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package anvil.infinity.config;
import anvil.infinity.Infinity;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config;
@Config(modid = Infinity.MOD_ID)
public class ModConfig {
@Config(modid = Infinity.MOD_ID, category = "general")
public static class General {
@Config.Name("Soul Stone health boost")
@Config.Comment("Should the Soul Stone have a health boost")
public static boolean soulHealthBoost = true;
@Config.Name("SH Reality Stone abilities")
@Config.Comment("Should the Reality Stone have the abilities of the Speedster Heroes Reality Stone if it is installed")
public static boolean useSHRealityAbilities = false;
@Config.Name("Size changing")
@Config.Comment("Should the Reality Stone be able to change the size")
public static boolean sizeChanging = false;
@Config.Comment("Which size should the Reality Stone change it's user to")
@Config.RangeDouble(min = 0.1f, max = 10)
public static float size = 0.1f;
public static int soulWorldID;
@Config.Name("Can Snap change Gamemode")
@Config.Comment("Can the Snap change the Gamemode to Creative")
public static boolean snapCreative = false;
@Config.Name("HeroesExpansion Abilities")
@Config.Comment("Should some stones use abilities from HeroesExpansion")
public static boolean heAbilities = true;
@Config.Name("StarTech Abilities")
@Config.Comment("Should the Power Stone use the abilities from the StarTech Power Stone if installed")
public static boolean stAbilities = true;
@Config.Name("Power Burst Cooldown")
@Config.Comment("How big long should the StarTech Power Stone burst cooldown be")
@Config.RangeInt(min = 0, max = 1000)
public static int powerCooldown = 100;
@Config(category = "worldgen", modid = Infinity.MOD_ID)
public static class Worldgen {
@Config.Name("Enable Stone worldgen")
public static boolean enable = true;
@Config.Name("Power Stone Dimension")
public static int powerDim = 0;
@Config.Name("Space Stone Dimension")
public static int spaceDim = 0;
@Config.Name("Reality Stone Dimension")
public static int realityDim = 0;
@Config.Name("Soul Stone Dimension")
public static int soulDim = 0;
@Config.Name("Time Stone Dimension")
public static int timeDim = 0;
@Config.Name("Mind Stone Dimension")
public static int mindDim = 0;
@Config.Name("Worldgen Debug")
@Config.Comment("WARNING: Console Spam")
public static boolean debug = false;