part of nyxx; class VoiceGuildChannel extends GuildChannel { /// The channel's bitrate. late final int? bitrate; /// The channel's user limit. late final int? userLimit; VoiceGuildChannel._new(Nyxx client, Map raw, [Snowflake? guildId]) : super._new(client, raw, guildId) { this.bitrate = raw["bitrate"] as int?; this.userLimit = raw["user_limit"] as int?; } /// Edits channel properties Future edit({String? name, int? bitrate, int? position, int? userLimit, String? auditReason}) => client._httpEndpoints.editVoiceChannel(, name: name, bitrate: bitrate, position: position, userLimit: userLimit, auditReason: auditReason); /// Connects client to channel void connect({bool selfMute = false, bool selfDeafen = false}) { try { final shard = this.client.shardManager.shards.firstWhere((element) => element.guilds.contains(; shard.changeVoiceState(,, selfMute: selfMute, selfDeafen: selfDeafen); } on Error { throw InvalidShardException._new("Cannot find shard for this channel!"); } } /// Disconnects use from channel. void disconnect() { try { final shard = this.client.shardManager.shards.firstWhere((element) => element.guilds.contains(; shard.changeVoiceState(, null); } on Error { throw InvalidShardException._new("Cannot find shard for this channel!"); } } }