
28 lines
1.1 KiB

import "package:nyxx/nyxx.dart";
import "package:nyxx_interactions/interactions.dart";
void main() {
// final bot = Nyxx("<%TOKEN%>", GatewayIntents.all);
// final interactions = Interactions(bot);
// interactions.registerCommand(SlashCommandBuilder(
// "echo", // The command name
// "echo a message", // The commands description
// [CommandOptionBuilder(CommandOptionType.string, "message", "the message to be echoed.")], // The commands arguments
// guild: Snowflake(""), // Replace with your guilds ID
// ));
// bot.onReady.listen((event) {
// interactions.sync(); // Sync commands with API
// // Listen to slash commands being triggered
// interactions.onSlashCommand.listen((event) async {
// // Check if the name of the command is echo
// if (event.interaction.name == "echo") {
// // Reply with the message the user sent, showSource makes discord show the command the user sent in the channel.
// await event.respond(content: event.interaction.getArg("message"));
// }
// });
// });