
47 lines
1.4 KiB

import "package:nyxx/nyxx.dart";
DiscordColor getColorForUserFromMessage(Message message) {
if (message is GuildMessage) {
return message.member.highestRole.color;
return DiscordColor.black;
// Main function
void main() {
// Create new bot instance. Replace string with your token
final bot = Nyxx("<TOKEN>", GatewayIntents.none);
// Listen to ready event. Invoked when bot is connected to all shards. Note that cache can be empty or not incomplete.
bot.onReady.listen((ReadyEvent e) {
// Listen to all incoming messages
bot.onMessageReceived.listen((MessageReceivedEvent e) {
// Check if message content equals "!embed"
if (e.message.content == "!embed") {
// Create embed with author and footer section.
final embed = EmbedBuilder()
..addField(name: "Example field title", content: "Example value")
..addField(builder: (field) {
field.content = "Hi";
field.name = "Example Field";
..addAuthor((author) {
author.name = e.message.author.username;
author.iconUrl = e.message.author.avatarURL();
..addFooter((footer) {
footer.text = "Footer example, good";
..color = getColorForUserFromMessage(e.message);
// Sent an embed to channel where message received was sent
e.message.channel.getFromCache()?.sendMessage(embed: embed);