# Contributing Nyxx is free and open-source project, and all contributions are welcome and highly appreciated. However, please conform to the following guidelines when possible. ## Development cycle All changes should be discussed beforehand either in issue or pull request on github or in a discussion in our Discord channel with library regulars or other contributors. All issues marked with 'help-needed' badge are free to be picked up by any member of the community. ### Pull Requests Pull requests should be descriptive about changes that are made. If adding new functionality or modifying existing, documentation should be added/modified to reflect changes. ## Coding style We attempt to conform [Effective Dart Coding Style](https://dart.dev/guides/language/effective-dart/style) where possible. However, code style rules are not enforcement and code should be readable and easy to maintain. **One exception to rules above is line limit - we use 120 character line limit instead of 80 chars.**