
154 lines
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part of nyxx_interactions;
/// The event that you receive when a user types a slash command.
class InteractionEvent {
late final Nyxx _client;
/// The interaction data, includes the args, name, guild, channel, etc.
late final Interaction interaction;
/// The DateTime the interaction was received by the Nyxx Client.
final DateTime receivedAt = DateTime.now();
/// If the Client has sent a response to the Discord API. Once the API was received a response you cannot send another.
bool hasResponded = false;
InteractionEvent._new(this._client, Map<String, dynamic> rawJson) {
this.interaction = Interaction._new(this._client, rawJson);
if (this.interaction.type == 1) {
/// Used to acknowledge a Interaction but not send any response yet.
/// Once this is sent you can then only send ChannelMessages.
/// You can also set showSource to also print out the command the user entered.
Future<void> acknowledge() async {
if (DateTime.now().isAfter(this.receivedAt.add(const Duration(minutes: 15)))) {
return Future.error(InteractionExpiredError());
if (hasResponded) {
return Future.error(AlreadyRespondedError());
final url = "/interactions/${this.interaction.id.toString()}/${this.interaction.token}/callback";
final response = await this._client.httpEndpoints.sendRawRequest(
body: {
"type": 5,
"data": null,
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
hasResponded = true;
/// Used to acknowledge a Interaction and send a response.
/// Once this is sent you can then only send ChannelMessages.
/// You can also set showSource to also print out the command the user entered.
Future<void> respond({ dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed, bool? tts, AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, bool hidden = false}) async {
if (DateTime.now().isAfter(this.receivedAt.add(const Duration(minutes: 15)))) {
return Future.error(InteractionExpiredError());
late String url;
late Map<String, dynamic> body;
late String method;
if (hasResponded) {
url = "/webhooks/${this._client.app.id.toString()}/${this.interaction.token}/messages/@original";
body = <String, dynamic> {
"content": content,
"embeds": embed != null ? [BuilderUtility.buildRawEmbed(embed)] : null,
allowedMentions != null ? BuilderUtility.buildRawAllowedMentions(allowedMentions) : null,
"tts": content != null && tts != null && tts
method = "PATCH";
} else {
url = "/interactions/${this.interaction.id.toString()}/${this.interaction.token}/callback";
body = <String, dynamic>{
"type": 4,
"data": {
if (hidden) "flags": 1 << 6,
"content": content,
"embeds": embed != null ? [BuilderUtility.buildRawEmbed(embed)] : null,
allowedMentions != null ? BuilderUtility.buildRawAllowedMentions(allowedMentions) : null,
"tts": content != null && tts != null && tts
method = "POST";
final response = await this._client.httpEndpoints.sendRawRequest(
body: body,
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
hasResponded = true;
/// Create a followup message for an Interaction
Future<void> sendFollowup({ dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed, bool? tts, AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, bool hidden = false}) async {
final url = "/webhooks/${this._client.app.id.toString()}/${this.interaction.token}";
final body = <String, dynamic> {
"content": content,
"embeds": embed != null ? [BuilderUtility.buildRawEmbed(embed)] : null,
allowedMentions != null ? BuilderUtility.buildRawAllowedMentions(allowedMentions) : null,
"tts": content != null && tts != null && tts
final response = await this._client.httpEndpoints.sendRawRequest(
body: body,
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
/// Should be sent when you receive a ping from interactions.
/// Used to acknowledge a ping. Internal to the InteractionEvent.
Future<void> _pong() async {
if (DateTime.now().isAfter(this.receivedAt.add(const Duration(minutes: 15)))) {
return Future.error(InteractionExpiredError());
if (hasResponded) {
return Future.error(InteractionExpiredError());
final response = await this._client.httpEndpoints.sendRawRequest(
body: {
"type": 1,
"data": null,
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
hasResponded = true;