2021-03-29 21:17:34 +02:00

80 lines
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part of nyxx_interactions;
/// The type that a user should input for a [SlashArg]
enum CommandArgType {
/// Specify an arg as a sub command
/// Specify an arg as a sub command group
/// Specify an arg as a string
/// Specify an arg as an int
/// Specify an arg as a bool
/// Specify an arg as a user e.g @HarryET#2954
/// Specify an arg as a channel e.g. #Help
/// Specify an arg as a role e.g. @RoleName
/// An argument for a [SlashCommand].
class CommandArg {
/// The type of arg that will be later changed to an INT value, their values can be seen in the table below:
/// | Name | Value |
/// |-------------------|-------|
/// | SUB_COMMAND | 1 |
/// | STRING | 3 |
/// | INTEGER | 4 |
/// | BOOLEAN | 5 |
/// | USER | 6 |
/// | CHANNEL | 7 |
/// | ROLE | 8 |
late final CommandArgType type;
/// The name of your argument / sub-group.
late final String name;
/// The description of your argument / sub-group.
late final String description;
/// If this should be the fist required option the user picks
late final bool defaultArg;
/// If this argument is required
late final bool required;
/// Choices for [CommandArgType.string] and [CommandArgType.string] types for the user to pick from
late final List<ArgChoice>? choices;
/// If the option is a subcommand or subcommand group type, this nested options will be the parameters
late final List<CommandArg>? options;
/// Used to create an argument for a [SlashCommand]. Tease are used in [Interactions.registerCommand]
CommandArg(this.type, this.name, this.description,
{this.defaultArg = false, this.required = false, this.choices, this.options});
Map<String, dynamic> _build() {
final subOptions = this.options != null
? this.options!.map((e) => e._build())
: null;
final rawChoices = this.choices != null
? this.choices!.map((e) => e._build())
: null;
return {
"type": (this.type.index) + 1,
"name": this.name,
"description": this.description,
"default": this.defaultArg,
"required": this.required,
"choices": rawChoices,
"options": subOptions