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"smoothedfilegeo|0|/res/fairy/king/king.js", + "image|/res/fairy/king/king-diffusemap.jpg", + "image|/res/fairy/king/king-normalmap.jpg", + "smoothedfilegeo|0|/res/fairy/elephant/elephant.js", + "image|/res/fairy/elephant/elephant-diffusemap.jpg", + "image|/res/fairy/elephant/elephant-normalmap.jpg", + "smoothedfilegeo|0|/res/fairy/cannon2/cannon2.js", + "image|/res/fairy/cannon2/cannon2-diffusemap.jpg", + "image|/res/fairy/cannon2/cannon2-normalmap.jpg", + "smoothedfilegeo|0|/res/fairy/eagle/eagle.js", + "image|/res/fairy/eagle/eagle-diffusemap.jpg", + "image|/res/fairy/eagle/eagle-normalmap.jpg", + "smoothedfilegeo|0|/res/fairy/camel/camel.js", + "image|/res/fairy/camel/camel-diffusemap.jpg", + "image|/res/fairy/camel/camel-normalmap.jpg" + ], + "world": config_view_skins_world, + "camera": config_view_skins_camera + }, + config_view_skins_9 + ], + "animateSelfMoves": false, + "switchable": true, + "sounds": config_view_sounds, + "js": config_view_js_wtamerlane, + "useAutoComplete": true + } + }, + "viewScripts": config_view_js_wtamerlane + } + + + + ] +})() diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-credits.html b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-credits.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee64cfc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-credits.html @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +


+LeyChessAlpha is based on Metamachy.
+Inventor: tilera
+Developer: tilera
+Inventor of Metamachy: Jean-Louis Cazaux
+Developer of Jocly: Michel Gutierrez
+Piece Graphic Designer:
+Michel Gutierrez
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-description.html b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-description.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd17c58 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-description.html @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +

LeyChessAlpha is a 12*12 Chess Variant with Fairy Pieces based on Metamachy.

diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-model.js b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-model.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f33706 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-model.js @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +/* + * Copyright(c) 2013-2017 - jocly.com + * + * You are allowed to use and modify this source code as long as it is exclusively for use in the Jocly API. + * + * Original authors: Jocly team + * + */ + + + + +(function() { + + var geometry = Model.Game.cbBoardGeometryGrid(12,12); + + Model.Game.cbDefine = function() { + + var $this = this; + + /* + * Movement/capture graph for the prince + */ + function PrinceGraph(side) { + var graph={}; + for(var pos=0;pos0) + graph[pos].push($this.cbTypedArray(away)); + } + } + }); + } + return $this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + $this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[1,1]]), + graph + ); + } + + return { + + geometry: geometry, + + pieceTypes: { + + 0: { + name: 'pawn-w', + aspect: 'fr-pawn', + graph: this.cbPawnGraph(geometry,1), + value: 1, + abbrev: '', + fenAbbrev: 'P', + epCatch: false, + }, + + 1: { + name: 'ipawn-w', + aspect: 'fr-pawn', + graph: this.cbInitialPawnGraph(geometry,1), + value: 1, + abbrev: '', + fenAbbrev: 'P', + initial: [{s:1,p:24},{s:1,p:25},{s:1,p:26},{s:1,p:27},{s:1,p:28},{s:1,p:29},{s:1,p:30},{s:1,p:31},{s:1,p:32},{s:1,p:33},{s:1,p:34},{s:1,p:35}], + epTarget: true, + epCatch: false, + }, + + 2: { + name: 'pawn-b', + aspect: 'fr-pawn', + graph: this.cbPawnGraph(geometry,-1), + value: 1, + abbrev: '', + fenAbbrev: 'P', + epCatch: false, + + }, + + 3: { + name: 'ipawn-b', + aspect: 'fr-pawn', + graph: this.cbInitialPawnGraph(geometry,-1), + value: 1, + abbrev: '', + fenAbbrev: 'P', + initial: [{s:-1,p:108},{s:-1,p:109},{s:-1,p:110},{s:-1,p:111},{s:-1,p:112},{s:-1,p:113},{s:-1,p:114},{s:-1,p:115},{s:-1,p:116},{s:-1,p:117},{s:-1,p:118},{s:-1,p:119}], + epTarget: true, + epCatch: false, + }, + + 4: { + name: 'knight', + aspect: 'fr-knight', + graph: this.cbKnightGraph(geometry), + value: 2.9, + abbrev: 'N', + initial: [{s:1,p:14},{s:1,p:21},{s:-1,p:122},{s:-1,p:129}], + }, + + 5: { + name: 'bishop', + aspect: 'fr-bishop', + graph: this.cbBishopGraph(geometry), + value: 3.1, + abbrev: 'B', + initial: [{s:1,p:15},{s:1,p:20},{s:-1,p:123},{s:-1,p:128}], + }, + + 6: { + name: 'rook', + aspect: 'fr-rook', + graph: this.cbRookGraph(geometry), + value: 5, + abbrev: 'R', + initial: [{s:1,p:13},{s:1,p:22},{s:-1,p:121},{s:-1,p:130}], + castle: true, + }, + + 7: { + name: 'queen', + aspect: 'fr-queen', + graph: this.cbQueenGraph(geometry), + value: 9, + abbrev: 'Q', + initial: [{s:1,p:18},{s:-1,p:126}], + }, + + 8: { + name: 'king', + aspect: 'fr-king', + isKing: true, + graph: this.cbKingGraph(geometry), + abbrev: 'K', + initial: [{s:1,p:17},{s:-1,p:125}], + }, + + 9: { + name: 'cannon', + aspect: 'fr-cannon2', + graph: this.cbXQCannonGraph(geometry), + value: 3.5, + abbrev: 'C', + initial: [{s:1,p:0},{s:1,p:11},{s:-1,p:132},{s:-1,p:143}], + }, + + 10: { + name: 'elephant', + aspect: 'fr-elephant', + graph: this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[1,1],[-2,-2],[-2,2],[2,-2],[2,2]]), + value: 2.5, + abbrev: 'E', + initial: [{s:1,p:12},{s:1,p:23},{s:-1,p:120},{s:-1,p:131}], + }, + + 11: { + name: 'prince-w', + aspect: 'fr-admiral', + graph: PrinceGraph(1), + value: 3, + epTarget: true, + abbrev: 'I', + initial: [{s:1,p:16},{s:1,p:19}], + }, + + 12: { + name: 'prince-b', + aspect: 'fr-admiral', + graph: PrinceGraph(-1), + epTarget: true, + value: 3, + abbrev: 'I', + initial: [{s:-1,p:124},{s:-1,p:127}], + }, + + + 13: { + name: 'camel', + aspect: 'fr-camel', + graph: this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[[-3,-1],[-3,1],[3,-1],[3,1],[1,3],[1,-3],[-1,3],[-1,-3]]), + value: 2, + abbrev: 'M', + initial: [{s:1,p:1},{s:1,p:10},{s:-1,p:133},{s:-1,p:142}], + }, + + 14: { + name: 'lion', + aspect: 'fr-lion', + graph: this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[ + [-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[1,1],[1,0],[0,1],[-1,0],[0,-1], + [-2,0],[-2,-1],[-2,-2],[-1,-2],[0,-2], + [1,-2],[2,-2],[2,-1],[2,0],[2,1], + [2,2],[1,2],[0,2],[-1,2],[-2,2],[-2,1]]), + value: 7.5, + abbrev: 'L', + initial: [{s:1,p:5},{s:-1,p:137}], + }, + 15: { + name: 'eagle', + aspect: 'fr-eagle', + graph: EagleGraph(), + value: 8, + abbrev: 'A', + initial: [{s:1,p:6},{s:-1,p:138}], + }, + 16: { + name: 'unicorn', + aspect: 'fr-unicorn', + graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[ + [-2,-2],[-2,0],[-2,2],[0,2],[2,2],[2,0],[2,-2],[0,-2], + [-3,-3],[-3,0],[-3,3],[0,3],[3,3],[3,0],[3,-3],[0,-3]]), + this.cbKingGraph(geometry), + this.cbKnightGraph(geometry), + this.cbLongRangeGraph(geometry,[[2,-1],[2,1],[-2,-1],[-2,1],[-1,2],[-1,-2],[1,2],[1,-2]]), + this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[[-3,-1],[-3,1],[3,-1],[3,1],[1,3],[1,-3],[-1,3],[-1,-3]]) + ), + value: 13, + abbrev: 'Pa', + initial: [{s:1,p:2},{s:-1,p:134}], + }, + 17: { + name: 'dragon', + aspect: 'fr-dragon', + graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + this.cbQueenGraph(geometry), + EagleGraph()), + value: 14, + abbrev: 'D', + initial: [{s:1,p:4},{s:-1,p:136}], + }, + 18: { + name: 'lighthouse', + aspect: 'fr-lighthouse', + graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + this.cbQueenGraph(geometry), + this.cbXQCannonGraph(geometry), + this.cbLongRangeGraph(geometry,[[1,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,1]],null,this.cbConstants.FLAG_MOVE | this.cbConstants.FLAG_SCREEN_CAPTURE)), + value: 12, + abbrev: 'LH', + initial: [{s:1,p:3},{s:-1,p:135}], + }, + 19: { + name: 'emperor', + aspect: 'fr-crowned-rook', + graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + this.cbQueenGraph(geometry), + this.cbXQCannonGraph(geometry), + this.cbLongRangeGraph(geometry,[[1,-1],[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,1]],null,this.cbConstants.FLAG_MOVE | this.cbConstants.FLAG_SCREEN_CAPTURE), + EagleGraph(), + this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[ + [-2,-2],[-2,0],[-2,2],[0,2],[2,2],[2,0],[2,-2],[0,-2], + [-3,-3],[-3,0],[-3,3],[0,3],[3,3],[3,0],[3,-3],[0,-3]]), + this.cbKnightGraph(geometry), + this.cbLongRangeGraph(geometry,[[2,-1],[2,1],[-2,-1],[-2,1],[-1,2],[-1,-2],[1,2],[1,-2]]), + this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[[-3,-1],[-3,1],[3,-1],[3,1],[1,3],[1,-3],[-1,3],[-1,-3]])), + value: 20, + abbrev: 'EM', + }, + 20: { + name: 'commander', + aspect: 'fr-amazon', + graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + this.cbQueenGraph(geometry), + this.cbKnightGraph(geometry)), + value: 13, + abbrev: 'Co', + initial: [{s:1,p:7},{s:-1,p:139}], + }, + + 21: { + name: 'cardinal', + aspect: 'fr-cardinal', + graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + this.cbBishopGraph(geometry), + this.cbKnightGraph(geometry)), + value: 6, + abbrev: 'Ca', + initial: [{s:1,p:9},{s:-1,p:141}], + }, + + 22: { + name: 'chancellor', + aspect: 'fr-marshall', + graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry, + this.cbRookGraph(geometry), + this.cbKnightGraph(geometry)), + value: 9, + abbrev: 'Ch', + initial: [{s:1,p:8},{s:-1,p:140}], + castle: true, + }, + }, + + promote: function(aGame,piece,move) { + if(piece.t==1 && geometry.R(move.t)==11) + return [14,15,20,16,17,18]; + else if(piece.t==3 && geometry.R(move.t)==0) + return [14,15,20,16,17,18]; + else if(piece.t==11 && geometry.R(move.t)==11) + return [19]; + else if(piece.t==12 && geometry.R(move.t)==0) + return [19]; + return []; + }, + + }; + } + + /* + * Model.Board.GenerateMoves: + * - handle setup phase + * - handle king special move: a kind of castle involving only the king + */ + var kingLongMoves={ + "1": { + 17: [ [15,16],[19,18],[41,29],[39,28],[43,30],[3,4,16],[27,16,28],[40,28,29],[42,29,30],[31,18,30],[7,18,6] ], + 5: [ [3,4],[7,8],[29,17],[27,16],[31,18],[15,4,6],[28,16,17],[30,17,18],[19,6,18] ], + }, + "-1": { + 125: [ [127,126],[123,124],[101,113],[99,112],[103,114],[135,124,136],[111,112,124],[100,112,113],[102,113,114],[115,114,126],[139,126,138] ], + 137: [ [139,138],[135,136],[113,125],[115,126],[111,124],[127,126,138],[114,125,126],[112,124,125],[123,124,136] ], + }, + } + var SuperModelBoardGenerateMoves=Model.Board.GenerateMoves; + Model.Board.GenerateMoves = function(aGame) { + // first moves (white and black) are managed specifically to setup K,Q,E,L initial position + if(this.setupState===undefined) { + this.mMoves=[{}]; + return; + } + if(this.setupState=="setup") { + this.mMoves=[]; + for(var i=0;i<12;i++) + this.mMoves.push({setup:i}); + return; + } + SuperModelBoardGenerateMoves.apply(this,arguments); // call regular GenerateMoves method + // now consider special 2 cases king moves + var kPiece=this.pieces[this.board[this.kings[this.mWho]]]; + if(!kPiece.m && !this.check) { + var lMoves=kingLongMoves[this.mWho][kPiece.p]; + for(var i=0;i=0) + continue; + var canMove=true; + var oppInCheck=false; + for(var j=0;j0; + if(!inCheck && j==0) + oppInCheck=this.cbGetAttackers(aGame,this.kings[-this.mWho],-this.mWho,true).length>0; + this.cbQuickUnapply(aGame,undo); + this.board[pos]=tmpOut; + this.cbIntegrity(aGame); + if(inCheck) { + canMove=false; + break; + } + } + if(canMove) + this.mMoves.push({ + f: kPiece.p, + t: lMove[0], + c: null, + ck: oppInCheck, + a: 'K', + }); + } + } + } + + /* + * Model.Board.CopyFrom overriding to copy setupState property + */ + var SuperModelBoardCopyFrom = Model.Board.CopyFrom; + Model.Board.CopyFrom = function(aBoard) { + SuperModelBoardCopyFrom.apply(this,arguments); + this.setupState = aBoard.setupState; + } + + /* + * Model.Board.Evaluate overriding: in setup phase, no evaluation + */ + var SuperModelBoardEvaluate = Model.Board.Evaluate; + Model.Board.Evaluate = function(aGame) { + if(this.setupState===undefined || this.setupState=="setup") + return; + SuperModelBoardEvaluate.apply(this,arguments); + } + + /* + * Model.Board.ApplyMove overriding: setup phase and king special move + */ + var SuperModelBoardApplyMove=Model.Board.ApplyMove; + Model.Board.ApplyMove = function(aGame,move) { + if(this.setupState===undefined) + this.setupState="setup"; + else if(this.setupState=="setup") { + var $this=this, piece; + // at this point, KQLE have arbitrary positions. remember those piece indexes so we can move them + var starting={ + "1": { K: 17, Q: 18, L: 5, E: 6 }, + "-1": { K: 125, Q: 126, L: 137, E: 138 }, + } + var indexes={ "1": {}, "-1": {} }; + ["1","-1"].forEach(function(side) { + for(var p in starting[side]) + indexes[side][p]=$this.board[starting[side][p]]; + }); + // remove KQLE from the board + [5,6,17,18,125,126,137,138].forEach(function(pos) { + var pIndex=$this.board[pos]; + $this.board[pos]=-1; + piece = $this.pieces[pIndex]; + piece.p=-1; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,pos); + }); + // setup KQLE positions according to the setup + var setup=move.setup; + var remaining={}; + if(setup/6<1) { + this.board[17]=indexes[1].K; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[1].K]; + piece.p=17; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,17); + this.kings[1]=17; + remaining[1]=[18,5,6]; + this.board[125]=indexes[-1].K; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[-1].K]; + piece.p=125; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,125); + this.kings[-1]=125; + remaining[-1]=[126,137,138]; + } else { + this.board[5]=indexes[1].K; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[1].K]; + piece.p=5; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,5); + this.kings[1]=5; + remaining[1]=[17,18,6]; + this.board[137]=indexes[-1].K; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[-1].K]; + piece.p=137; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,137); + this.kings[-1]=137; + remaining[-1]=[125,126,138]; + } + setup%=6; + var queen=Math.floor(setup/2); + this.board[remaining[1][queen]]=indexes[1].Q; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[1].Q]; + piece.p=remaining[1][queen]; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,remaining[1][queen]); + remaining[1].splice(queen,1); + this.board[remaining[-1][queen]]=indexes[-1].Q; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[-1].Q]; + piece.p=remaining[-1][queen]; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,remaining[-1][queen]); + remaining[-1].splice(queen,1); + var eagle,lion; + setup%=2; + if(setup==0) { + eagle=0; + lion=1; + } else { + eagle=1; + lion=0; + } + this.board[remaining[1][eagle]]=indexes[1].E; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[1].E]; + piece.p=remaining[1][eagle]; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,remaining[1][eagle]); + this.board[remaining[1][lion]]=indexes[1].L; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[1].L]; + piece.p=remaining[1][lion]; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,remaining[1][lion]); + + this.board[remaining[-1][eagle]]=indexes[-1].E; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[-1].E]; + piece.p=remaining[-1][eagle]; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,remaining[-1][eagle]); + this.board[remaining[-1][lion]]=indexes[-1].L; + piece = this.pieces[indexes[-1].L]; + piece.p=remaining[-1][lion]; + $this.zSign=aGame.zobrist.update($this.zSign,"board",piece.t,remaining[1][lion]); + + this.setupState="done"; + } else + SuperModelBoardApplyMove.apply(this,arguments); + } + + /* + * Model.Move.ToString overriding for setup notation + */ + var SuperModelMoveToString = Model.Move.ToString; + Model.Move.ToString = function() { + if(this.f===undefined) { + if(this.setup===undefined) + return "--"; + else + return "#"+this.setup; + } + return SuperModelMoveToString.apply(this,arguments); + } + + /* + * Model.Board.CompactMoveString overriding to help reading PJN game transcripts + */ + var SuperModelBoardCompactMoveString = Model.Board.CompactMoveString; + Model.Board.CompactMoveString = function(aGame,aMove,allMoves) { + if(typeof aMove.ToString!="function") // ensure proper move object, if necessary + aMove=aGame.CreateMove(aMove); + if(this.setupState===undefined || this.setupState=="setup") + return aMove.ToString(); + return SuperModelBoardCompactMoveString.apply(this,arguments); + } + + /* + * Model.Board.StaticGenerateMoves overriding to prevent using AI during the setup phase + */ + Model.Board.StaticGenerateMoves = function(aGame) { + if(this.setupState=="setup") + return [aGame.CreateMove({setup:Math.floor(Math.random()*12)})]; + return null; + } + +})(); diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-rules.html b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-rules.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1587a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-rules.html @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +

LeyChessAlpha Rules



+Your Browser suck:( +





+ +


Exactly as in usual Chess.


+ +




+ +


Exactly as in usual Chess.


+ +




+ +


Exactly as in usual Chess.


+ +




+ +


Moves as in usual Chess.


+ +




+ +


Exactly as in usual Chess.


+ +




+ +


The Pawn is almost similar to usual Chess. There is a difference: it can advance one or two square from ANY position on the board. However, its capturing move is unchanged: one square diagonally forward. As a consequence, the en-passant capture is possible every time the opposite Pawn or Corporal or Prince has advanced two squares.


+ +




+ +


This piece is simply a non-royal King combined with a Pawn. It can be found in Metamachy and has been inspired by medieval games like the Courier chess , an old chess variant, played in Germany, where it is called "Man". It moves one square in an arbitrary direction, like the King, but without being hindered by check. Here, like the Pawn, he can move without capturing to the second square straight ahead. When the Prince reaches the last row it promotes to an Emperor.


+ +




+ +


As in Shako.


+ +




+ +


As in Metamachy, inspired (although with some simplification) by Chu Shogi, the most popular variant of the Japanese Chess. Here the Lion may move as a King (a single step move in any direction), or it may jump to a position two squares away, jumping in any orthogonal or diagonal direction, or alternatively jumping as a Knight in usual Chess. (Then this Lion has the same range but is more restricted than the Lion in Chu Shogi which can move two times in a turn).


+ +




+ +


As in Metamachy, moves one square diagonally and then, goes away of an indefinite number of cases vertically or horizontally. It is authorized to go only one square diagonal. It can not jump and the unobstructed path must start with the diagonal movement. This piece is almost as powerful as the Queen and is inspired by the Giraffe from Tamerlane's Chess and the Aanca from Alfonso X's Grande Acedrex.


+ +




+ +


As in Metamachy, a well known piece from medieval Muslim great Chess like Tamerlane's Chess. It jumps to the opposite case of a 2x4 rectangle, like an extended Knight. No matter what intermediate cases contain. Note that it always stays on the same color of square.


+ +




+ +


As in Xiangqi, in Shako and in Metamachy. (Also known as Pao by problemists).


+ +




+ +


It combines the move of Rook and Knight. It can be found in many, many chess variants since Carrera, Bird, Capablanca and many others like Grand Chess or Gothic Chess. (under many other names: Champion, Guard, Empress, Concubine, Chancellor, etc. The later is sometimes preferred, however it is confusing since Capablanca used it once for R+N and once for B+N. It is an Elephant in Seirawan Chess).


+ +




+ +


It combines the move of Bishop and Knight. It can be found in many, many chess variants since Carrera, Bird, Capablanca, Modern and many others like Grand Chess or Gothic Chess. (under many other names: Centaur, Minister, Equerry, Janus, Archbishop, Princess, Chancellor, etc. It is a Hawk in Seirawan Chess).


+ +




+ +


It combines the move of Queen and Knight. It was used in the Turkish-Indian Grand Chess (as a Giraffe).


+ +




+ +


It combines the Star and the Queen.


+ +




+ +


The Unicorn combines the Camel, Lion and Antelope and additionaly it can jump infinite times like a Knight in the same direction(like the Knightrider).


+ +




+ +


The Dragon combines the Queen and the Eagle.


+ +




+ +


The Emperor combines the Dragon, Unicorn and Lighthouse. That means, that every Piece is included in the Emperor. You can only get the Emperor, when you promote a Prince.





+Restart your Browser +


+Restart your Browser diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-thumb.png b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-thumb.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70e05d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-thumb.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-view.js b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-view.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2db191b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/games/chessbase/leychessalpha-view.js @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +/* + * Copyright(c) 2013-2017 - jocly.com + * + * You are allowed to use and modify this source code as long as it is exclusively for use in the Jocly API. + * + * Original authors: Jocly team + * + */ + + + + +(function() { + + View.Game.cbDefineView = function() { + + var metamachyBoardDelta = { + //notationMode: 'in', + //notationDebug: true, + }; + var metamachyBoard3d = $.extend(true,{},this.cbGridBoardClassic3DMargin,metamachyBoardDelta); + var metamachyBoard2d = $.extend(true,{},this.cbGridBoardClassic2DNoMargin,metamachyBoardDelta); + + return { + coords: { + "2d": this.cbGridBoard.coordsFn.call(this,metamachyBoard2d), + "3d": this.cbGridBoard.coordsFn.call(this,metamachyBoard3d), + }, + boardLayout: [ + ".#.#.#.#.#.#", + "#.#.#.#.#.#.", + ".#.#.#.#.#.#", + "#.#.#.#.#.#.", + ".#.#.#.#.#.#", + "#.#.#.#.#.#.", + ".#.#.#.#.#.#", + "#.#.#.#.#.#.", + ".#.#.#.#.#.#", + "#.#.#.#.#.#.", + ".#.#.#.#.#.#", + "#.#.#.#.#.#.", + ], + board: { + "2d": { + draw: this.cbDrawBoardFn(metamachyBoard2d), + }, + "3d": { + display: this.cbDisplayBoardFn(metamachyBoard3d), + }, + }, + clicker: { + "2d": { + width: 1000, + height: 1000, + }, + "3d": { + scale: [.6,.6,.6], + }, + }, + pieces: this.cbFairyPieceStyle({ + "default": { + "3d": { + scale: [.4,.4,.4], + }, + "2d": { + width: 900, + height: 900, + }, + }, + }), + }; + } + + /* + * Make the knight & the camel jump when moving, the elephant & the lion when moving 2 squares, the cannon when capturing + */ + View.Board.cbMoveMidZ = function(aGame,aMove,zFrom,zTo) { + if(aMove.a=='N' || aMove.a=='M' || (aMove.a=='E' && aGame.g.distGraph[aMove.f][aMove.t]==2) || (aMove.a=='L' && aGame.g.distGraph[aMove.f][aMove.t]==2) || (aMove.a=='K' && aGame.g.distGraph[aMove.f][aMove.t]==2) || (aMove.a=='C' && aMove.c!=null)) + return Math.max(zFrom,zTo)+1500; + else + return (zFrom+zTo)/2; + } + + /* + * View.Game.xdInit overriding to create initial setup gadgets + */ + var SuperViewGameXdInit = View.Game.xdInit; + View.Game.xdInit = function(xdv) { + var $this=this; + SuperViewGameXdInit.apply(this,arguments); + var size=600; + xdv.createGadget("setup-board",{ + base: { + type: "element", + x: 0, + y: 0, + width: size*12, + height: size*9, + z: 108, + css: { + "background-color": "White", + }, + }, + }); + var setups={ + 0: "KQEL", + 1: "KQLE", + 2: "KEQL", + 3: "KLQE", + 4: "KELQ", + 5: "KLEQ", + 6: "QEKL", + 7: "QLKE", + 8: "EQKL", + 9: "LQKE", + 10: "ELKQ", + 11: "LEKQ", + } + var imageOffsets={ + K: 500, Q: 400, E: 1100, L: 1200, + } + for(var setup in setups) { + (function(setup) { + var x=((setup%4)-1.5)*3*size; + var y=(Math.floor(setup/4)-1)*3*size; + xdv.createGadget("setup#"+setup,{ + base: { + type: "canvas", + x: x, + y: y, + width: 2*size, + height: 2*size, + z: 109, + draw: function(ctx) { + ctx.fillStyle="#c0c0c0"; + ctx.rect(-size,-size,size*2,size*2); + ctx.fill(); + ctx.save(); + this.getResource("image|"+$this.g.fullPath+"/res/fairy/wikipedia-fairy-sprites.png",function(image) { + for(var i=0;i<4;i++) { + var x=i%2, y=Math.floor(i/2), p=setups[setup].charAt(i); + ctx.drawImage(image,imageOffsets[p],0,100,100,(x-1)*size,(y-1)*size,size,size); + } + ctx.restore(); + }); + } + }, + }); + })(setup); + } + } + + /* + * View.Board.xdInput overriding to handle setup phase + */ + var SuperViewBoardxdInput = View.Board.xdInput; + View.Board.xdInput = function(xdv, aGame) { + if(this.setupState===undefined) { + return { + initial: {}, + getActions: function(moves,currentInput) { return null; }, + } + } else if(this.setupState=="setup") { + return { + initial: { + setupDone: false, + }, + getActions: function(moves,currentInput) { + var actions={}; + if(!currentInput.setupDone) { + moves.forEach(function(move) { + actions[move.setup]={ + view: ["setup#"+move.setup], + click: ["setup#"+move.setup], + moves: [move], + validate: { setupDone: true }, + } + }); + } + return actions; + }, + furnitures: ["setup-board"], + } + } else + return SuperViewBoardxdInput.apply(this,arguments); + } + + /* + * View.Board.cbAnimate overriding to prevent animation on setup + */ + var SuperViewBoardcbAnimate = View.Board.cbAnimate; + View.Board.cbAnimate = function(xdv,aGame,aMove,callback) { + if(this.setupState===undefined || this.setupState=="setup") + callback(); + else + SuperViewBoardcbAnimate.apply(this,arguments); + } + + /* + * View.Board.xdDisplay overriding to prevent displaying KQEL before setup + */ + var SuperViewBoardxdDisplay = View.Board.xdDisplay; + View.Board.xdDisplay = function(xdv, aGame) { + if(this.setupState===undefined || this.setupState=="setup") { + var $this=this; + var hidden={}; + [5,6,17,18,125,126,137,138].forEach(function(pos) { + var pIndex=$this.board[pos]; + hidden[pos]=pIndex; + $this.pieces[pIndex].p=-1; + }); + SuperViewBoardxdDisplay.apply(this,arguments); + for(var pos in hidden) + this.pieces[hidden[pos]].p=parseInt(pos); + } else + SuperViewBoardxdDisplay.apply(this,arguments); + } + +})(); + diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-dragon.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-dragon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87d4fff Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-dragon.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-emperor.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-emperor.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79e2ef8 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-emperor.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-lighthouse.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-lighthouse.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad96788 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-lighthouse.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-unicorn.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-unicorn.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ea39c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/fairy/icons/w-unicorn.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/admiral.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/admiral.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ebef24 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/admiral.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/cavalier.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/cavalier.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e0f377 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/cavalier.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/equusrex.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/equusrex.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56a442f Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/equusrex.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/knightrider.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/knightrider.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8aa055e Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/knightrider.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lca/pawnpromo.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lca/pawnpromo.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89f6eac Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lca/pawnpromo.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lca/princepromo.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lca/princepromo.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5e52fe Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lca/princepromo.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/dragon.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/dragon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e822844 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/dragon.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/lighthouse.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/lighthouse.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63f7adf Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/lighthouse.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/prince.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/prince.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2372e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/prince.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/unicorn.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/unicorn.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac4cf64 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lcb/unicorn.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lighthouse.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lighthouse.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78ddc8f Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/lighthouse.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/pawnight.png b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/pawnight.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff81062 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/rules/graphs/leychess/pawnight.png differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/visuals/leychessalpha-600x600-2d.jpg b/src/games/chessbase/res/visuals/leychessalpha-600x600-2d.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3dafe1f Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/visuals/leychessalpha-600x600-2d.jpg differ diff --git a/src/games/chessbase/res/visuals/leychessalpha-600x600-3d.jpg b/src/games/chessbase/res/visuals/leychessalpha-600x600-3d.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccfd4f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/games/chessbase/res/visuals/leychessalpha-600x600-3d.jpg differ