{ "comment": "Various default values for OreDictionary names, from vanilla and other mods", "comment_1": "This file is only shown as an example, it will be regenerated every time mapping occurs in order to let us", "comment_2": "change default values. To specify your own custom values use a separate JSON or the /projecte commands ingame", "values": { "before": { "OD|logWood": 32, "OD|plankWood": 8, "OD|treeSapling": 32, "OD|stickWood": 4, "OD|treeLeaves": 1, "OD|blockGlass": 1, "OD|blockCloth": 48, "OD|stone": 1, "OD|cobblestone": 1, "OD|gemDiamond": 8192, "OD|dustRedstone": 64, "OD|dustGlowstone": 384, "OD|dustCoal": 64, "OD|dustCharcoal": 16, "OD|dustSulfur": 32, "OD|ingotThaumium": 2048, "OD|itemSilicon": 32, "OD|ingotOsmium": 512, "OD|crystalCertusQuartz": 64, "OD|crystalFluix": 256, "OD|dustCertusQuartz": 32, "OD|dustFluix": 128, "OD|gemRuby": 2048, "OD|gemSapphire": 2048, "OD|gemPeridot": 2048, "OD|blockMarble": 4, "OD|blockGlassHardened": 192, "OD|itemRubber": 32, "OD|ingotUranium": 4096, "OD|ingotCyanite": 1024, "OD|shardAir": 64, "OD|shardFire": 64, "OD|shardWater": 64, "OD|shardEarth": 64, "OD|shardOrder": 64, "OD|shardEntropy": 64, "OD|shardNether": 64 } } }