part of nyxx_commander; /// Helper class which describes context in which command is executed class CommandContext { /// Channel from where message come from final TextChannel channel; /// Author of message final IMessageAuthor author; /// Message that was sent final Message message; /// Guild in which message was sent final Guild? guild; /// Returns author as guild member Member? get member => this.message is GuildMessage ? (message as GuildMessage).member : null; /// Reference to client Nyxx get client => channel.client as Nyxx; /// Shard on which message was sent int get shardId => this.guild != null ? this.guild! : 0; /// Substring by which command was matched final String commandMatcher; CommandContext._new(,, this.guild, this.message, this.commandMatcher); static final _argumentsRegex = RegExp('([A-Z0-9a-z]+)|["\']([^"]*)["\']'); static final _quotedTextRegex = RegExp('["\']([^"]*)["\']'); static final _codeBlocksRegex = RegExp(r"```(\w+)?(\s)?(((.+)(\s)?)+)```"); /// Creates inline reply for message Future reply({ dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed, List? files, bool? tts, AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, MessageBuilder? builder, bool mention = false, }) async { if (mention) { if (allowedMentions != null) { allowedMentions.allow(reply: true); } else { allowedMentions = AllowedMentions()..allow(reply: true); } } return channel.sendMessage(content: content, embed: embed, tts: tts, allowedMentions: allowedMentions, builder: builder, replyBuilder: ReplyBuilder.fromMessage(this.message)); } /// Reply to message. It allows to send regular message, Embed or both. /// /// ``` /// Future getAv(CommandContext context) async { /// await context.reply(content: context.user.avatarURL()); /// } /// ``` Future sendMessage({ dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed, List? files, bool? tts, AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, MessageBuilder? builder, ReplyBuilder? replyBuilder, }) => channel.sendMessage( content: content, embed: embed, tts: tts, files: files, builder: builder, allowedMentions: allowedMentions, replyBuilder: replyBuilder); /// Reply to messages, then delete it when [duration] expires. /// /// ``` /// Future getAv(CommandContext context) async { /// await context.replyTemp(content: user.avatarURL()); /// } /// ``` Future sendMessageTemp(Duration duration, { dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed, List? files, bool? tts, AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, MessageBuilder? builder, ReplyBuilder? replyBuilder }) => channel .sendMessage(content: content, embed: embed, files: files, tts: tts, builder: builder, allowedMentions: allowedMentions, replyBuilder: replyBuilder) .then((msg) { Timer(duration, () => msg.delete()); return msg; }); /// Replies to message after delay specified with [duration] /// ``` /// Future getAv(CommandContext context async { /// await context.replyDelayed(Duration(seconds: 2), content: user.avatarURL()); /// } /// ``` Future sendMessageDelayed(Duration duration, {dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed, List? files, bool? tts, AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, MessageBuilder? builder, ReplyBuilder? replyBuilder }) => Future.delayed( duration, () => channel.sendMessage( content: content, embed: embed, files: files, tts: tts, builder: builder, allowedMentions: allowedMentions, replyBuilder: replyBuilder)); /// Awaits for emoji under given [msg] Future awaitEmoji(Message msg) async => (await this.client.onMessageReactionAdded.where((event) => event.message == msg).first).emoji; /// Collects emojis within given [duration]. Returns empty map if no reaction received /// /// ``` /// Future getAv(CommandContext context) async { /// final msg = await context.replyDelayed(content: context.user.avatarURL()); /// final emojis = await context.awaitEmojis(msg, Duration(seconds: 15)); /// /// } /// ``` Future> awaitEmojis(Message msg, Duration duration){ final collectedEmoji = {}; return Future>(() async { await for (final event in client.onMessageReactionAdded.where((evnt) => evnt.message != null && evnt.message!.id == { if (collectedEmoji.containsKey(event.emoji)) { // TODO: NNBD: weird stuff var value = collectedEmoji[event.emoji]; if (value != null) { value += 1; collectedEmoji[event.emoji] = value; } } else { collectedEmoji[event.emoji] = 1; } } return collectedEmoji; }).timeout(duration, onTimeout: () => collectedEmoji); } /// Waits for first [TypingEvent] and returns it. If timed out returns null. /// Can listen to specific user by specifying [user] Future waitForTyping(User user, {Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 30)}) => Future(() => client.onTyping.firstWhere((e) => e.user == user && ==, onTimeout: () => null); /// Gets all context channel messages that satisfies [predicate]. /// /// ``` /// Future getAv(CommandContext context) async { /// final messages = await context.nextMessagesWhere((msg) => msg.content.startsWith("fuck")); /// } /// ``` Stream nextMessagesWhere(bool Function(MessageReceivedEvent msg) predicate, {int limit = 1}) => client.onMessageReceived.where((event) => ==; /// Gets next [num] number of any messages sent within one context (same channel). /// /// ``` /// Future getAv(CommandContext context) async { /// // gets next 10 messages /// final messages = await context.nextMessages(10); /// } /// ``` Stream nextMessages(int num) => client.onMessageReceived.where((event) => ==; /// Starts typing loop and ends when [callback] resolves. Future enterTypingState(Future Function() callback) async {; final result = await callback();; return result; } /// Returns list of words separated with space and/or text surrounded by quotes /// Text: `hi this is "example stuff" which 'can be parsed'` will return /// `List [hi, this, is, example stuff, which, can be parsed]` Iterable getArguments() sync* { final matches = _argumentsRegex.allMatches(this.message.content.replaceFirst(commandMatcher, "")); for(final match in matches) { final group1 =; yield group1 ??!; } } /// Returns list which content of quotes. /// Text: `hi this is "example stuff" which 'can be parsed'` will return /// `List [example stuff, can be parsed]` Iterable getQuotedText() sync* { final matches = _quotedTextRegex.allMatches(this.message.content.replaceFirst(commandMatcher, "")); for(final match in matches) { yield!; } } /// Returns list of all code blocks in message /// Language string `dart, java` will be ignored and not included /// """ /// n> eval ```(dart)? /// await reply(content: 'no to elo'); /// ``` /// """ Iterable getCodeBlocks() sync* { final matches = _codeBlocksRegex.allMatches(message.content); for (final match in matches) { final matchedText =; if (matchedText != null) { yield matchedText; } } } }