
88 lines
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part of nyxx;
class TextGuildChannel extends GuildChannel implements TextChannel {
/// The channel's topic.
late final String? topic;
/// The channel's mention string.
String get mention => "<#${this.id}>";
/// Channel's slow mode rate limit in seconds. This must be between 0 and 120.
late final int slowModeThreshold;
/// Returns url to this channel.
String get url => "https://discordapp.com/channels/${this.guild.id.toString()}"
late final MessageCache messageCache = MessageCache._new(client._options.messageCacheSize);
Future<int> get fileUploadLimit async {
final guildInstance = await this.guild.getOrDownload();
return guildInstance.fileUploadLimit;
// Used to create infinite typing loop
Timer? _typing;
TextGuildChannel._new(INyxx client, Map<String, dynamic> raw, [Snowflake? guildId]) : super._new(client, raw, guildId) {
this.topic = raw["topic"] as String?;
this.slowModeThreshold = raw["rate_limit_per_user"] as int? ?? 0;
/// Gets all of the webhooks for this channel.
Stream<Webhook> getWebhooks() =>
/// Creates a webhook for channel.
/// Valid file types for [avatarFile] are jpeg, gif and png.
/// ```
/// final webhook = await channnel.createWebhook("!a Send nudes kek6407");
/// ```
Future<Webhook> createWebhook(String name, {File? avatarFile, String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.createWebhook(this.id, name, avatarFile: avatarFile, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Returns pinned [Message]s for channel.
Stream<Message> getPinnedMessages() =>
/// Edits the channel.
Future<TextGuildChannel> edit({String? name, String? topic, int? position, int? slowModeThreshold}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.editTextChannel(this.id, name: name, topic: topic, position: position, slowModeThreshold: slowModeThreshold);
Future<void> startTyping() async =>
void startTypingLoop() {
this._typing = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 7), (Timer t) => startTyping());
void stopTypingLoop() => this._typing?.cancel();
Future<void> bulkRemoveMessages(Iterable<SnowflakeEntity> messages) =>
client._httpEndpoints.bulkRemoveMessages(this.id, messages);
Stream<Message> downloadMessages({int limit = 50, Snowflake? after, Snowflake? around, Snowflake? before}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.downloadMessages(this.id, limit: limit, after: after, around: around, before: before);
Future<Message> fetchMessage(Snowflake messageId) =>
client._httpEndpoints.fetchMessage(this.id, messageId);
Future<Message?> getMessage(Snowflake id) => Future.value(this.messageCache[id]);
Future<Message> sendMessage({dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed, List<AttachmentBuilder>? files, bool? tts, AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, MessageBuilder? builder, ReplyBuilder? replyBuilder}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.sendMessage(this.id, content: content, embed: embed, files: files, tts: tts, allowedMentions: allowedMentions, builder: builder, replyBuilder: replyBuilder);