
238 lines
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package edx.mechanical.mech.turbine
import java.util.List
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.{Side, SideOnly}
import edx.core.{Reference, Settings}
import edx.mechanical.Models
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs
import net.minecraft.init.{Blocks, Items}
import net.minecraft.item.{Item, ItemStack}
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import net.minecraft.world.biome.{BiomeGenBase, BiomeGenOcean, BiomeGenPlains}
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.{Fluid, FluidStack, FluidTank, FluidTankInfo}
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11
import resonantengine.api.tile.IBoilHandler
import resonantengine.lib.render.RenderUtility
import resonantengine.lib.transform.vector.Vector3
import resonantengine.lib.utility.MathUtility
import resonantengine.lib.utility.inventory.InventoryUtility
import resonantengine.lib.wrapper.CollectionWrapper._
import resonantengine.lib.wrapper.NBTWrapper._
import resonantengine.prefab.block.itemblock.ItemBlockMetadata
class TileWindTurbine extends TileTurbine with IBoilHandler
* Steam simulations
private val gasTank = new FluidTank(1000)
* Wind simulations
private var openBlockCache = new Array[Byte](224)
private var checkCount = 0
private var efficiency = 0f
private var windTorque = 0d
private var nextWindTorque = 0d
this.itemBlock = classOf[ItemBlockMetadata]
override def update()
if (!worldObj.isRemote)
if (tier == 0 && getDirection.offsetY == 0 && worldObj.isRaining && worldObj.isThundering && worldObj.rand.nextFloat < 0.00000008)
//Break under storm
InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(worldObj, new Vector3(x, y, z), new ItemStack(Blocks.wool, 1 + worldObj.rand.nextInt(2)))
InventoryUtility.dropItemStack(worldObj, new Vector3(x, y, z), new ItemStack(Items.stick, 3 + worldObj.rand.nextInt(8)))
else if (getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
//Only execute code in the primary block
if (getDirection.offsetY == 0)
//This is a vertical wind turbine, generate from airflow
if (ticks % 20 == 0)
windTorque = MathUtility.lerp(windTorque, nextWindTorque, ticks % 20 / 20d)
getMultiBlock.get.mechanicalNode.accelerate(windTorque * multiBlockRadius)
//Generate from steam
val steamPower = if (gasTank.getFluid != null) gasTank.drain(gasTank.getFluidAmount, true).amount else 0 * 1000 * Settings.steamMultiplier
getMultiBlock.get.mechanicalNode.accelerate(steamPower * multiBlockRadius)
private def computePower()
val checkSize = 10
val height = yCoord + checkCount / 28
val deviation = checkCount % 7
var checkDir: ForgeDirection = null
var check: Vector3 = null
val cc = checkCount / 7 % 4
cc match
case 0 =>
checkDir = ForgeDirection.NORTH
check = new Vector3(xCoord - 3 + deviation, height, zCoord - 4)
case 1 =>
checkDir = ForgeDirection.WEST
check = new Vector3(xCoord - 4, height, zCoord - 3 + deviation)
case 2 =>
checkDir = ForgeDirection.WEST
check = new Vector3(xCoord - 4, height, zCoord - 3 + deviation)
case 3 =>
checkDir = ForgeDirection.EAST
check = new Vector3(xCoord + 4, height, zCoord - 3 + deviation)
var openAirBlocks = 0
while (openAirBlocks < checkSize && world.isAirBlock(check.xi, check.yi, check.zi))
openAirBlocks += 1
efficiency = efficiency - openBlockCache(checkCount) + openAirBlocks
openBlockCache(checkCount) = openAirBlocks.toByte
checkCount = (checkCount + 1) % (openBlockCache.length - 1)
val multiblockMultiplier = (multiBlockRadius / 2) * (multiBlockRadius / 2)
val materialMultiplier = tier match
case 0 => 1.1f
case 1 => 0.9f
case 2 => 1f
val biome = worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(xCoord, zCoord)
val hasBonus = biome.isInstanceOf[BiomeGenOcean] || biome.isInstanceOf[BiomeGenPlains] || biome == BiomeGenBase.river
val windSpeed = (worldObj.rand.nextFloat / 5) + (yCoord / 256f) * (if (hasBonus) 1.2f else 1) + worldObj.getRainStrength(0.5f)
nextWindTorque = 5 * materialMultiplier * multiblockMultiplier * windSpeed * efficiency * Settings.WIND_POWER_RATIO / 20
override def getSubBlocks(par1: Item, par2CreativeTabs: CreativeTabs, par3List: List[_])
for (i <- 0 to 2)
par3List.add(new ItemStack(par1, 1, i))
override def canFill(from: ForgeDirection, fluid: Fluid): Boolean = from == ForgeDirection.DOWN && fluid.getName.contains("steam")
override def fill(from: ForgeDirection, resource: FluidStack, doFill: Boolean): Int = gasTank.fill(resource, doFill)
override def drain(from: ForgeDirection, resource: FluidStack, doDrain: Boolean): FluidStack = null
override def drain(from: ForgeDirection, maxDrain: Int, doDrain: Boolean): FluidStack = null
override def canDrain(from: ForgeDirection, fluid: Fluid): Boolean = false
override def getTankInfo(from: ForgeDirection): Array[FluidTankInfo] = Array(gasTank.getInfo)
/** Reads a tile entity from NBT. */
override def readFromNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
checkCount = nbt.getInteger("checkCount")
efficiency = nbt.getFloat("efficiency")
openBlockCache = nbt.getArray[Byte]("openBlockCache")
/** Writes a tile entity to NBT. */
override def writeToNBT(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
nbt.setInteger("checkCount", checkCount)
nbt.setFloat("efficiency", efficiency)
nbt.setArray("openBlockCache", openBlockCache)
override def renderDynamic(pos: Vector3, frame: Float, pass: Int): Unit =
if (getMultiBlock.isPrimary)
GL11.glTranslated(pos.x + 0.5, pos.y + 0.5, pos.z + 0.5)
GL11.glTranslatef(0, 0.35f, 0)
GL11.glRotatef(180, 1, 0, 0)
GL11.glRotatef(Math.toDegrees(mechanicalNode.angle).asInstanceOf[Float], 0, 1, 0)
render(tier, multiBlockRadius, getMultiBlock.isConstructed)
override def renderInventory(itemStack: ItemStack)
GL11.glTranslatef(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)
render(itemStack.getItemDamage, 1, false)
def render(tier: Int, size: Int, isConstructed: Boolean)
if (tier == 0)
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.blockTextureDirectory + "planks_oak.png")
else if (tier == 1)
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.blockTextureDirectory + "cobblestone.png")
else if (tier == 2)
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.blockTextureDirectory + "iron_block.png")
if (isConstructed)
GL11.glScalef(0.3f, 1, 0.3f)
GL11.glScalef(size * 2 + 1, Math.min(size, 2), size * 2 + 1)
if (tier == 2)
GL11.glTranslatef(0, -0.11f, 0)
GL11.glScalef(1f, 2f, 1f)
GL11.glTranslatef(0, -0.05f, 0)
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.blockTextureDirectory + "wool_colored_white.png")
RenderUtility.bind(Reference.blockTextureDirectory + "log_oak.png")