2015-01-26 20:17:04 +08:00

63 lines
2 KiB

package edx.quantum.schematic
import java.util.HashMap
import edx.quantum.QuantumContent
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonantengine.lib.collection.Pair
import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.Vector3
import resonantengine.lib.schematic.Schematic
class SchematicBreedingReactor extends Schematic
override def getName: String =
return "schematic.breedingReactor.name"
override def getStructure(dir: ForgeDirection, size: Int): HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]] =
val returnMap: HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]] = new HashMap[Vector3, Pair[Block, Integer]]
var r: Int = Math.max(size, 2)
for (x <- -r to r)
for (z <- -r to r)
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, 0, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.water, 0))
r -= 1
for (x <- -r to r)
for (z <- -r to r)
val targetPosition: Vector3 = new Vector3(x, 1, z)
if (new Vector3(x, 0, z).magnitude <= 2)
if (!((x == -r || x == r) && (z == -r || z == r)))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, 0, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](QuantumContent.blockReactorCell, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -3, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](QuantumContent.blockSiren, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -2, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.redstone_wire, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -1, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](QuantumContent.blockControlRod, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(x, -2, z), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.piston, 1))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -2, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.stone, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3(0, -3, 0), new Pair[Block, Integer](Blocks.stone, 0))
returnMap.put(new Vector3, new Pair[Block, Integer](QuantumContent.blockReactorCell, 0))
return returnMap