
419 lines
15 KiB

part of nyxx;
class Guild extends SnowflakeEntity {
/// Reference to [Nyxx] instance
final INyxx client;
/// The guild's name.
late final String name;
/// The guild's icon hash.
late String? icon;
/// Splash hash
late String? splash;
/// Discovery splash hash
late String? discoverySplash;
/// System channel where system messages are sent
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, TextGuildChannel>? systemChannel;
/// enabled guild features
late final Iterable<GuildFeature> features;
/// The guild's afk channel ID, null if not set.
late Cacheable<Snowflake, VoiceGuildChannel>? afkChannel;
/// The guild's voice region.
late String region;
/// The channel ID for the guild's widget if enabled.
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, TextGuildChannel>? embedChannel;
/// The guild's AFK timeout.
late final int afkTimeout;
/// The guild's verification level.
late final int verificationLevel;
/// The guild's notification level.
late final int notificationLevel;
/// The guild's MFA level.
late final int mfaLevel;
/// If the guild's widget is enabled.
late final bool? embedEnabled;
/// Whether or not the guild is available.
late final bool available;
/// System Channel Flags
late final int systemChannelFlags;
/// Channel where "PUBLIC" guilds display rules and/or guidelines
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, TextChannel>? rulesChannel;
/// The guild owner's ID
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, User>? owner;
/// The guild's members.
late final Cache<Snowflake, Member> members;
/// The guild's channels.
Iterable<GuildChannel> get channels => this.client.channels.find((item) => item is GuildChannel && item.guild.id == this.id).cast();
/// The guild's roles.
late final Cache<Snowflake, Role> roles;
/// Guild custom emojis
late final Cache<Snowflake, IGuildEmoji> emojis;
/// Boost level of guild
late final PremiumTier premiumTier;
/// The number of boosts this server currently has
late final int? premiumSubscriptionCount;
/// the preferred locale of a "PUBLIC" guild used
/// in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US"
late final String preferredLocale;
/// the id of the channel where admins and moderators
/// of "PUBLIC" guilds receive notices from Discord
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, TextChannel>? publicUpdatesChannel;
/// Permission of current(bot) user in this guild
Permissions? currentUserPermissions;
/// Users state cache
late final Cache<Snowflake, VoiceState> voiceStates;
/// Returns url to this guild.
String get url => "https://discordapp.com/channels/${this.id.toString()}";
/// Getter for @everyone role
Role get everyoneRole => roles.values.firstWhere((r) => r.name == "@everyone");
/// Returns member object for bot user
Member? get selfMember {
if (this.client is! Nyxx) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot use this property with NyxxRest");
return members[(client as Nyxx).self.id];
/// File upload limit for channel in bytes.
int get fileUploadLimit {
const megabyte = 1024 * 1024;
if (this.premiumTier == PremiumTier.tier2) {
return 50 * megabyte;
if (this.premiumTier == PremiumTier.tier3) {
return 100 * megabyte;
return 8 * megabyte;
/// Returns this guilds shard
Shard get shard {
if (this.client is! Nyxx) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot use this property with NyxxRest");
return (client as Nyxx).shardManager.shards.firstWhere((_shard) => _shard.guilds.contains(this.id));
Guild._new(this.client, Map<String, dynamic> raw, [bool guildCreate = false]) : super(Snowflake(raw["id"])) {
this.name = raw["name"] as String;
this.region = raw["region"] as String;
this.afkTimeout = raw["afk_timeout"] as int;
this.mfaLevel = raw["mfa_level"] as int;
this.verificationLevel = raw["verification_level"] as int;
this.notificationLevel = raw["default_message_notifications"] as int;
this.icon = raw["icon"] as String?;
this.discoverySplash = raw["discoverySplash"] as String?;
this.splash = raw["splash"] as String?;
this.embedEnabled = raw["embed_enabled"] as bool?;
this.roles = _SnowflakeCache<Role>();
if (raw["roles"] != null) {
raw["roles"].forEach((o) {
final role = Role._new(client, o as Map<String, dynamic>, this.id);
this.roles[role.id] = role;
this.emojis = _SnowflakeCache();
if (raw["emojis"] != null) {
raw["emojis"].forEach((dynamic o) {
final emoji = GuildEmoji._new(client, o as Map<String, dynamic>, this.id);
this.emojis[emoji.id] = emoji;
if (raw["embed_channel_id"] != null) {
this.embedChannel = _ChannelCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["embed_channel_id"]));
if (raw["system_channel_id"] != null) {
this.systemChannel = _ChannelCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["system_channel_id"]));
this.features = (raw["features"] as List<dynamic>).map((e) => GuildFeature.from(e.toString()));
if (raw["permissions"] != null) {
this.currentUserPermissions = Permissions.fromInt(raw["permissions"] as int);
if (raw["afk_channel_id"] != null) {
this.afkChannel = _ChannelCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["afk_channel_id"]));
this.systemChannelFlags = raw["system_channel_flags"] as int;
this.premiumTier = PremiumTier.from(raw["premium_tier"] as int);
this.premiumSubscriptionCount = raw["premium_subscription_count"] as int?;
this.preferredLocale = raw["preferred_locale"] as String;
this.members = _SnowflakeCache();
this.voiceStates = _SnowflakeCache();
if (!guildCreate) return;
raw["channels"].forEach((o) {
final channel = IChannel._deserialize(this.client, o as Map<String, dynamic>, this.id);
client.channels[channel.id] = channel;
if (client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicyLocation.objectConstructor) {
raw["members"].forEach((o) {
final member = Member._new(client, o as Map<String, dynamic>, this.id);
if (client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicy.canCache(member)) {
this.members[member.id] = member;
// raw["presences"].forEach((o) {
// final member = this.members[Snowflake(o["user"]["id"] as String)];
// if (member != null) {
// member.status = ClientStatus._deserialize(o["client_status"] as Map<String, dynamic>);
// if (o["game"] != null) {
// member.presence = Activity._new(o["game"] as Map<String, dynamic>);
// }
// }
// });
this.owner = _UserCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["owner_id"]));
if (raw["voice_states"] != null) {
raw["voice_states"].forEach((o) {
final state = VoiceState._new(client, o as Map<String, dynamic>);
this.voiceStates[state.user.id] = state;
if (raw["rules_channel_id"] != null) {
this.rulesChannel = _ChannelCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["rules_channel_id"]));
if (raw["public_updates_channel_id"] != null) {
this.publicUpdatesChannel = _ChannelCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["public_updates_channel_id"]));
/// The guild's icon, represented as URL.
/// If guild doesn't have icon it returns null.
String? iconURL({String format = "webp", int size = 128}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.getGuildIconUrl(this.id, this.icon, format, size);
/// URL to guild's splash.
/// If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
String? splashURL({String format = "webp", int size = 128}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.getGuildSplashURL(this.id, this.splash, format, size);
/// URL to guilds discovery splash
/// If guild doesn't have splash it returns null.
String? discoveryURL({String format = "webp", int size = 128}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.getGuildDiscoveryURL(this.id, this.splash, format: format, size: size);
/// Allows to download [Guild] widget aka advert png
/// Possible options for [style]: shield (default), banner1, banner2, banner3, banner4
String guildWidgetUrl([String style = "shield"]) =>
client._httpEndpoints.getGuildWidgetUrl(this.id, style);
/// Fetches emoji from API
Future<IGuildEmoji> fetchEmoji(Snowflake emojiId) =>
client._httpEndpoints.fetchGuildEmoji(this.id, emojiId);
/// Allows to create new guild emoji. [name] is required and you have to specify one of two other parameters: [image] or [imageBytes].
/// [imageBytes] can be useful if you want to create image from http response.
/// ```
/// var emojiFile = new File("weed.png");
/// vare emoji = await guild.createEmoji("weed, image: emojiFile");
/// ```
Future<GuildEmoji> createEmoji(String name, {List<SnowflakeEntity>? roles, File? imageFile, List<int>? imageBytes, String? encodedImage, String? encodedExtension}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.createEmoji(this.id, name, roles: roles, imageFile: imageFile, imageBytes: imageBytes, encodedImage: encodedImage, encodedExtension: encodedExtension);
/// Returns [int] indicating the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
Future<int> pruneCount(int days, {Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.guildPruneCount(this.id, days, includeRoles: includeRoles);
/// Prunes the guild, returns the amount of members pruned.
Future<int> prune(int days, {Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles, String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.guildPrune(this.id, days, includeRoles: includeRoles, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Get"s the guild's bans.
Stream<Ban> getBans() => client._httpEndpoints.getGuildBans(this.id);
/// Change self nickname in guild
Future<void> changeSelfNick(String nick) async =>
client._httpEndpoints.changeGuildSelfNick(this.id, nick);
/// Gets single [Ban] object for given [bannedUserId]
Future<Ban> getBan(Snowflake bannedUserId) async =>
client._httpEndpoints.getGuildBan(this.id, bannedUserId);
/// Change guild owner.
Future<Guild> changeOwner(SnowflakeEntity memberEntity, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.changeGuildOwner(this.id, memberEntity);
/// Leaves the guild.
Future<void> leave() async =>
/// Returns list of Guilds invites
Stream<Invite> fetchGuildInvites() =>
/// Returns Audit logs.
/// https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log
/// ```
/// var logs = await guild.getAuditLogs(actionType: 1);
/// ```
Future<AuditLog> fetchAuditLogs({Snowflake? userId, int? actionType, Snowflake? before, int? limit}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.fetchAuditLogs(this.id, userId: userId, actionType: actionType, before: before, limit: limit);
/// Creates new role
/// ```
/// var rb = new RoleBuilder()
/// ..name = "Dartyy"
/// ..color = DiscordColor.fromInt(0xFF04F2)
/// ..hoist = true;
/// var role = await guild.createRole(roleBuilder);
/// ```
Future<Role> createRole(RoleBuilder roleBuilder, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.createGuildRole(this.id, roleBuilder, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Returns list of available [VoiceRegion]s
Stream<VoiceRegion> getVoiceRegions() =>
/// Moves channel
Future<void> moveChannel(IChannel channel, int position, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.moveGuildChannel(this.id, channel.id, position, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Bans a user and allows to delete messages from [deleteMessageDays] number of days.
/// ```
/// await guild.ban(member);
/// ```
Future<void> ban(SnowflakeEntity user, {int deleteMessageDays = 0, String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.guildBan(this.id, user.id, deleteMessageDays: deleteMessageDays, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Kicks user from guild. Member is removed from guild and he is able to rejoin
/// ```
/// await guild.kick(member);
/// ```
Future<void> kick(SnowflakeEntity user, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.guildKick(this.id, user.id, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Unbans a user by ID.
Future<void> unban(Snowflake id, Snowflake userId) =>
client._httpEndpoints.guildUnban(this.id, userId);
/// Edits the guild.
Future<Guild> edit(
{String? name,
int? verificationLevel,
int? notificationLevel,
SnowflakeEntity? afkChannel,
int? afkTimeout,
String? icon,
String? auditReason}) =>
name: name,
verificationLevel: verificationLevel,
notificationLevel: notificationLevel,
afkChannel: afkChannel,
afkTimeout: afkTimeout,
icon: icon,
auditReason: auditReason
/// Fetches member from API
Future<Member> fetchMember(Snowflake memberId) =>
client._httpEndpoints.fetchGuildMember(this.id, memberId);
/// Allows to fetch guild members. In future will be restricted with `Privileged Intents`.
/// [after] is used to continue from specified user id.
/// By default limits to one user - use [limit] parameter to change that behavior.
Stream<Member> fetchMembers({int limit = 1, Snowflake? after}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.fetchGuildMembers(this.id, limit: limit, after: after);
/// Returns a [Stream] of [Member]s objects whose username or nickname starts with a provided string.
/// By default limits to one entry - can be changed with [limit] parameter.
Stream<Member> searchMembers(String query, {int limit = 1}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.searchGuildMembers(this.id, query, limit: limit);
/// Returns a [Stream] of [Member]s objects whose username or nickname starts with a provided string.
/// By default limits to one entry - can be changed with [limit] parameter.
Stream<Member> searchMembersGateway(String query, {int limit = 0}) async* {
final nonce = "$query${id.toString()}";
this.shard.requestMembers(this.id, query: query, limit: limit, nonce: nonce);
final first = (await this.shard.onMemberChunk.take(1).toList()).first;
for (final member in first.members) {
yield member;
if (first.chunkCount > 1) {
await for (final event in this.shard.onMemberChunk.where((event) => event.nonce == nonce).take(first.chunkCount - 1)) {
for (final member in event.members) {
yield member;
/// Fetches guild preview for this guild. Allows to download approx member count in guild
Future<GuildPreview> fetchGuildPreview() async =>
/// Request members from gateway. Requires privileged intents in order to work.
void requestChunking() => this.shard.requestMembers(this.id);
/// Allows to create new guil channel
Future<IChannel> createChannel(ChannelBuilder channelBuilder) =>
this.client.httpEndpoints.createGuildChannel(this.id, channelBuilder);
/// Deletes the guild.
Future<void> delete() =>