
30 lines
1,018 B

part of nyxx_interactions;
/// A slash command, can only be instantiated through a method on [Interactions]
class SlashCommandBuilder implements Builder {
/// Command name to be shown to the user in the Slash Command UI
final String name;
/// Command description shown to the user in the Slash Command UI
final String description;
/// The guild that the slash Command is registered in. This can be null if its a global command.
Snowflake? guild;
/// The arguments that the command takes
List<CommandOptionBuilder> options;
SlashCommandHandlder? _handler;
/// A slash command, can only be instantiated through a method on [Interactions]
SlashCommandBuilder(this.name, this.description, this.options, {this.guild});
Map<String, dynamic> _build() => {
"name": this.name,
"description": this.description,
if (this.options.isNotEmpty) "options": this.options.map((e) => e._build()).toList()
void registerHandler(SlashCommandHandlder handler) => this._handler = handler;