2014-11-07 10:08:34 +08:00

324 lines
10 KiB

package resonantinduction.atomic.machine.accelerator
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly}
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf
import net.minecraft.block.Block
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.util.IIcon
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import resonant.api.electric.EnergyStorage
import resonant.api.{IElectromagnet, IRotatable}
import resonant.lib.content.prefab.TEnergyStorage
import resonant.lib.content.prefab.java.TileElectricInventory
import resonant.lib.network.discriminator.{PacketTile, PacketType}
import resonant.lib.network.handle.{TPacketIDReceiver, TPacketSender}
import resonant.lib.transform.vector.Vector3
import resonant.lib.utility.BlockUtility
import resonantinduction.atomic.AtomicContent
import resonantinduction.atomic.items.ItemAntimatter
import resonantinduction.core.{Reference, ResonantInduction, Settings}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
class TileAccelerator extends TileElectricInventory(Material.iron) with IElectromagnet with IRotatable with TPacketIDReceiver with TPacketSender with TEnergyStorage
final val DESC_PACKET_ID = 2;
* Multiplier that is used to give extra anti-matter based on density (hardness) of a given ore.
private var antiMatterDensityMultiplyer: Int = Settings.ACCELERATOR_ANITMATTER_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER
* The total amount of energy consumed by this particle. In Joules.
var totalEnergyConsumed: Double = 0
* The amount of anti-matter stored within the accelerator. Measured in milligrams.
var antimatter: Int = 0
var entityParticle: EntityParticle = null
var velocity: Float = 0
var clientEnergy: Double = 0
var lastSpawnTick: Int = 0
//TODO: Dummy
energy = new EnergyStorage(0)
energy.setCapacity(Settings.ACCELERATOR_ENERGY_COST_PER_TICK * 20)
override def update
if (!worldObj.isRemote)
clientEnergy = energy.getEnergy
velocity = getParticleVel()
if (worldObj.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord))
if (energy.checkExtract)
if (entityParticle == null)
//Create new particle if we have materials to spawn it with
if (getStackInSlot(0) != null && lastSpawnTick >= 40)
val spawn_vec: Vector3 = asVector3
if (EntityParticle.canSpawnParticle(worldObj, spawn_vec))
totalEnergyConsumed = 0
entityParticle = new EntityParticle(worldObj, spawn_vec, asVector3, getDirection.getOpposite)
decrStackSize(0, 1)
lastSpawnTick = 0
if (entityParticle.isDead)
//Handle strange matter creation
if (entityParticle.didParticleCollide)
if (worldObj.rand.nextFloat <= Settings.darkMatterSpawnChance)
incrStackSize(3, new ItemStack(AtomicContent.itemDarkMatter))
entityParticle = null
else if (velocity > EntityParticle.ANITMATTER_CREATION_SPEED)
//Create antimatter if we have hit max speed
worldObj.playSoundEffect(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, Reference.prefix + "antimatter", 2f, 1f - worldObj.rand.nextFloat * 0.3f)
val generatedAntimatter: Int = 5 + worldObj.rand.nextInt(antiMatterDensityMultiplyer)
antimatter += generatedAntimatter
totalEnergyConsumed = 0
entityParticle = null
if (entityParticle != null)
worldObj.playSoundEffect(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, Reference.prefix + "accelerator", 1.5f, (0.6f + (0.4 * (entityParticle.getParticleVelocity) / EntityParticle.ANITMATTER_CREATION_SPEED)).asInstanceOf[Float])
if (entityParticle != null)
entityParticle = null
if (entityParticle != null)
entityParticle = null
if (ticks % 5 == 0)
for (player <- getPlayersUsing)
sendPacket(getDescPacket, player)
lastSpawnTick += 1
* Converts antimatter storage into item if the condition are meet
def outputAntimatter()
//Do we have an empty cell in slot one
if (AtomicContent.isItemStackEmptyCell(getStackInSlot(1)) && getStackInSlot(1).stackSize > 0)
// Each cell can only hold 125mg of antimatter TODO maybe a config for this?
if (antimatter >= 125)
if (getStackInSlot(2) != null)
// If the output slot is not empty we must increase stack size
if (getStackInSlot(2).getItem == AtomicContent.itemAntimatter)
val newStack: ItemStack = getStackInSlot(2).copy
if (newStack.stackSize < newStack.getMaxStackSize)
decrStackSize(1, 1)
antimatter -= 125
newStack.stackSize += 1
setInventorySlotContents(2, newStack)
//Output to slot 2 and decrease volume of antimatter
antimatter -= 125
decrStackSize(1, 1)
setInventorySlotContents(2, new ItemStack(AtomicContent.itemAntimatter))
override def activate(player: EntityPlayer, side: Int, hit: Vector3): Boolean =
player.openGui(ResonantInduction, 0, world, xi, yi, zi)
return true
private def CalculateParticleDensity
val itemToAccelerate: ItemStack = this.getStackInSlot(0)
if (itemToAccelerate != null)
val potentialBlock: Block = Block.getBlockFromItem(itemToAccelerate.getItem)
if (potentialBlock != null)
antiMatterDensityMultiplyer = BlockUtility.getBlockHardness(potentialBlock).asInstanceOf[Int] * Settings.ACCELERATOR_ANITMATTER_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER
if (antiMatterDensityMultiplyer <= 0)
if (antiMatterDensityMultiplyer > 1000)
antiMatterDensityMultiplyer = 1000 * Settings.ACCELERATOR_ANITMATTER_DENSITY_MULTIPLIER
/// Packet Handling ///
override def read(buf: ByteBuf, id: Int, player: EntityPlayer, packet: PacketType): Boolean =
//Client only packets
if (world.isRemote)
if (id == DESC_PACKET_ID)
this.velocity = buf.readFloat()
this.totalEnergyConsumed = buf.readDouble()
this.antimatter = buf.readInt()
return true
return true
override def getDescPacket: PacketTile =
return new PacketTile(xi, yi, zi, Array[Any](DESC_PACKET_ID, velocity, totalEnergyConsumed, antimatter, energy.getEnergy))
/// Save handling ///
override def readFromNBT(par1NBTTagCompound: NBTTagCompound)
totalEnergyConsumed = par1NBTTagCompound.getDouble("energyUsed")
antimatter = par1NBTTagCompound.getInteger("antimatter")
override def writeToNBT(par1NBTTagCompound: NBTTagCompound)
par1NBTTagCompound.setDouble("energyUsed", totalEnergyConsumed)
par1NBTTagCompound.setInteger("antimatter", antimatter)
/// Inventory Overrides ///
override def canInsertItem(slotID: Int, itemStack: ItemStack, j: Int): Boolean =
return isItemValidForSlot(slotID, itemStack) && slotID != 2 && slotID != 3
override def canExtractItem(slotID: Int, itemstack: ItemStack, j: Int): Boolean =
return slotID == 2 || slotID == 3
override def isItemValidForSlot(i: Int, itemStack: ItemStack): Boolean =
i match
case 0 =>
return true
case 1 =>
return AtomicContent.isItemStackEmptyCell(itemStack)
case 2 =>
return itemStack.getItem.isInstanceOf[ItemAntimatter]
case 3 =>
return itemStack.getItem != null && itemStack.getItem.getUnlocalizedName.contains("DarkMatter")
return false
/// Field Getters & Setters ///
override def isRunning: Boolean =
return true
override def getDirection: ForgeDirection =
return ForgeDirection.getOrientation(getBlockMetadata)
override def setDirection(direction: ForgeDirection)
world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, direction.ordinal, 3)
/** get velocity for the particle and @return it as a float */
def getParticleVel(): Float =
if (entityParticle != null)
return entityParticle.getParticleVelocity.asInstanceOf[Float]
return 0
override def getIcon(side: Int, meta: Int): IIcon =
if (side == getDirection.getOpposite.ordinal())
return AtomicContent.blockElectromagnet.getIcon(side, meta)
return getIcon