
1485 lines
46 KiB

part of nyxx;
abstract class IHttpEndpoints {
/// Returns cdn url for given [guildId] and [iconHash].
/// Requires to specify format and size of returned image.
/// Format can be webp, png. Size should be power of 2, eg. 512, 1024
String? getGuildIconUrl(
Snowflake guildId, String? iconHash, String format, int size);
/// Returns cdn url for given [guildId] and [splashHash].
/// Requires to specify format and size of returned image.
/// Format can be webp, png. Size should be power of 2, eg. 512, 1024
String? getGuildSplashURL(
Snowflake guildId, String? splashHash, String format, int size);
/// Returns discovery url for given [guildId] and [splashHash]. Allows to additionally specify [format] and [size] of returned image.
String? getGuildDiscoveryURL(Snowflake guildId, String? splashHash,
{String format = "webp", int size = 128});
/// Returns url to guild widget for given [guildId]. Additionally accepts [style] parameter.
String getGuildWidgetUrl(Snowflake guildId, [String style = "shield"]);
/// Allows to modify guild emoji.
Future<GuildEmoji> editGuildEmoji(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake emojiId,
{String? name,
List<Snowflake>? roles,
File? avatar,
String? encodedAvatar,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedExtension});
Future<void> deleteGuildEmoji(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake emojiId);
Future<Role> editRole(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId, RoleBuilder role,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> deleteRole(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> addRoleToUser(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId, Snowflake userId,
{String? auditReason});
Future<Guild> fetchGuild(Snowflake guildId);
Future<T> fetchChannel<T>(Snowflake id);
Future<IGuildEmoji> fetchGuildEmoji(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake emojiId);
Future<GuildEmoji> createEmoji(Snowflake guildId, String name,
{List<SnowflakeEntity>? roles,
File? imageFile,
List<int>? imageBytes,
String? encodedImage,
String? encodedExtension});
Future<int> guildPruneCount(Snowflake guildId, int days,
{Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles});
Future<int> guildPrune(Snowflake guildId, int days,
{Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles, String? auditReason});
Stream<Ban> getGuildBans(Snowflake guildId);
Future<void> changeGuildSelfNick(Snowflake guildId, String nick);
Future<Ban> getGuildBan(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake bannedUserId);
Future<Guild> changeGuildOwner(Snowflake guildId, SnowflakeEntity member,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> leaveGuild(Snowflake guildId);
Stream<Invite> fetchGuildInvites(Snowflake guildId);
Future<AuditLog> fetchAuditLogs(Snowflake guildId,
{Snowflake? userId, int? actionType, Snowflake? before, int? limit});
Future<Role> createGuildRole(Snowflake guildId, RoleBuilder roleBuilder,
{String? auditReason});
Stream<VoiceRegion> fetchGuildVoiceRegions(Snowflake guildId);
Future<void> moveGuildChannel(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake channelId, int position,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> guildBan(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake userId,
{int deleteMessageDays = 0, String? auditReason});
Future<void> guildKick(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake userId,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> guildUnban(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake userId);
Future<Guild> editGuild(Snowflake guildId,
{String? name,
int? verificationLevel,
int? notificationLevel,
SnowflakeEntity? afkChannel,
int? afkTimeout,
String? icon,
String? auditReason});
Future<Member> fetchGuildMember(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake memberId);
Stream<Member> fetchGuildMembers(Snowflake guildId,
{int limit = 1, Snowflake? after});
Stream<Member> searchGuildMembers(Snowflake guildId, String query,
{int limit = 1});
Stream<Webhook> fetchChannelWebhooks(Snowflake channelId);
Future<void> deleteGuild(Snowflake guildId);
Stream<Role> fetchGuildRoles(Snowflake guildId);
String userAvatarURL(Snowflake userId, String? avatarHash, int discriminator,
{String format = "webp", int size = 128});
Future<User> fetchUser(Snowflake userId);
Future<void> editGuildMember(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake memberId,
{String? nick,
List<SnowflakeEntity>? roles,
bool? mute,
bool? deaf,
SnowflakeEntity? channel,
String? auditReason});
Future<void> removeRoleFromUser(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId, Snowflake userId,
{String? auditReason});
Stream<InviteWithMeta> fetchChannelInvites(Snowflake channelId);
Future<void> editChannelPermissions(
Snowflake channelId, PermissionsBuilder perms, SnowflakeEntity entity,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> editChannelPermissionOverrides(
Snowflake channelId, PermissionOverrideBuilder permissionBuilder,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> deleteChannelPermission(Snowflake channelId, SnowflakeEntity id,
{String? auditReason});
Future<Invite> createInvite(Snowflake channelId,
{int? maxAge,
int? maxUses,
bool? temporary,
bool? unique,
String? auditReason});
Future<Message> sendMessage(Snowflake channelId,
{dynamic content,
List<AttachmentBuilder>? files,
EmbedBuilder? embed,
bool? tts,
AllowedMentions? allowedMentions,
MessageBuilder? builder,
ReplyBuilder? replyBuilder});
Future<Message> fetchMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId);
Future<void> bulkRemoveMessages(
Snowflake channelId, Iterable<SnowflakeEntity> messagesIds);
Stream<Message> downloadMessages(Snowflake channelId,
{int limit = 50, Snowflake? after, Snowflake? before, Snowflake? around});
Future<VoiceGuildChannel> editVoiceChannel(Snowflake channelId,
{String? name,
int? bitrate,
int? position,
int? userLimit,
String? auditReason});
Future<Webhook> createWebhook(Snowflake channelId, String name,
{File? avatarFile,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedAvatar,
String? encodedExtension,
String? auditReason});
Stream<Message> fetchPinnedMessages(Snowflake channelId);
Future<TextGuildChannel> editTextChannel(Snowflake channelId,
{String? name, String? topic, int? position, int? slowModeThreshold});
Future<void> triggerTyping(Snowflake channelId);
Future<void> crossPostGuildMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId);
Future<Message> suppressMessageEmbeds(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId);
Future<Message> editMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId,
{dynamic content,
EmbedBuilder? embed,
AllowedMentions? allowedMentions,
MessageEditBuilder? builder});
Future<void> createMessageReaction(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId, IEmoji emoji);
Future<void> deleteMessageReaction(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId, IEmoji emoji);
Future<void> deleteMessageUserReaction(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId, IEmoji emoji, Snowflake userId);
Future<void> deleteMessageAllReactions(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId);
Future<void> deleteMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId,
{String? auditReason});
Future<void> pinMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId);
Future<void> unpinMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId);
Future<User> editSelfUser(
{String? username,
File? avatarFile,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedAvatar,
String? encodedExtension});
Future<void> deleteInvite(String code, {String? auditReason});
Future<void> deleteWebhook(Snowflake id,
{String token = "", String? auditReason});
Future<Webhook> editWebhook(Snowflake webhookId,
{String token = "",
String? name,
SnowflakeEntity? channel,
File? avatarFile,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedAvatar,
String? encodedExtension,
String? auditReason});
Future<Message> executeWebhook(Snowflake webhookId,
{String token = "",
dynamic content,
List<AttachmentBuilder>? files,
List<EmbedBuilder>? embeds,
bool? tts,
AllowedMentions? allowedMentions,
bool? wait,
String? avatarUrl});
Future<Webhook> fetchWebhook(Snowflake id, {String token = ""});
Future<Invite> fetchInvite(String code);
String stickerUrl(String stickerHash, String extension);
String emojiUrl(Snowflake emojiId);
Future<DMChannel> createDMChannel(Snowflake userId);
/// Used to send a request including the bot token header.
Future<_HttpResponse> sendRawRequest(String url, String method, {dynamic body, dynamic headers});
Future<GuildPreview> fetchGuildPreview(Snowflake guildId);
Future<IChannel> createGuildChannel(Snowflake guildId, ChannelBuilder channelBuilder);
Future<void> deleteChannel(Snowflake channelId);
class _HttpEndpoints implements IHttpEndpoints {
late final _HttpHandler _httpClient;
final INyxx _client;
_HttpEndpoints._new(this._client) {
this._httpClient = this._client._http;
Map<String, dynamic> _initMessage(dynamic content, EmbedBuilder? embed,
AllowedMentions? allowedMentions, ReplyBuilder? replyBuilder, {bool hasFiles = false}) {
if (content == null && embed == null && !hasFiles) {
throw ArgumentError(
"When sending message content, embed or files have to be not null");
allowedMentions ??= _client._options.allowedMentions;
return <String, dynamic>{
if (content != null) "content": content.toString(),
if (embed != null) "embed": embed._build(),
if (allowedMentions != null) "allowed_mentions": allowedMentions._build(),
if (replyBuilder != null) "message_reference": replyBuilder._build(),
String? getGuildIconUrl(
Snowflake guildId, String? iconHash, String format, int size) {
if (iconHash != null) {
return "https://cdn.${Constants.cdnHost}/icons/$guildId/$iconHash.$format?size=$size";
return null;
String? getGuildSplashURL(
Snowflake guildId, String? splashHash, String format, int size) {
if (splashHash != null) {
return "https://cdn.${Constants.cdnHost}/splashes/$guildId/$splashHash.$format?size=$size";
return null;
String? getGuildDiscoveryURL(Snowflake guildId, String? splashHash,
{String format = "webp", int size = 128}) {
if (splashHash != null) {
return "https://cdn.${Constants.cdnHost}/discovery-splashes/$guildId/$splashHash.$format?size=$size";
return null;
String getGuildWidgetUrl(Snowflake guildId, [String style = "shield"]) =>
Future<GuildEmoji> editGuildEmoji(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake emojiId,
{String? name,
List<Snowflake>? roles,
File? avatar,
String? encodedAvatar,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedExtension}) async {
if (name == null && roles == null) {
return Future.error(
ArgumentError("Both name and roles fields cannot be null"));
final body = <String, dynamic>{
if (name != null) "name": name,
if (roles != null) "roles": roles.map((r) => r.toString())
final uploadString = Utils.getBase64UploadString(
file: avatar,
fileBytes: avatarBytes,
base64EncodedFile: encodedAvatar,
fileExtension: encodedExtension);
if (uploadString != null) {
body["avatar"] = uploadString;
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
body: body));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return GuildEmoji._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
return Future.error(response);
Future<void> deleteGuildEmoji(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake emojiId) async =>
method: "DELETE"));
Future<Role> editRole(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId, RoleBuilder role,
{String? auditReason}) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
body: role._build(),
auditLog: auditReason));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Role._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
return Future.error(response);
Future<void> deleteRole(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId,
{String? auditReason}) async =>
method: "DELETE", auditLog: auditReason));
Future<void> addRoleToUser(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId, Snowflake userId,
{String? auditReason}) async =>
method: "PUT",
auditLog: auditReason));
Future<Guild> fetchGuild(Snowflake guildId) async {
final response =
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId"));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Guild._new(_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<T> fetchChannel<T>(Snowflake id) async {
final response =
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/channels/$id"));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
final raw =
(response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>;
return IChannel._deserialize(_client, raw) as T;
Future<IGuildEmoji> fetchGuildEmoji(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake emojiId) async {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return GuildEmoji._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
return Future.error(response);
Future<GuildEmoji> createEmoji(Snowflake guildId, String name,
{List<SnowflakeEntity>? roles,
File? imageFile,
List<int>? imageBytes,
String? encodedImage,
String? encodedExtension}) async {
final body = <String, dynamic>{
"name": name,
if (roles != null) "roles": roles.map((r) => r.id.toString())
final uploadString = Utils.getBase64UploadString(
file: imageFile,
fileBytes: imageBytes,
base64EncodedFile: encodedImage,
fileExtension: encodedExtension);
if (uploadString != null) {
body["image"] = uploadString;
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "POST",
body: body));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return GuildEmoji._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
return Future.error(response);
Future<int> guildPruneCount(Snowflake guildId, int days,
{Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles}) async {
final response = await _httpClient
._execute(BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId/prune", queryParams: {
"days": days.toString(),
if (includeRoles != null)
"include_roles": includeRoles.map((e) => e.id.toString())
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return response.jsonBody["pruned"] as int;
return Future.error(response);
Future<int> guildPrune(Snowflake guildId, int days,
{Iterable<Snowflake>? includeRoles, String? auditReason}) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "POST",
auditLog: auditReason,
queryParams: {
"days": days.toString()
body: {
if (includeRoles != null)
"include_roles": includeRoles.map((e) => e.id.toString())
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return response.jsonBody["pruned"] as int;
return Future.error(response);
Stream<Ban> getGuildBans(Snowflake guildId) async* {
final response =
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId/bans"));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final obj in (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody) {
yield Ban._new(obj as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
Future<void> changeGuildSelfNick(Snowflake guildId, String nick) async =>
method: "PATCH",
body: {"nick": nick}));
Future<Ban> getGuildBan(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake bannedUserId) async {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Ban._new(response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Guild> changeGuildOwner(Snowflake guildId, SnowflakeEntity member,
{String? auditReason}) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
auditLog: auditReason,
body: {"owner_id": member.id}));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Guild._new(_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<void> leaveGuild(Snowflake guildId) async => _httpClient._execute(
BasicRequest._new("/users/@me/guilds/$guildId", method: "DELETE"));
Stream<Invite> fetchGuildInvites(Snowflake guildId) async* {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final raw in (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody) {
yield Invite._new(raw as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
Future<AuditLog> fetchAuditLogs(Snowflake guildId,
{Snowflake? userId,
int? actionType,
Snowflake? before,
int? limit}) async {
final queryParams = <String, String>{
if (userId != null) "user_id": userId.toString(),
if (actionType != null) "action_type": actionType.toString(),
if (before != null) "before": before.toString(),
if (limit != null) "limit": limit.toString()
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
queryParams: queryParams));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return AuditLog._new(response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Role> createGuildRole(Snowflake guildId, RoleBuilder roleBuilder,
{String? auditReason}) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "POST",
auditLog: auditReason,
body: roleBuilder._build()));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Role._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
return Future.error(response);
Stream<VoiceRegion> fetchGuildVoiceRegions(Snowflake guildId) async* {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final raw in (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody) {
yield VoiceRegion._new(raw as Map<String, dynamic>);
Future<void> moveGuildChannel(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake channelId, int position,
{String? auditReason}) async {
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId/channels",
method: "PATCH",
auditLog: auditReason,
body: {"id": channelId.toString(), "position": position}));
Future<void> guildBan(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake userId,
{int deleteMessageDays = 0, String? auditReason}) async =>
method: "PUT",
auditLog: auditReason,
body: {"delete-message-days": deleteMessageDays}));
Future<void> guildKick(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake userId,
{String? auditReason}) async =>
method: "DELTE", auditLog: auditReason));
Future<void> guildUnban(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake userId) async =>
BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId/bans/$userId", method: "DELETE"));
Future<Guild> editGuild(Snowflake guildId,
{String? name,
int? verificationLevel,
int? notificationLevel,
SnowflakeEntity? afkChannel,
int? afkTimeout,
String? icon,
String? auditReason}) async {
final body = <String, dynamic>{
if (name != null) "name": name,
if (verificationLevel != null) "verification_level": verificationLevel,
if (notificationLevel != null)
"default_message_notifications": notificationLevel,
if (afkChannel != null) "afk_channel_id": afkChannel,
if (afkTimeout != null) "afk_timeout": afkTimeout,
if (icon != null) "icon": icon
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
auditLog: auditReason,
body: body));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Guild._new(_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Member> fetchGuildMember(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake memberId) async {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
final member = Member._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
if (_client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicyLocation.http &&
_client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicy.canCache(member)) {
member.guild.getFromCache()?.members[member.id] = member;
return member;
return Future.error(response);
Stream<Member> fetchGuildMembers(Snowflake guildId,
{int limit = 1, Snowflake? after}) async* {
final request = _httpClient._execute(
BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId/members", queryParams: {
"limit": limit.toString(),
if (after != null) "after": after.toString()
if (request is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(request);
for (final rawMember
in (request as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody as List<dynamic>) {
final member =
Member._new(_client, rawMember as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
if (_client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicyLocation.http &&
_client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicy.canCache(member)) {
member.guild.getFromCache()?.members[member.id] = member;
yield member;
Stream<Member> searchGuildMembers(Snowflake guildId, String query, {int limit = 1}) async* {
if (query.isEmpty) {
yield* Stream.error(ArgumentError("`query` parameter cannot be empty. If you want to request all members use `fetchGuildMembers`"));
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId/members/search",
queryParams: {"query": query, "limit": limit.toString()}));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final Map<String, dynamic> memberData
in (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody) {
final member = Member._new(_client, memberData, guildId);
if (_client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicyLocation.http &&
_client._cacheOptions.memberCachePolicy.canCache(member)) {
member.guild.getFromCache()?.members[member.id] = member;
yield member;
Stream<Webhook> fetchChannelWebhooks(Snowflake channelId) async* {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final raw in (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody) {
yield Webhook._new(raw as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
Future<void> deleteGuild(Snowflake guildId) async => _httpClient
._execute(BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId", method: "DELETE"));
Stream<Role> fetchGuildRoles(Snowflake guildId) async* {
final response =
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final rawRole in (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody.values) {
yield Role._new(_client, rawRole as Map<String, dynamic>, guildId);
String userAvatarURL(Snowflake userId, String? avatarHash, int discriminator,
{String format = "webp", int size = 128}) {
if (avatarHash != null) {
return "https://cdn.${Constants.cdnHost}/avatars/$userId/$avatarHash.$format?size=$size";
return "https://cdn.${Constants.cdnHost}/embed/avatars/${discriminator % 5}.png?size=$size";
Future<User> fetchUser(Snowflake userId) async {
final response =
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/users/$userId"));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
return User._new(_client, response._jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
Future<void> editGuildMember(Snowflake guildId, Snowflake memberId,
{String? nick,
List<SnowflakeEntity>? roles,
bool? mute,
bool? deaf,
SnowflakeEntity? channel,
String? auditReason}) {
final body = <String, dynamic>{
if (nick != null) "nick": nick,
if (roles != null) "roles": roles.map((f) => f.id.toString()).toList(),
if (mute != null) "mute": mute,
if (deaf != null) "deaf": deaf,
if (channel != null) "channel_id": channel.id.toString()
return _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
auditLog: auditReason,
body: body));
Future<void> removeRoleFromUser(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake roleId, Snowflake userId,
{String? auditReason}) async =>
method: "DELETE",
auditLog: auditReason));
Stream<InviteWithMeta> fetchChannelInvites(Snowflake channelId) async* {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
final bodyValues = (response as HttpResponseSuccess).jsonBody.values.first;
for (final val in bodyValues as Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>>) {
yield InviteWithMeta._new(val, _client);
Future<void> editChannelPermissions(
Snowflake channelId, PermissionsBuilder perms, SnowflakeEntity entity,
{String? auditReason}) async {
final permSet = perms._build();
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PUT",
body: {
"type": entity is Role ? "role" : "member",
"allow": permSet.allow,
"deny": permSet.deny
auditLog: auditReason));
Future<void> editChannelPermissionOverrides(
Snowflake channelId, PermissionOverrideBuilder permissionBuilder,
{String? auditReason}) async {
final permSet = permissionBuilder._build();
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PUT",
body: {
"type": permissionBuilder.type,
"allow": permSet.allow,
"deny": permSet.deny
auditLog: auditReason));
Future<void> deleteChannelPermission(Snowflake channelId, SnowflakeEntity id,
{String? auditReason}) async {
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PUT",
auditLog: auditReason));
Future<Invite> createInvite(Snowflake channelId,
{int? maxAge,
int? maxUses,
bool? temporary,
bool? unique,
String? auditReason}) async {
final body = {
if (maxAge != null) "max_age": maxAge,
if (maxUses != null) "max_uses": maxUses,
if (temporary != null) "temporary": temporary,
if (unique != null) "unique": unique,
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "POST",
body: body,
auditLog: auditReason));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
return InviteWithMeta._new(
(response as HttpResponseSuccess).jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>,
Future<Message> sendMessage(Snowflake channelId,
{dynamic content,
List<AttachmentBuilder>? files,
EmbedBuilder? embed,
bool? tts,
AllowedMentions? allowedMentions,
MessageBuilder? builder,
ReplyBuilder? replyBuilder}) async {
if (builder != null) {
content = builder._content;
files = builder.files;
embed = builder.embed;
tts = builder.tts ?? false;
allowedMentions = builder.allowedMentions;
replyBuilder = builder.replyBuilder;
final reqBody = {
..._initMessage(content, embed, allowedMentions, replyBuilder, hasFiles: files != null && files.isNotEmpty),
if (content != null && tts != null) "tts": tts
_HttpResponse response;
if (files != null && files.isNotEmpty) {
response = await _httpClient._execute(MultipartRequest._new(
"/channels/$channelId/messages", files,
method: "POST", fields: reqBody));
} else {
response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
body: reqBody,
method: "POST"));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Message._deserialize(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Message> fetchMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
return Message._deserialize(_client,
(response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
Future<void> bulkRemoveMessages(
Snowflake channelId, Iterable<SnowflakeEntity> messagesIds) async {
await for (final chunk in Utils.chunk(messagesIds.toList(), 90)) {
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "POST",
body: {"messages": chunk.map((f) => f.id.toString()).toList()}));
Stream<Message> downloadMessages(Snowflake channelId,
{int limit = 50,
Snowflake? after,
Snowflake? before,
Snowflake? around}) async* {
final queryParams = {
"limit": limit.toString(),
if (after != null) "after": after.toString(),
if (before != null) "before": before.toString(),
if (around != null) "around": around.toString()
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
queryParams: queryParams));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final val in await (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody) {
yield Message._deserialize(_client, val as Map<String, dynamic>);
Future<VoiceGuildChannel> editVoiceChannel(Snowflake channelId,
{String? name,
int? bitrate,
int? position,
int? userLimit,
String? auditReason}) async {
final body = <String, dynamic>{
if (name != null) "name": name,
if (bitrate != null) "bitrate": bitrate,
if (userLimit != null) "user_limit": userLimit,
if (position != null) "position": position,
if (body.isEmpty) {
return Future.error(ArgumentError("Cannot edit channel with empty body"));
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
body: body,
auditLog: auditReason));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return VoiceGuildChannel._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Webhook> createWebhook(Snowflake channelId, String name,
{File? avatarFile,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedAvatar,
String? encodedExtension,
String? auditReason}) async {
if (name.isEmpty || name.length > 80) {
return Future.error(ArgumentError(
"Webhook name cannot be shorter than 1 character and longer than 80 characters"));
final body = <String, dynamic>{"name": name};
final uploadString = Utils.getBase64UploadString(
file: avatarFile,
fileBytes: avatarBytes,
base64EncodedFile: encodedAvatar,
fileExtension: encodedExtension);
if (uploadString != null) {
body["avatar"] = uploadString;
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "POST",
body: body,
auditLog: auditReason));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Webhook._new(response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
return Future.error(response);
Stream<Message> fetchPinnedMessages(Snowflake channelId) async* {
final response = await _httpClient
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
yield* Stream.error(response);
for (final val in (response as HttpResponseSuccess)._jsonBody.values.first
as Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>>) {
yield Message._deserialize(_client, val);
Future<TextGuildChannel> editTextChannel(Snowflake channelId,
{String? name,
String? topic,
int? position,
int? slowModeThreshold}) async {
final body = <String, dynamic>{
if (name != null) "name": name,
if (topic != null) "topic": topic,
if (position != null) "position": position,
if (slowModeThreshold != null) "rate_limit_per_user": slowModeThreshold,
if (body.isEmpty) {
return Future.error(ArgumentError("Cannot edit channel with empty body"));
final response = await _httpClient._execute(
BasicRequest._new("/channels/$channelId", method: "PATCH", body: body));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return TextGuildChannel._new(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<void> triggerTyping(Snowflake channelId) => _httpClient._execute(
BasicRequest._new("/channels/$channelId/typing", method: "POST"));
Future<void> crossPostGuildMessage(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId) async =>
method: "POST"));
// TODO: Manage message flags better
Future<Message> suppressMessageEmbeds(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId) async {
final body = <String, dynamic>{"flags": 1 << 2};
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
body: body));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Message._deserialize(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Message> editMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId,
{dynamic content,
EmbedBuilder? embed,
AllowedMentions? allowedMentions,
MessageEditBuilder? builder}) async {
if (builder != null) {
content = builder._content;
embed = builder.embed;
allowedMentions = builder.allowedMentions;
final body = <String, dynamic>{
if (content != null) "content": content.toString(),
if (embed != null) "embed": embed._build(),
if (allowedMentions != null) "allowed_mentions": allowedMentions._build(),
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
body: body));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Message._deserialize(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<void> createMessageReaction(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId, IEmoji emoji) =>
method: "PUT"));
Future<void> deleteMessageReaction(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId, IEmoji emoji) =>
method: "DELETE"));
Future<void> deleteMessageUserReaction(Snowflake channelId,
Snowflake messageId, IEmoji emoji, Snowflake userId) =>
method: "DELETE"));
Future<void> deleteMessageAllReactions(
Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId) =>
method: "DELETE"));
Future<void> deleteMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId,
{String? auditReason}) =>
method: "DELETE",
auditLog: auditReason));
Future<void> pinMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId) =>
method: "PUT"));
Future<void> unpinMessage(Snowflake channelId, Snowflake messageId) =>
method: "DELETE"));
Future<User> editSelfUser(
{String? username,
File? avatarFile,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedAvatar,
String? encodedExtension}) async {
final body = <String, dynamic>{if (username != null) "username": username};
final uploadString = Utils.getBase64UploadString(
file: avatarFile,
fileBytes: avatarBytes,
base64EncodedFile: encodedAvatar,
fileExtension: encodedExtension);
if (uploadString != null) {
body["avatar"] = uploadString;
final response = await _httpClient
._execute(BasicRequest._new("/users/@me", method: "PATCH", body: body));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return User._new(_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<void> deleteInvite(String code, {String? auditReason}) async =>
method: "DELETE", auditLog: auditReason));
Future<void> deleteWebhook(Snowflake id,
{String token = "", String? auditReason}) =>
method: "DELETE", auditLog: auditReason));
Future<Webhook> editWebhook(Snowflake webhookId,
{String token = "",
String? name,
SnowflakeEntity? channel,
File? avatarFile,
List<int>? avatarBytes,
String? encodedAvatar,
String? encodedExtension,
String? auditReason}) async {
final body = <String, dynamic>{
if (name != null) "name": name,
if (channel != null) "channel_id": channel.id.toString()
final uploadString = Utils.getBase64UploadString(
file: avatarFile,
fileBytes: avatarBytes,
base64EncodedFile: encodedAvatar,
fileExtension: encodedExtension);
if (uploadString != null) {
body["avatar"] = uploadString;
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "PATCH",
auditLog: auditReason,
body: body));
return Future.error(response);
Future<Message> executeWebhook(Snowflake webhookId,
{String token = "",
dynamic content,
List<AttachmentBuilder>? files,
List<EmbedBuilder>? embeds,
bool? tts,
AllowedMentions? allowedMentions,
bool? wait,
String? avatarUrl}) async {
allowedMentions ??= _client._options.allowedMentions;
final reqBody = {
if (content != null) "content": content.toString(),
if (allowedMentions != null) "allowed_mentions": allowedMentions._build(),
if (embeds != null) "embeds": [for (final e in embeds) e._build()],
if (content != null && tts != null) "tts": tts,
if (avatarUrl != null) "avatar_url": avatarUrl,
final queryParams = {if (wait != null) "wait": wait};
_HttpResponse response;
if (files != null && files.isNotEmpty) {
response = await _httpClient._execute(MultipartRequest._new(
"/webhooks/$webhookId/$token", files,
method: "POST", fields: reqBody, queryParams: queryParams));
} else {
response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
body: reqBody,
method: "POST",
queryParams: queryParams));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Message._deserialize(
_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Webhook> fetchWebhook(Snowflake id, {String token = ""}) async {
final response =
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/webhooks/$id/$token"));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Webhook._new(response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
return Future.error(response);
Future<Invite> fetchInvite(String code) async {
final response =
await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/invites/$code"));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return Invite._new(response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>, _client);
return Future.error(response);
String stickerUrl(String stickerHash, String extension) =>
String emojiUrl(Snowflake emojiId) =>
Future<DMChannel> createDMChannel(Snowflake userId) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new(
method: "POST",
body: {"recipient_id": userId.toString()}));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);
return DMChannel._new(_client,
(response as HttpResponseSuccess).jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
Future<_HttpResponse> sendRawRequest(String url, String method,
{dynamic body, dynamic headers}) => _httpClient
._execute(BasicRequest._new(url, method: method, body: body));
Future<_HttpResponse> _getGatewayBot() =>
Future<_HttpResponse> _getMeApplication() =>
Future<GuildPreview> fetchGuildPreview(Snowflake guildId) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/guilds/$guildId/preview"));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return GuildPreview._new(_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<IChannel> createGuildChannel(Snowflake guildId, ChannelBuilder channelBuilder) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(
BasicRequest._new("/guilds/${guildId.toString()}/channels", method: "POST", body: channelBuilder._build()));
if (response is HttpResponseSuccess) {
return IChannel._deserialize(_client, response.jsonBody as Map<String, dynamic>);
return Future.error(response);
Future<void> deleteChannel(Snowflake channelId) async {
final response = await _httpClient._execute(BasicRequest._new("/channels/${channelId.toString()}", method: "DELETE"));
if (response is HttpResponseError) {
return Future.error(response);