2017-08-12 17:43:04 +02:00

176 lines
3.7 KiB

* Copyright(c) 2013-2017 -
* You are allowed to use and modify this source code as long as it is exclusively for use in the Jocly API.
* Original authors: Jocly team
(function() {
var geometry = Model.Game.cbBoardGeometryGrid(8,8);
Model.Game.cbDefine = function() {
return {
geometry: geometry,
pieceTypes: {
0: {
name: 'pawn-w',
aspect: 'fr-pawn',
graph: this.cbPawnGraph(geometry,1),
value: 1,
abbrev: '',
fenAbbrev: 'P',
epCatch: false,
1: {
name: 'ipawn-w',
aspect: 'fr-pawn',
graph: this.cbInitialPawnGraph(geometry,1),
value: 1,
abbrev: '',
fenAbbrev: 'P',
initial: [{s:1,p:8},{s:1,p:9},{s:1,p:10},{s:1,p:11},{s:1,p:12},{s:1,p:13},{s:1,p:14},{s:1,p:15}],
epTarget: false,
2: {
name: 'pawn-b',
aspect: 'fr-pawn',
graph: this.cbPawnGraph(geometry,-1),
value: 1,
abbrev: '',
fenAbbrev: 'P',
epCatch: false,
3: {
name: 'ipawn-b',
aspect: 'fr-pawn',
graph: this.cbInitialPawnGraph(geometry,-1),
value: 1,
abbrev: '',
fenAbbrev: 'P',
initial: [{s:-1,p:48},{s:-1,p:49},{s:-1,p:50},{s:-1,p:51},{s:-1,p:52},{s:-1,p:53},{s:-1,p:54},{s:-1,p:55}],
epTarget: false,
4: {
name: 'knight',
aspect: 'fr-knight',
graph: this.cbKnightGraph(geometry),
value: 2.9,
abbrev: 'N',
initial: [{s:1,p:1},{s:1,p:6}],
5: {
name: 'bishop',
aspect: 'fr-bishop',
graph: this.cbBishopGraph(geometry),
value: 3.1,
abbrev: 'B',
initial: [{s:1,p:2},{s:1,p:5}],
6: {
name: 'rook',
aspect: 'fr-rook',
graph: this.cbRookGraph(geometry),
value: 5,
abbrev: 'R',
initial: [{s:1,p:0},{s:1,p:7}],
castle: true,
7: {
name: 'queen',
aspect: 'fr-queen',
graph: this.cbQueenGraph(geometry),
value: 8,
abbrev: 'A',
initial: [{s:1,p:3}],
8: {
name: 'king',
aspect: 'fr-king',
isKing: true,
graph: this.cbKingGraph(geometry),
abbrev: 'K',
initial: [{s:1,p:4},{s:-1,p:60}],
9: {
name: 'chancellor',
aspect: 'fr-marshall',
graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry,
value: 5,
abbrev: 'Cc',
initial: [{s:-1,p:58},{s:-1,p:61}],
10: {
name: 'cardinal',
aspect: 'fr-cardinal',
graph: this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry,
value: 5,
abbrev: 'Ad',
initial: [{s:-1,p:59}],
castle: true,
11: {
name : 'elephant',
abbrev : 'E',
aspect : 'fr-elephant',
graph : this.cbShortRangeGraph(geometry,[[-1,-1],[-1,1],[1,-1],[1,1],[-2,-2],[-2,2],[2,-2],[2,2]],),
value : 2,
initial: [{s:-1,p:57},{s:-1,p:62}],
12: {
name : 'crownedrook',
abbrev : 'Ib',
aspect : 'fr-crowned-rook',
graph : this.cbMergeGraphs(geometry,
value : 2.2,
initial: [{s:-1,p:56},{s:-1,p:63}],
promote: function(aGame,piece,move) {
return [0];
else if(piece.t==3)
return [2];
else if(piece.t==0 && geometry.R(move.t)==7)
return [4,5,6,7];
else if(piece.t==2 && geometry.R(move.t)==0)
return [9,10,11,12];
return [];
castle: {
"4/0": {k:[3,2],r:[1,2,3],n:"O-O-O"},
"4/7": {k:[5,6],r:[6,5],n:"O-O"},