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part of nyxx_interactions;
typedef SlashCommandHandlder = FutureOr<void> Function(InteractionEvent);
/// Interaction extension for Nyxx. Allows use of: Slash Commands.
class Interactions {
static const _interactionCreateCommand = "INTERACTION_CREATE";
static const _op0 = 0;
late final Nyxx _client;
final Logger _logger = Logger("Interactions");
final List<SlashCommand> _commands = [];
late final _EventController _events;
/// Emitted when a slash command is sent.
late final Stream<InteractionEvent> onSlashCommand;
/// Emitted when a slash command is created by the user.
late final Stream<SlashCommand> onSlashCommandCreated;
final _commandHandlers = <String, SlashCommandHandlder>{};
/// Create new instance of the interactions class.
Interactions(Nyxx client) {
this._client = client;
_events = _EventController(this);
_client.options.dispatchRawShardEvent = true;
_logger.info("Interactions ready");
client.onReady.listen((event) async {
client.shardManager.rawEvent.listen((event) {
if (event.rawData["op"] as int == _op0) {
if (event.rawData["t"] as String == _interactionCreateCommand) {
InteractionEvent._new(client, event.rawData["d"] as Map<String, dynamic>),
if (this._commandHandlers.isNotEmpty) {
await this.sync();
this.onSlashCommand.listen((event) async {
try {
final handler = _commandHandlers[event.interaction.name];
if (handler == null) {
await handler(event);
} on Error catch (e) {
this._logger.severe("Failed to execute command (${event.interaction.name})", e);
/// Registers command and handler for that command.
void registerHandler(String name, String description, List<CommandArg> args, {required SlashCommandHandlder handler, Snowflake? guild}) {
final command = this.createCommand(name, description, args, guild: guild);
_commandHandlers[name] = handler;
/// Creates a command that can be registered using .registerCommand or .registerCommands
/// The [name] is the name that the user can see when typing /, the [description] can also be seen in this same place. [args] are any arguments you want the user to type, you can put an empty list here is you require no arguments. If you want this to be specific to a guild you can set the [guild] param with the ID of a guild, when testing its recommended to use this as it propagates immediately while global commands can take some time.
SlashCommand createCommand(String name, String description, List<CommandArg> args, {Snowflake? guild}) =>
SlashCommand._new(_client, name, description, args,
guild: guild != null ? CacheUtility.createCacheableGuild(_client, guild) : null);
/// Registers a single command.
/// The command you want to register is the [command] you create a command by using [createCommand]
void registerCommand(SlashCommand command) => _commands.add(command);
/// Registers multiple commands at one.
/// The commands you want to register is the [commands] you create a command by using [createCommand], this just runs [registerCommand] for each command.
void registerCommands(List<SlashCommand> commands) => commands.forEach(this.registerCommand);
/// Gets all the commands that are currently registered.
List<SlashCommand> getCommands({bool registeredOnly = false}) {
if (!registeredOnly) {
return _commands;
return _commands.where((command) => command.isRegistered).toList();
/// Syncs the local commands with the discord API
Future<void> sync() async {
var success = 0;
var failed = 0;
for (final command in _commands) {
if (!command.isRegistered) {
try {
final registeredCommand = await command._register();
} on HttpResponseError catch (e) {
this._logger.severe("Failed registering command: ${e.toString()}");
"Successfully registered $success ${success > 1 ? "commands" : "command"}. Failed registering $failed ${failed > 1 ? "commands" : "command"}.");