2014-11-08 20:58:31 +08:00

491 lines
16 KiB

package resonantinduction.atomic.machine.reactor
import java.util.{ArrayList, List}
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly}
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB
import net.minecraft.world.World
import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.{Fluid, FluidContainerRegistry, FluidStack, FluidTank, FluidTankInfo, IFluidHandler}
import resonant.api.event.PlasmaEvent
import resonant.api.{IReactor, IReactorComponent}
import resonant.engine.grid.thermal.{ThermalGrid, ThermalPhysics}
import resonant.lib.content.prefab.java.TileInventory
import resonant.lib.multiblock.reference.{IMultiBlockStructure, MultiBlockHandler}
import resonant.lib.network.Synced
import resonant.lib.network.Synced.{SyncedInput, SyncedOutput}
import resonant.lib.network.discriminator.PacketAnnotation
import resonant.lib.prefab.poison.PoisonRadiation
import resonant.lib.utility.inventory.InventoryUtility
import resonantinduction.atomic.machine.plasma.TilePlasma
import resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent
import resonantinduction.core.Reference
import resonant.lib.transform.vector.{Vector3, VectorWorld}
import scala.collection.convert.wrapAll._
/** The primary reactor component cell used to build reactors with.
* @author Calclavia */
object TileReactorCell
final val RADIUS: Int = 2
final val MELTING_POINT: Int = 2000
class TileReactorCell extends TileInventory(Material.iron) with IMultiBlockStructure[TileReactorCell] with IReactor with IFluidHandler
private final val specificHeatCapacity: Int = 1000
private final val mass: Float = ThermalPhysics.getMass(1000, 7)
var tank: FluidTank = new FluidTank(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME * 15)
@Synced var temperature: Float = 295
private var previousTemperature: Float = 295
private var shouldUpdate: Boolean = false
private var prevInternalEnergy: Long = 0
private var internalEnergy: Long = 0
private var meltdownCounter: Int = 0
private var meltdownCounterMaximum: Int = 1000
/** Multiblock Methods. */
private var multiBlock: MultiBlockHandler[TileReactorCell] = null
textureName = "machine"
isOpaqueCube = false
normalRender = false
maxSlots = 1
override def onWorldJoin
override def onNeighborChanged(block: Block)
/** Multiblock Methods */
def updatePositionStatus
val mainTile: TileReactorCell = getLowest
val top: Boolean = toVector3.add(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)).getTileEntity(worldObj).isInstanceOf[TileReactorCell]
val bottom: Boolean = toVector3.add(new Vector3(0, -1, 0)).getTileEntity(worldObj).isInstanceOf[TileReactorCell]
if (top && bottom)
worldObj.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, 1, 3)
else if (top)
worldObj.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, 0, 3)
worldObj.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, 2, 3)
def getLowest: TileReactorCell =
var lowest: TileReactorCell = this
val checkPosition: Vector3 = toVector3
while (true)
val t: TileEntity = checkPosition.getTileEntity(this.worldObj)
if (t.isInstanceOf[TileReactorCell])
lowest = t.asInstanceOf[TileReactorCell]
return lowest;
checkPosition.y -= 1
return lowest
override def update
if (!getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
if (getStackInSlot(0) != null)
if (getMultiBlock.get.getStackInSlot(0) == null)
getMultiBlock.get.setInventorySlotContents(0, getStackInSlot(0))
setInventorySlotContents(0, null)
if (tank.getFluidAmount > 0)
getMultiBlock.get.tank.fill(tank.drain(tank.getCapacity, true), true)
if (!getWorld.isRemote)
if (getMultiBlock().isPrimary() && tank.getFluid != null && tank.getFluid.fluidID == AtomicContent.FLUID_PLASMA.getID)
val drain: FluidStack = tank.drain(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME, false)
if (drain != null && drain.amount >= FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME)
val spawnDir: ForgeDirection = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(worldObj.rand.nextInt(3) + 2)
val spawnPos: Vector3 = toVector3 + spawnDir + spawnDir
spawnPos.add(0, Math.max(worldObj.rand.nextInt(getHeight) - 1, 0), 0)
if (worldObj.isAirBlock(spawnPos.xi, spawnPos.yi, spawnPos.zi))
MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(new PlasmaEvent.SpawnPlasmaEvent(worldObj, spawnPos.xi, spawnPos.yi, spawnPos.zi, TilePlasma.plasmaMaxTemperature))
tank.drain(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME, true)
prevInternalEnergy = internalEnergy
val fuelRod: ItemStack = getMultiBlock.get.getStackInSlot(0)
if (fuelRod != null)
if (fuelRod.getItem.isInstanceOf[IReactorComponent])
(fuelRod.getItem.asInstanceOf[IReactorComponent]).onReact(fuelRod, this)
if (!worldObj.isRemote)
if (fuelRod.getItemDamage >= fuelRod.getMaxDamage)
getMultiBlock.get.setInventorySlotContents(0, null)
if (ticks % 20 == 0)
if (worldObj.rand.nextFloat > 0.65)
val entities: List[EntityLiving] = worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB(classOf[EntityLiving], AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(xCoord - TileReactorCell.RADIUS * 2, yCoord - TileReactorCell.RADIUS * 2, zCoord - TileReactorCell.RADIUS * 2, xCoord + TileReactorCell.RADIUS * 2, yCoord + TileReactorCell.RADIUS * 2, zCoord + TileReactorCell.RADIUS * 2)).asInstanceOf[List[EntityLiving]]
for (entity <- entities)
PoisonRadiation.INSTANCE.poisonEntity(toVector3, entity)
temperature = ThermalGrid.getTemperature(toVectorWorld)
if (internalEnergy - prevInternalEnergy > 0)
var deltaT: Float = ThermalPhysics.getTemperatureForEnergy(mass, specificHeatCapacity, ((internalEnergy - prevInternalEnergy) * 0.15).asInstanceOf[Long])
var rods: Int = 0
for (i <- 0 to 5)
val checkAdjacent: Vector3 = toVector3.add(ForgeDirection.getOrientation(i))
if (checkAdjacent.getBlock(worldObj) == AtomicContent.blockControlRod)
deltaT /= 1.1f
rods += 1
ThermalGrid.addTemperature(toVectorWorld, deltaT)
if (worldObj.rand.nextInt(80) == 0 && this.getTemperature >= 373)
worldObj.playSoundEffect(this.xCoord + 0.5F, this.yCoord + 0.5F, this.zCoord + 0.5F, "Fluid.lava", 0.5F, 2.1F + (worldObj.rand.nextFloat - worldObj.rand.nextFloat) * 0.85F)
if (worldObj.rand.nextInt(40) == 0 && this.getTemperature >= 373)
worldObj.playSoundEffect(this.xCoord + 0.5F, this.yCoord + 0.5F, this.zCoord + 0.5F, "Fluid.lavapop", 0.5F, 2.6F + (worldObj.rand.nextFloat - worldObj.rand.nextFloat) * 0.8F)
if (worldObj.getWorldTime % (AtomicContent.SECOND_IN_TICKS * 5.0F) == 0 && this.getTemperature >= 373)
val percentage: Float = Math.min(this.getTemperature / TileReactorCell.MELTING_POINT, 1.0F)
worldObj.playSoundEffect(this.xCoord + 0.5F, this.yCoord + 0.5F, this.zCoord + 0.5F, Reference.prefix + "reactorcell", percentage, 1.0F)
if (previousTemperature != temperature && !shouldUpdate)
shouldUpdate = true
previousTemperature = temperature
if (previousTemperature >= TileReactorCell.MELTING_POINT && meltdownCounter < meltdownCounterMaximum)
shouldUpdate = true
meltdownCounter += 1
else if (previousTemperature >= TileReactorCell.MELTING_POINT && meltdownCounter >= meltdownCounterMaximum)
meltdownCounter = 0
if (previousTemperature < TileReactorCell.MELTING_POINT && meltdownCounter < meltdownCounterMaximum && meltdownCounter > 0)
meltdownCounter -= 1
internalEnergy = 0
if (isOverToxic)
val leakPos: VectorWorld = toVectorWorld.add(worldObj.rand.nextInt(20) - 10, worldObj.rand.nextInt(20) - 10, worldObj.rand.nextInt(20) - 10)
val block: Block = leakPos.getBlock
if (block == Blocks.grass)
leakPos.setBlock(world, AtomicContent.blockRadioactive)
tank.drain(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME, true)
else if (block == null)
if (tank.getFluid != null)
leakPos.setBlock(world, tank.getFluid.getFluid.getBlock)
tank.drain(FluidContainerRegistry.BUCKET_VOLUME, true)
if (ticks % 60 == 0 || shouldUpdate)
shouldUpdate = false
if (worldObj.rand.nextInt(5) == 0 && this.getTemperature >= 373)
worldObj.spawnParticle("cloud", this.xCoord + worldObj.rand.nextInt(2), this.yCoord + 1.0F, this.zCoord + worldObj.rand.nextInt(2), 0, 0.1D, 0)
worldObj.spawnParticle("bubble", this.xCoord + worldObj.rand.nextInt(5), this.yCoord, this.zCoord + worldObj.rand.nextInt(5), 0, 0, 0)
def isOverToxic: Boolean =
return tank.getFluid != null && tank.getFluid.fluidID == AtomicContent.getFluidToxicWaste.getID && tank.getFluid.amount >= tank.getCapacity
def getWorld: World =
return worldObj
def getHeight: Int =
var height: Int = 0
val checkPosition: Vector3 = toVector3
var tile: TileEntity = this
while (tile.isInstanceOf[TileReactorCell])
checkPosition.y += 1
height += 1
tile = checkPosition.getTileEntity(worldObj)
return height
override def getDescPacket: PacketAnnotation =
return new PacketAnnotation(this)
private def meltDown
if (!worldObj.isRemote)
this.worldObj.setBlock(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, Blocks.lava)
//val reactorExplosion: ReactorExplosion = new ReactorExplosion(worldObj, null, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, 9f)
def getTemperature: Float =
return temperature
def onMultiBlockChanged
override def getMultiBlockVectors: java.lang.Iterable[Vector3] =
val vectors: List[Vector3] = new ArrayList[Vector3]
val checkPosition: Vector3 = toVector3
while (true)
val t: TileEntity = checkPosition.getTileEntity(this.worldObj)
if (t.isInstanceOf[TileReactorCell])
return vectors
checkPosition.y += 1
return vectors
def getPosition: Vector3 =
return toVector3
/** Reads a tile entity from NBT. */
@SyncedInput override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
temperature = nbt.getFloat("temperature")
/** Writes a tile entity to NBT. */
@SyncedOutput override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
nbt.setFloat("temperature", temperature)
override def getInventoryStackLimit: Int =
return 1
/** Returns true if automation can insert the given item in the given slot from the given side.
* Args: Slot, item, side */
override def canInsertItem(slot: Int, items: ItemStack, side: Int): Boolean =
return this.isItemValidForSlot(slot, items)
override def isItemValidForSlot(slotID: Int, itemStack: ItemStack): Boolean =
if (getMultiBlock.isPrimary && getMultiBlock.get.getStackInSlot(0) == null)
return itemStack.getItem.isInstanceOf[IReactorComponent]
return false
override def getMultiBlock: MultiBlockHandler[TileReactorCell] =
if (multiBlock == null)
multiBlock = new MultiBlockHandler[TileReactorCell](this)
return multiBlock
override def isUseableByPlayer(par1EntityPlayer: EntityPlayer): Boolean =
return if (worldObj.getTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) ne this) false else par1EntityPlayer.getDistanceSq(xCoord + 0.5D, yCoord + 0.5D, zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D
def getInvName: String =
return getBlockType.getLocalizedName
/** Fluid Functions. */
override def fill(from: ForgeDirection, resource: FluidStack, doFill: Boolean): Int =
return getMultiBlock.get.tank.fill(resource, doFill)
override def drain(from: ForgeDirection, maxDrain: Int, doDrain: Boolean): FluidStack =
return tank.drain(maxDrain, doDrain)
override def drain(from: ForgeDirection, resource: FluidStack, doDrain: Boolean): FluidStack =
if (resource == null || !resource.isFluidEqual(tank.getFluid))
return null
return tank.drain(resource.amount, doDrain)
override def canFill(from: ForgeDirection, fluid: Fluid): Boolean =
return fluid == AtomicContent.FLUID_PLASMA
override def canDrain(from: ForgeDirection, fluid: Fluid): Boolean =
return fluid == AtomicContent.getFluidToxicWaste
override def getTankInfo(from: ForgeDirection): Array[FluidTankInfo] =
return Array[FluidTankInfo](tank.getInfo)
@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) override def getRenderBoundingBox: AxisAlignedBB =
if (getMultiBlock.isPrimary && getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
return AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(x - 5, y - 5, z - 5, x + 5, y + 5, z + 5);
return super.getRenderBoundingBox
def heat(energy: Long)
internalEnergy = Math.max(internalEnergy + energy, 0)
/** Called when the block is right clicked by the player */
override protected def use(player: EntityPlayer, side: Int, hit: Vector3): Boolean =
if (!world.isRemote)
val tile: TileReactorCell = getMultiBlock.get()
if (player.inventory.getCurrentItem != null)
if (tile.getStackInSlot(0) == null)
if (player.inventory.getCurrentItem.getItem.isInstanceOf[IReactorComponent])
val itemStack: ItemStack = player.inventory.getCurrentItem.copy
itemStack.stackSize = 1
tile.setInventorySlotContents(0, itemStack)
player.inventory.decrStackSize(player.inventory.currentItem, 1)
return true
else if (player.isSneaking && tile.getStackInSlot(0) != null)
InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(world, new Vector3(player), tile.getStackInSlot(0), 0)
tile.setInventorySlotContents(0, null)
return true
player.openGui(AtomicContent, 0, world, tile.xCoord, tile.yCoord, tile.zCoord)
return true
override protected def markUpdate
shouldUpdate = true