2021-03-29 21:17:34 +02:00

39 lines
1.1 KiB

part of nyxx_interactions;
/// This class contains data about a slash command and is returned after registering one.
class SlashCommand {
/// The name of your command.
late final String name;
/// The description of your command.
late final String description;
/// The args registered for a command
late final List<SlashArg> args;
/// If you command is registered globally
late final bool isGlobal;
/// When you command is only for one guild the [SlashCommand.guild] will contain a [Cacheable] for
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, Guild>? guild;
Nyxx client, this.name, this.args, this.description, Snowflake? guildId) {
this.isGlobal = guildId == null;
this.guild = guildId != null
? CacheUtility.createCacheableGuild(client, Snowflake(guildId))
: null;
Map<String, dynamic> _build() {
final options = List<Map<String, dynamic>>.generate(
this.args.length, (i) => this.args[i]._build());
return {
"name": this.name,
"description": this.description,
"options": options.isNotEmpty ? options : null