2014-11-11 20:51:23 +08:00

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package resonantinduction.core.prefab.part
import codechicken.lib.raytracer.IndexedCuboid6
import codechicken.lib.vec.{Cuboid6, Rotation, Vector3}
* Reference sheet for commonly created cuboid shape sets.
* Created by robert on 10/18/2014.
object CuboidShapes
/** 0.3 box shaped centered wire */
lazy val segment = getNewSegments(0.375f)
/** 0.4 box shaped wire designed to be used for insulation */
lazy val thickSegment = getNewSegments(0.3f)
/** Center segment of wire */
lazy val center = new IndexedCuboid6(7, new Cuboid6(0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 0.625, 0.625, 0.625))
/** Center segment of insulation */
lazy val thickCenter = new IndexedCuboid6(7, new Cuboid6(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7))
/** 1/8th thick panel box can be used for anything flat */
lazy val panel = getNewPanelSegments
* Generates then returns a new set of panel segments that are .125m in size
* @return 6 part matrix
def getNewPanelSegments: Array[Array[Cuboid6]] =
val segments = Array.ofDim[Cuboid6](6, 2)
segments(0)(0) = new Cuboid6(1 / 8D, 0, 0, 7 / 8D, 1 / 8D, 1)
segments(0)(1) = new Cuboid6(0, 0, 1 / 8D, 1, 1 / 8D, 7 / 8D)
for (s <- 1 until 6)
val t = Rotation.sideRotations(s).at(Vector3.center)
segments(s)(0) = segments(0)(0).copy().apply(t)
segments(s)(1) = segments(0)(1).copy().apply(t)
return segments
* Generates then returns a new set of wire segments that are .3m in size
* @return 7 part array
def getNewSegments(thickness: Float): Array[IndexedCuboid6] =
val segments = new Array[IndexedCuboid6](7)
segments(0) = new IndexedCuboid6(0, new Cuboid6(thickness, 0.0, thickness, 1 - thickness, thickness, 1 - thickness))
segments(1) = new IndexedCuboid6(1, new Cuboid6(thickness, 1 - thickness, thickness, 1 - thickness, 1.0, 1 - thickness))
segments(2) = new IndexedCuboid6(2, new Cuboid6(thickness, thickness, 0.0, 1 - thickness, 1 - thickness, thickness))
segments(3) = new IndexedCuboid6(3, new Cuboid6(thickness, thickness, 1 - thickness, 1 - thickness, 1 - thickness, 1.0))
segments(4) = new IndexedCuboid6(4, new Cuboid6(0.0, thickness, thickness, thickness, 1 - thickness, 1 - thickness))
segments(5) = new IndexedCuboid6(5, new Cuboid6(1 - thickness, thickness, thickness, 1.0, 1 - thickness, 1 - thickness))
segments(6) = new IndexedCuboid6(6, new Cuboid6(thickness, thickness, thickness, 1 - thickness, 1 - thickness, 1 - thickness))
return segments