2015-01-26 19:40:54 +08:00

175 lines
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package edx.mechanical.mech.grid
import resonantengine.api.IUpdate
import resonantengine.lib.grid.core.{GridNode, UpdateTicker}
import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
* A grid that manages the mechanical objects
* @author Calclavia
class GridMechanical extends GridNode[NodeMechanical] with IUpdate
* Determines if this grid is locked (invalid opposite gear connections)
private var isLocked = false
* The nodes that the grid is currently recusing through
private var allRecursed = Seq.empty[NodeMechanical]
private var allDistributed = Seq.empty[NodeMechanical]
nodeClass = classOf[NodeMechanical]
* Rebuild the node list starting from the first node and recursively iterating through its connections.
override def reconstruct(first: NodeMechanical)
isLocked = false
override def deconstruct(first: NodeMechanical)
override def update(deltaTime: Double)
nodes synchronized
* Consider this as the moment of inertia: how difficult it is to spin this object.
n =>
n.torque = 0
n.angularVelocity -= Math.min(Math.abs(n.angularVelocity) * deltaTime * n.friction, Math.abs(n.angularVelocity)) * Math.signum(n.angularVelocity)
//TODO: Add deceleration
if (!isLocked)
getNodes.filter(n => n.bufferTorque != 0).foreach(
n =>
allDistributed = Seq(n)
recurse(Seq(n), deltaTime, n.bufferTorque, 0)
allDistributed = Seq.empty[NodeMechanical]
def resetNodes()
n =>
if (n.prevTorque != n.torque)
n.prevTorque = n.torque
if (n.prevAngularVelocity != n.angularVelocity)
n.prevAngularVelocity = n.angularVelocity
n.bufferTorque = 0
def calculateEquivalentInertia(passed: Seq[NodeMechanical]): Double =
val curr = passed.last
allRecursed :+= curr
* I1 + n^2 * I
* where n is the acceleration ratio
var inertia = curr.inertia
inertia += curr.connections.filterNot(allRecursed.contains).map(c => c.radius(curr) / curr.radius(c) * calculateEquivalentInertia(passed :+ c)).foldLeft(0d)(_ + _)
return inertia
def recurse(passed: Seq[NodeMechanical], deltaTime: Double, torque: Double, angularVelocity: Double)
val curr = passed.last
if (passed.size > 1)
//Pass energy to every single node
val prev = passed(passed.size - 2)
val ratio = curr.radius(prev) / prev.radius(curr)
val invert = if (curr.inverseRotation(prev) && prev.inverseNext(curr)) -1 else 1
val addTorque = torque * ratio * invert
val addVel = angularVelocity / ratio * invert
curr.torque += addTorque
curr.angularVelocity += addVel * deltaTime
curr.connections.foreach(c =>
if (c != prev)
if (!allDistributed.contains(c))
allDistributed :+= c
recurse(passed :+ c, deltaTime, addTorque, addVel)
//Check for grid lock
val sudoInvert = if (c.inverseRotation(curr) && curr.inverseNext(c)) -1 else 1
if (Math.signum(c.angularVelocity) != sudoInvert * Math.signum(addVel))
isLocked = true
* This is the first node.
* 1. Calculate equivalent moment of inertia of the mechanical system.
* 2. Determine the angular acceleration:
* T = I * a
* a = T/I
* where I = inertia and a = angular acceleration
val inertia = calculateEquivalentInertia(passed)
val netAcceleration = torque / inertia
curr.torque += torque
curr.angularVelocity += netAcceleration * deltaTime
curr.connections.foreach(c =>
allDistributed :+= c
recurse(passed :+ c, deltaTime, torque, netAcceleration)
override def updatePeriod: Int = if (getNodes.size > 0) 50 else 0