placementSide.ordinal)
if (checkPart.isInstanceOf[PartGear])
val requiredDirection = checkPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear].getPosition.subtract(toVectorWorld).toForgeDirection
return checkPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear].isCenterMultiBlock && otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGear].placementSide == requiredDirection
//Check if it's a shaft
if (otherParent.isInstanceOf[PartGearShaft])
//We are connecting to a shaft.
val shaft = otherParent.asInstanceOf[PartGearShaft]
/*shaft.tile.partMap(from.getOpposite.ordinal) != gear && */
return Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetX) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetX) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetY) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetY) && Math.abs(shaft.placementSide.offsetZ) == Math.abs(gear.placementSide.offsetZ)
else if (from != ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN)
//This object is from the sides of the gear. It can either be a gear within this block or outside
if (other.isInstanceOf[NodeGear])
val otherParent = other.parent.asInstanceOf[PartGear]
//Check inside this block
if (otherParent.tile == parent.tile)
return otherParent.placementSide != parent.placementSide && otherParent != parent.placementSide.getOpposite
//Check for gear outside this block placed on the same plane
val otherTile = other.toVectorWorld.getTileEntity
if (otherTile.isInstanceOf[TileMultipart])
if (otherTile.asInstanceOf[TileMultipart].partMap(gear.placementSide.ordinal()) == other.parent)
//We found another gear, but check if we are connecting to the center spaces of the gear
//If this is a multiblock, "otherTile" would be the center of that gear, not the adjacent
val adjacentTile = toVectorWorld.add(from).getTileEntity
if (adjacentTile.isInstanceOf[TileMultipart])
val adjacentPart = adjacentTile.asInstanceOf[TileMultipart].partMap(gear.placementSide.ordinal)
return adjacentPart.asInstanceOf[PartGear].isCenterMultiBlock
return false
override def inverseRotation(other: TNodeMechanical): Boolean =
if (other.isInstanceOf[NodeGearShaft])
return parent.placementSide.offset < Vector3.zero
return !other.isInstanceOf[NodeGearShaft]
override def radius(other: TNodeMechanical): Double =
val deltaPos = other.asInstanceOf[NodeMechanical].toVectorWorld - toVectorWorld
val caseX = gear.placementSide.offsetX != 0 && deltaPos.y == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0
val caseY = gear.placementSide.offsetY != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.z == 0
val caseZ = gear.placementSide.offsetZ != 0 && deltaPos.x == 0 && deltaPos.y == 0
if (caseX || caseY || caseZ)
return super.radius(other)
if (gear.getMultiBlock.isConstructed) 1.5 else super.radius(other)