Remove guild patch

[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
Szymon Uglis 2020-06-27 23:21:25 +02:00
parent 3f4679764b
commit 57895f06ab

View file

@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
Index: nyxx/lib/src/core/guild/Guild.dart
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- nyxx/lib/src/core/guild/Guild.dart (revision c17657e7566a5f411077c568f61ea18dcb1bdb5a)
+++ nyxx/lib/src/core/guild/Guild.dart (date 1588628776000)
@@ -1,295 +1,16 @@
part of nyxx;
-/// [Guild] object represents single `Discord Server`.
-/// Guilds are a collection of members, channels, and roles that represents one community.
-/// ---------
-/// [channels] property is Map of [Channel]s but it can be cast to specific Channel subclasses. Example with getting all [TextChannel]s in [Guild]:
-/// ```
-/// var textChannels = channels.where((channel) => channel is MessageChannel) as List<TextChannel>;
-/// ```
-/// If you want to get [icon] or [splash] of [Guild] use `iconURL()` method - [icon] property returns only hash, same as [splash] property.
-class Guild extends SnowflakeEntity implements Disposable {
+class DataGuild extends SnowflakeEntity {
Nyxx client;
- /// The guild's name.
- late final String name;
- /// The guild's icon hash.
- late String? icon;
- /// Splash hash
- late String? splash;
- /// Discovery splash hash
- late String? discoverySplash;
- /// System channel where system messages are sent
- late final TextChannel? systemChannel;
- /// enabled guild features
- late final List<String> features;
- /// The guild's afk channel ID, null if not set.
- late VoiceChannel? afkChannel;
- /// The guild's voice region.
- late String region;
- /// The channel ID for the guild's widget if enabled.
- late final GuildChannel? embedChannel;
- /// The guild's AFK timeout.
- late final int afkTimeout;
- /// The guild's verification level.
- late final int verificationLevel;
- /// The guild's notification level.
- late final int notificationLevel;
- /// The guild's MFA level.
- late final int mfaLevel;
- /// If the guild's widget is enabled.
- late final bool? embedEnabled;
- /// Whether or not the guild is available.
- late final bool available;
- /// System Channel Flags
- late final int systemChannelFlags;
- /// Channel where "PUBLIC" guilds display rules and/or guidelines
- late final GuildChannel? rulesChannel;
- /// The guild owner's ID
- late final User? owner;
- /// The guild's members.
- late final Cache<Snowflake, Member> members;
- /// The guild's channels.
- late final ChannelCache channels;
- /// The guild's roles.
- late final Cache<Snowflake, Role> roles;
- /// Guild custom emojis
- late final Cache<Snowflake, GuildEmoji> emojis;
- /// Boost level of guild
- late final PremiumTier premiumTier;
- /// The number of boosts this server currently has
- late final int? premiumSubscriptionCount;
- /// the preferred locale of a "PUBLIC" guild used
- /// in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"
- late final String preferredLocale;
- /// the id of the channel where admins and moderators
- /// of "PUBLIC" guilds receive notices from Discord
- late final GuildChannel? publicUpdatesChannel;
- /// Permission of current(bot) user in this guild
- Permissions? currentUserPermissions;
- /// Users state cache
- late final Cache<Snowflake, VoiceState> voiceStates;
- /// Returns url to this guild.
- String get url => "${}";
- Role get everyoneRole =>
- roles.values.firstWhere((r) => == "@everyone");
- /// Returns member object for bot user
- Member? get selfMember => members[];
- /// Upload limit for this guild in bytes
- int get fileUploadLimit {
- var megabyte = 1024 * 1024;
- if(this.premiumTier == PremiumTier.tier2) {
- return 50 * megabyte;
- }
- if(this.premiumTier == PremiumTier.tier3) {
- return 100 * megabyte;
- }
- return 8 * megabyte;
- }
- Guild._new(this.client, Map<String, dynamic> raw,
- [this.available = true, bool guildCreate = false])
- : super(Snowflake(raw['id'] as String)) {
- if (!this.available) return;
- = raw['name'] as String;
- this.region = raw['region'] as String;
- this.afkTimeout = raw['afk_timeout'] as int;
- this.mfaLevel = raw['mfa_level'] as int;
- this.verificationLevel = raw['verification_level'] as int;
- this.notificationLevel = raw['default_message_notifications'] as int;
- this.icon = raw['icon'] as String?;
- this.discoverySplash = raw['discoverySplash'] as String?;
- this.splash = raw['splash'] as String?;
- this.embedEnabled = raw['embed_enabled'] as bool?;
- this.channels = ChannelCache._new();
- if (raw['roles'] != null) {
- this.roles = _SnowflakeCache<Role>();
- raw['roles'].forEach((o) {
- var role = Role._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
- this.roles[] = role;
- });
- }
- this.emojis = _SnowflakeCache();
- if (raw['emojis'] != null) {
- raw['emojis'].forEach((dynamic o) {
- var emoji = GuildEmoji._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
- this.emojis[] = emoji;
- });
- }
- if (raw.containsKey('embed_channel_id'))
- this.embedChannel =
- client.channels[Snowflake(raw['embed_channel_id'] as String)]
- as GuildChannel;
- if (raw['system_channel_id'] != null) {
- var snow = Snowflake(raw['system_channel_id'] as String);
- if (this.channels.hasKey(snow))
- this.systemChannel = this.channels[snow] as TextChannel;
- }
- this.features = (raw['features'] as List<dynamic>).cast<String>();
- if (raw['permissions'] != null) {
- this.currentUserPermissions =
- Permissions.fromInt(raw['permissions'] as int);
- }
- if (raw['afk_channel_id'] != null) {
- var snow = Snowflake(raw['afk_channel_id'] as String);
- if (this.channels.hasKey(snow))
- this.afkChannel = this.channels[snow] as VoiceChannel;
- }
- this.systemChannelFlags = raw['system_channel_flags'] as int;
- this.premiumTier = PremiumTier.from(raw['premium_tier'] as int);
- this.premiumSubscriptionCount = raw['premium_subscription_count'] as int?;
- this.preferredLocale = raw['preferred_locale'] as String;
- this.members = _SnowflakeCache();
- if (!guildCreate) return;
- raw['channels'].forEach((o) {
- late GuildChannel channel;
- if (o['type'] == 0 || o['type'] == 5 || o['type'] == 6)
- channel = TextChannel._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
- else if (o['type'] == 2)
- channel = VoiceChannel._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
- else if (o['type'] == 4)
- channel = CategoryChannel._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
- this.channels[] = channel;
- client.channels[] = channel;
- });
- if (client._options.cacheMembers) {
- raw['members'].forEach((o) {
- final member = Member._standard(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
- this.members[] = member;
- client.users[] = member;
- });
- }
- raw['presences'].forEach((o) {
- var member = this.members[Snowflake(o['user']['id'] as String)];
- if (member != null) {
- member.status = ClientStatus._deserialize(o['client_status'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
- if (o['game'] != null) {
- member.presence = Activity._new(o['game'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
- }
- }
- });
- this.owner = this.members[Snowflake(raw['owner_id'] as String)];
- this.voiceStates = _SnowflakeCache();
- if (raw['voice_states'] != null) {
- raw['voice_states'].forEach((o) {
- var state = VoiceState._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, client, this);
- if (state.user != null)
- this.voiceStates[state.user!.id] = state;
- });
- }
- if(raw['rules_channel_id'] != null) {
- this.rulesChannel = this.channels[Snowflake(raw['rules_channel_id'])] as GuildChannel?;
- }
- if(raw['public_updates_channel_id'] != null) {
- this.publicUpdatesChannel = this.channels[Snowflake(raw['public_updates_channel_id'])] as GuildChannel?;
- }
- }
- /// The guild's icon, represented as URL.
- /// If guild doesn't have icon it returns null.
- String? iconURL({String format = 'webp', int size = 128}) {
- if (this.icon != null)
- return 'https://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/icons/${}/${this.icon}.$format?size=$size';
- return null;
- }
- /// URL to guild's splash.
- /// If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
- String? splashURL({String format = 'webp', int size = 128}) {
- if (this.splash != null)
- return 'https://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/splashes/${}/${this.splash}.$format?size=$size';
- return null;
- }
- /// URL to guild's splash.
- /// If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
- String? discoveryURL({String format = 'webp', int size = 128}) {
- if (this.splash != null)
- return 'https://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/discovery-splashes/${}/${this.splash}.$format?size=$size';
- return null;
- }
- /// Allows to download [Guild] widget aka advert png
- /// Possible options for [style]: shield (default), banner1, banner2, banner3, banner4
- String guildWidgetUrl([String style = "shield"]) {
- return "http://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/guilds/${}/widget.png?style=${style}";
- }
- /// Returns a string representation of this object - Guild name.
- @override
- String toString() =>;
+ DataGuild._new(Snowflake id, this.client) : super(id);
/// Gets Guild Emoji based on Id
/// ```
/// var emoji = await guild.getEmoji(Snowflake("461449676218957824"));
/// ```
- Future<GuildEmoji> getEmoji(Snowflake emojiId, [bool useCache = true]) async {
- if (emojis.hasKey(emojiId) && useCache) return emojis[emojiId] as GuildEmoji;
+ Future<GuildEmoji> fetchEmoji(Snowflake emojiId, [bool useCache = true]) async {
var response = await client._http._execute(
@@ -336,11 +57,12 @@
return Future.error(response);
+ // TODO: `include_roles parameter`
/// Returns [int] indicating the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
Future<int> pruneCount(int days) async {
var response = await client._http._execute(
- BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$id/prune", body: {
- "days": days
+ BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$id/prune", queryParams: {
+ "days": days.toString()
if(response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
@@ -415,26 +137,6 @@
BasicRequest._new("/users/@me/guilds/$id", method: "DELETE"));
- Future<Invite> createInvite(
- {int maxAge = 0,
- int maxUses = 0,
- bool temporary = false,
- bool unique = false,
- String? auditReason}) async {
- var chan = this.channels.first as GuildChannel?;
- if (chan == null) {
- return Future.error("Cannot get any channel to create invite to");
- }
- return chan.createInvite(
- maxUses: maxUses,
- maxAge: maxAge,
- temporary: temporary,
- unique: unique,
- auditReason: auditReason);
- }
/// Returns list of Guilds invites
Stream<Invite> getGuildInvites() async* {
var response = await client._http._execute(BasicRequest._new( "/guilds/$id/invites"));
@@ -456,9 +158,9 @@
/// ```
Future<AuditLog> getAuditLogs(
{Snowflake? userId,
- int? actionType,
- Snowflake? before,
- int? limit}) async {
+ int? actionType,
+ Snowflake? before,
+ int? limit}) async {
var queryParams = <String, String> {
if (userId != null) 'user_id' : userId.toString(),
if (actionType != null) 'action_type' : actionType.toString(),
@@ -559,12 +261,12 @@
/// ```
Future<GuildChannel> createChannel(String name, ChannelType type,
{int? bitrate,
- String? topic,
- CategoryChannel? parent,
- bool? nsfw,
- int? userLimit,
- PermissionsBuilder? permissions,
- String? auditReason}) async {
+ String? topic,
+ CategoryChannel? parent,
+ bool? nsfw,
+ int? userLimit,
+ PermissionsBuilder? permissions,
+ String? auditReason}) async {
// Checks to avoid API panic
if (type == || type == ChannelType.groupDm) {
return Future.error("Cannot create DM channel.");
@@ -665,12 +367,12 @@
/// Edits the guild.
Future<Guild> edit(
{String? name,
- int? verificationLevel,
- int? notificationLevel,
- VoiceChannel? afkChannel,
- int? afkTimeout,
- String? icon,
- String? auditReason}) async {
+ int? verificationLevel,
+ int? notificationLevel,
+ VoiceChannel? afkChannel,
+ int? afkTimeout,
+ String? icon,
+ String? auditReason}) async {
var body = <String, dynamic> {
if(name != null) "name" : name,
if(verificationLevel != null) "verification_level" : verificationLevel,
@@ -691,21 +393,12 @@
return Future.error(response);
- /// Gets a [Member] object. Caches fetched member if not cached.
- ///
- /// ```
- /// var member = guild.getMember(user);
- /// ```
- Future<Member> getMember(User user) async => getMemberById(;
- /// Gets a [Member] object by id. Caches fetched member if not cached.
+ /// Gets a [Member] object by id.
/// ```
/// var member = guild.getMember(Snowflake('302359795648954380'));
/// ```
- Future<Member> getMemberById(Snowflake id) async {
- if (this.members.hasKey(id)) return this.members[id] as Member;
+ Future<Member> fetchMemberById(Snowflake id) async {
var response = await client._http._execute(
@@ -716,6 +409,22 @@
return Future.error(response);
+ /// Returns a [Stream] of [Member] objects whose username or nickname starts with a provided string.
+ /// By default limits to one entry - can be changed with [limit] parameter.
+ Stream<Member> searchMembers(String query, {int limit = 1}) async* {
+ var response = await client._http._execute(
+ BasicRequest._new("/guilds/${}/members/search",
+ queryParams: { "query" : query, "limit": limit.toString() }));
+ if(response is HttpResponseError) {
+ yield* Stream.error(response);
+ }
+ for(Map<String, dynamic> member in (response as HttpResponseSuccess).jsonBody) {
+ yield Member._standard(member, this, client);
+ }
+ }
/// Gets all of the webhooks for this channel.
Stream<Webhook> getWebhooks() async* {
var response = await client._http._execute(
@@ -736,6 +445,351 @@
BasicRequest._new("/guilds/${}", method: "DELETE"));
+/// [Guild] object represents single `Discord Server`.
+/// Guilds are a collection of members, channels, and roles that represents one community.
+/// ---------
+/// [channels] property is Map of [Channel]s but it can be cast to specific Channel subclasses. Example with getting all [TextChannel]s in [Guild]:
+/// ```
+/// var textChannels = channels.where((channel) => channel is MessageChannel) as List<TextChannel>;
+/// ```
+/// If you want to get [icon] or [splash] of [Guild] use `iconURL()` method - [icon] property returns only hash, same as [splash] property.
+class Guild extends DataGuild implements Disposable {
+ /// The guild's name.
+ late final String name;
+ /// The guild's icon hash.
+ late String? icon;
+ /// Splash hash
+ late String? splash;
+ /// Discovery splash hash
+ late String? discoverySplash;
+ /// System channel where system messages are sent
+ late final TextChannel? systemChannel;
+ /// enabled guild features
+ late final List<String> features;
+ /// The guild's afk channel ID, null if not set.
+ late VoiceChannel? afkChannel;
+ /// The guild's voice region.
+ late String region;
+ /// The channel ID for the guild's widget if enabled.
+ late final GuildChannel? embedChannel;
+ /// The guild's AFK timeout.
+ late final int afkTimeout;
+ /// The guild's verification level.
+ late final int verificationLevel;
+ /// The guild's notification level.
+ late final int notificationLevel;
+ /// The guild's MFA level.
+ late final int mfaLevel;
+ /// If the guild's widget is enabled.
+ late final bool? embedEnabled;
+ /// Whether or not the guild is available.
+ late final bool available;
+ /// System Channel Flags
+ late final int systemChannelFlags;
+ /// Channel where "PUBLIC" guilds display rules and/or guidelines
+ late final GuildChannel? rulesChannel;
+ /// The guild owner's ID
+ late final User? owner;
+ /// The guild's members.
+ late final Cache<Snowflake, Member> members;
+ /// The guild's channels.
+ late final ChannelCache channels;
+ /// The guild's roles.
+ late final Cache<Snowflake, Role> roles;
+ /// Guild custom emojis
+ late final Cache<Snowflake, GuildEmoji> emojis;
+ /// Boost level of guild
+ late final PremiumTier premiumTier;
+ /// The number of boosts this server currently has
+ late final int? premiumSubscriptionCount;
+ /// the preferred locale of a "PUBLIC" guild used
+ /// in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"
+ late final String preferredLocale;
+ /// the id of the channel where admins and moderators
+ /// of "PUBLIC" guilds receive notices from Discord
+ late final GuildChannel? publicUpdatesChannel;
+ /// Permission of current(bot) user in this guild
+ Permissions? currentUserPermissions;
+ /// Users state cache
+ late final Cache<Snowflake, VoiceState> voiceStates;
+ /// Returns url to this guild.
+ String get url => "${}";
+ Role get everyoneRole =>
+ roles.values.firstWhere((r) => == "@everyone");
+ /// Returns member object for bot user
+ Member? get selfMember => members[];
+ /// Upload limit for this guild in bytes
+ int get fileUploadLimit {
+ var megabyte = 1024 * 1024;
+ if(this.premiumTier == PremiumTier.tier2) {
+ return 50 * megabyte;
+ }
+ if(this.premiumTier == PremiumTier.tier3) {
+ return 100 * megabyte;
+ }
+ return 8 * megabyte;
+ }
+ Guild._new(Nyxx client, Map<String, dynamic> raw,
+ [this.available = true, bool guildCreate = false])
+ : super._new(Snowflake(raw['id']), client) {
+ if (!this.available) return;
+ = raw['name'] as String;
+ this.region = raw['region'] as String;
+ this.afkTimeout = raw['afk_timeout'] as int;
+ this.mfaLevel = raw['mfa_level'] as int;
+ this.verificationLevel = raw['verification_level'] as int;
+ this.notificationLevel = raw['default_message_notifications'] as int;
+ this.icon = raw['icon'] as String?;
+ this.discoverySplash = raw['discoverySplash'] as String?;
+ this.splash = raw['splash'] as String?;
+ this.embedEnabled = raw['embed_enabled'] as bool?;
+ this.channels = ChannelCache._new();
+ if (raw['roles'] != null) {
+ this.roles = _SnowflakeCache<Role>();
+ raw['roles'].forEach((o) {
+ var role = Role._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ this.roles[] = role;
+ });
+ }
+ this.emojis = _SnowflakeCache();
+ if (raw['emojis'] != null) {
+ raw['emojis'].forEach((dynamic o) {
+ var emoji = GuildEmoji._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ this.emojis[] = emoji;
+ });
+ }
+ if (raw.containsKey('embed_channel_id'))
+ this.embedChannel =
+ client.channels[Snowflake(raw['embed_channel_id'] as String)]
+ as GuildChannel;
+ if (raw['system_channel_id'] != null) {
+ var snow = Snowflake(raw['system_channel_id'] as String);
+ if (this.channels.hasKey(snow))
+ this.systemChannel = this.channels[snow] as TextChannel;
+ }
+ this.features = (raw['features'] as List<dynamic>).cast<String>();
+ if (raw['permissions'] != null) {
+ this.currentUserPermissions =
+ Permissions.fromInt(raw['permissions'] as int);
+ }
+ if (raw['afk_channel_id'] != null) {
+ var snow = Snowflake(raw['afk_channel_id'] as String);
+ if (this.channels.hasKey(snow))
+ this.afkChannel = this.channels[snow] as VoiceChannel;
+ }
+ this.systemChannelFlags = raw['system_channel_flags'] as int;
+ this.premiumTier = PremiumTier.from(raw['premium_tier'] as int);
+ this.premiumSubscriptionCount = raw['premium_subscription_count'] as int?;
+ this.preferredLocale = raw['preferred_locale'] as String;
+ this.members = _SnowflakeCache();
+ if (!guildCreate) return;
+ raw['channels'].forEach((o) {
+ late GuildChannel channel;
+ if (o['type'] == 0 || o['type'] == 5 || o['type'] == 6)
+ channel = TextChannel._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ else if (o['type'] == 2)
+ channel = VoiceChannel._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ else if (o['type'] == 4)
+ channel = CategoryChannel._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ this.channels[] = channel;
+ client.channels[] = channel;
+ });
+ if (client._options.cacheMembers) {
+ raw['members'].forEach((o) {
+ final member = Member._standard(o as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ this.members[] = member;
+ client.users[] = member;
+ });
+ }
+ raw['presences'].forEach((o) {
+ var member = this.members[Snowflake(o['user']['id'] as String)];
+ if (member != null) {
+ member.status = ClientStatus._deserialize(o['client_status'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
+ if (o['game'] != null) {
+ member.presence = Activity._new(o['game'] as Map<String, dynamic>);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.owner = this.members[Snowflake(raw['owner_id'] as String)];
+ this.voiceStates = _SnowflakeCache();
+ if (raw['voice_states'] != null) {
+ raw['voice_states'].forEach((o) {
+ var state = VoiceState._new(o as Map<String, dynamic>, client, this);
+ if (state.user != null)
+ this.voiceStates[state.user!.id] = state;
+ });
+ }
+ if(raw['rules_channel_id'] != null) {
+ this.rulesChannel = this.channels[Snowflake(raw['rules_channel_id'])] as GuildChannel?;
+ }
+ if(raw['public_updates_channel_id'] != null) {
+ this.publicUpdatesChannel = this.channels[Snowflake(raw['public_updates_channel_id'])] as GuildChannel?;
+ }
+ }
+ /// The guild's icon, represented as URL.
+ /// If guild doesn't have icon it returns null.
+ String? iconURL({String format = 'webp', int size = 128}) {
+ if (this.icon != null)
+ return 'https://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/icons/${}/${this.icon}.$format?size=$size';
+ return null;
+ }
+ /// URL to guild's splash.
+ /// If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
+ String? splashURL({String format = 'webp', int size = 128}) {
+ if (this.splash != null)
+ return 'https://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/splashes/${}/${this.splash}.$format?size=$size';
+ return null;
+ }
+ /// URL to guild's splash.
+ /// If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
+ String? discoveryURL({String format = 'webp', int size = 128}) {
+ if (this.splash != null)
+ return 'https://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/discovery-splashes/${}/${this.splash}.$format?size=$size';
+ return null;
+ }
+ /// Allows to download [Guild] widget aka advert png
+ /// Possible options for [style]: shield (default), banner1, banner2, banner3, banner4
+ String guildWidgetUrl([String style = "shield"]) {
+ return "http://cdn.${_Constants.cdnHost}/guilds/${}/widget.png?style=${style}";
+ }
+ /// Returns a string representation of this object - Guild name.
+ @override
+ String toString() =>;
+ /// Gets Guild Emoji based on Id
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// var emoji = await guild.getEmoji(Snowflake("461449676218957824"));
+ /// ```
+ Future<GuildEmoji> getEmoji(Snowflake emojiId, [bool useCache = true]) async {
+ if (emojis.hasKey(emojiId) && useCache) return emojis[emojiId] as GuildEmoji;
+ var response = await client._http._execute(
+ BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$id/emojis/${emojiId.toString()}"));
+ if(response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
+ return GuildEmoji._new(response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ }
+ return Future.error(response);
+ }
+ Future<Invite> createInvite(
+ {int maxAge = 0,
+ int maxUses = 0,
+ bool temporary = false,
+ bool unique = false,
+ String? auditReason}) async {
+ var chan = this.channels.first as GuildChannel?;
+ if (chan == null) {
+ return Future.error("Cannot get any channel to create invite to");
+ }
+ return chan.createInvite(
+ maxUses: maxUses,
+ maxAge: maxAge,
+ temporary: temporary,
+ unique: unique,
+ auditReason: auditReason);
+ }
+ /// Gets a [Member] object. Caches fetched member if not cached.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// var member = guild.getMember(user);
+ /// ```
+ Future<Member> getMember(User user) async => getMemberById(;
+ /// Gets a [Member] object by id. Caches fetched member if not cached.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// var member = guild.getMember(Snowflake('302359795648954380'));
+ /// ```
+ Future<Member> getMemberById(Snowflake id) async {
+ if (this.members.hasKey(id)) return this.members[id] as Member;
+ var response = await client._http._execute(
+ BasicRequest._new('/guilds/${}/members/${id.toString()}'));
+ if(response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
+ return Member._standard(response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, this, client);
+ }
+ return Future.error(response);
+ }
Future<void> dispose() async {
await channels.dispose();
Index: nyxx/lib/src/core/message/GuildEmoji.dart
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- nyxx/lib/src/core/message/GuildEmoji.dart (revision c17657e7566a5f411077c568f61ea18dcb1bdb5a)
+++ nyxx/lib/src/core/message/GuildEmoji.dart (date 1588628915000)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
/// Emoji guild
- late final Guild guild;
+ late final DataGuild guild;
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
this.animated = raw['animated'] as bool? ?? false;
this.roles = [];
- if (raw['roles'] != null) {
+ if (raw['roles'] != null && this.guild is Guild) {
- (o) => this.roles.add(this.guild.roles[Snowflake(o as String)]));
+ (o) => this.roles.add((this.guild as Guild).roles[Snowflake(o as String)]));
this.partial = false;
Index: nyxx/lib/src/core/GuildEntity.dart
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- nyxx/lib/src/core/GuildEntity.dart (revision c17657e7566a5f411077c568f61ea18dcb1bdb5a)
+++ nyxx/lib/src/core/GuildEntity.dart (date 1588628915000)
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
/// Represents entity which bound to guild, eg. member, emoji, message, role.
abstract class GuildEntity {
- Guild? get guild;
+ DataGuild? get guild;