
39 lines
1.3 KiB

import "package:nyxx/nyxx.dart";
// Main function
void main() {
// Create new bot instance. Replace string with your token
final bot = Nyxx("<TOKEN>", GatewayIntents.none);
// Listen to ready event. Invoked when bot is connected to all shards. Note that cache can be empty or not incomplete.
bot.onReady.listen((ReadyEvent e) {
// Listen to all incoming messages
bot.onMessageReceived.listen((MessageReceivedEvent e) async {
// Check if message content equals "!embed"
if (e.message.content == "!create_channel") {
// Make sure that message was sent in guild not im dm, because we cant add roles in dms
if(e.message is! GuildMessage) {
// Get guild object from message
final guild = (e.message as GuildMessage).guild.getFromCache()!;
// Created text channel. Remember discord will lower the case of name and replace spaces with - and do other sanitization
final channel = (await guild.createChannel("TEST CHANNEL", ChannelType.text)) as GuildTextChannel;
// Send feedback
await e.message.channel.getFromCache().sendMessage(content: "Crated ${channel.mention}");
// Delete channel that we just created
await channel.delete();
// Send feedback
await e.message.channel.send(content: "Deleted ${channel.mention}");