2015-01-12 23:01:41 +08:00

52 lines
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package resonantinduction.core.resource
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
import resonant.lib.utility.nbt.ISaveObj
import resonant.lib.wrapper.NBTWrapper._
* A class that stores alloy objects. Alloys are materials that are composed of other materials.
* @author Calclavia
class Alloy(val max: Int) extends ISaveObj
var content = Map.empty[String, Int]
def this(nbt: NBTTagCompound, max: Int = 8)
override def load(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
content = nbt.getMap("mixture")
def percentage(material: String): Float = content(material) / size.toFloat
def size = content.values.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
def percentage = size / max.toFloat
* Mixes a dust material into this jar
def mix(material: String): Boolean =
if (size < max)
content += material -> (content.getOrElse(material, 0) + 1)
return true
return false
def color = AlloyUtility.mixedColor(content.map(keyVal => (keyVal._1, keyVal._2 / size.toFloat)))
override def save(nbt: NBTTagCompound)
nbt.setMap("mixture", content)