
405 lines
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part of nyxx;
abstract class INyxx implements Disposable {
_HttpHandler get _http;
_HttpEndpoints get _httpEndpoints;
ClientOptions get _options;
CacheOptions get _cacheOptions;
String get _token;
/// All of the guilds the bot is in. Can be empty or can miss guilds on (READY_EVENT).
Cache<Snowflake, Guild> get guilds;
/// All of the channels the bot can see.
ChannelCache get channels;
/// All of the users the bot can see. Does not have offline users
/// without `forceFetchUsers` enabled.
Cache<Snowflake, User> get users;
/// Returns handler for all available REST API action.
IHttpEndpoints get httpEndpoints => this._httpEndpoints;
/// Emitted when a successful HTTP response is received.
late final StreamController<HttpResponseEvent> _onHttpResponse;
/// Emitted when a HTTP request failed.
late final StreamController<HttpErrorEvent> _onHttpError;
/// Sent when the client is ratelimited, either by the ratelimit handler itself,
/// or when a 429 is received.
late final StreamController<RatelimitEvent> _onRatelimited;
/// Emitted when a successful HTTP response is received.
late Stream<HttpResponseEvent> onHttpResponse;
/// Emitted when a HTTP request failed.
late Stream<HttpErrorEvent> onHttpError;
/// Sent when the client is ratelimited, either by the ratelimit handler itself,
/// or when a 429 is received.
late Stream<RatelimitEvent> onRatelimited;
/// Lightweight client which do not start ws connections.
class NyxxRest extends INyxx {
final String _token;
final DateTime _startTime = DateTime.now();
late final ClientOptions _options;
late final CacheOptions _cacheOptions;
late final _HttpHandler _http;
late final _HttpEndpoints _httpEndpoints;
/// When identifying to the gateway, you have to specify an intents parameter which
/// allows you to conditionally subscribe to pre-defined "intents", groups of events defined by Discord.
/// If you do not specify a certain intent, you will not receive any of the gateway events that are batched into that group.
/// Since api v8 its required upon connecting to gateway.
final int intents;
/// The current bot user.
late ClientUser self;
/// The bot"s OAuth2 app.
late ClientOAuth2Application app;
/// All of the guilds the bot is in. Can be empty or can miss guilds on (READY_EVENT).
late final Cache<Snowflake, Guild> guilds;
/// All of the channels the bot can see.
late final ChannelCache channels;
/// All of the users the bot can see. Does not have offline users
/// without `forceFetchUsers` enabled.
late final Cache<Snowflake, User> users;
/// True if client is ready.
bool ready = false;
/// The current version of `nyxx`
final String version = Constants.version;
/// Logger instance
final Logger _logger = Logger("Client");
/// Gets an bot invite link with zero permissions
String get inviteLink => app.getInviteUrl();
/// Can be used to edit options after client initialised. Used by Nyxx.interactions to enable raw events
ClientOptions get options => this._options;
/// Creates and logs in a new client. If [ignoreExceptions] is true (by default is)
/// isolate will ignore all exceptions and continue to work.
NyxxRest(this._token, this.intents,
{ClientOptions? options,
CacheOptions? cacheOptions,
bool ignoreExceptions = true,
bool useDefaultLogger = true,
Level? defaultLoggerLogLevel}) {
if (_token.isEmpty) {
throw MissingTokenError();
if (useDefaultLogger) {
Logger.root.level = defaultLoggerLogLevel ?? Level.ALL;
Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) {
"[${rec.time}] [${rec.level.name}] [${rec.loggerName}] ${rec.message}");
this._logger.info("Starting bot with pid: $pid. To stop the bot gracefully send SIGTERM or SIGKILL");
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
ProcessSignal.sigterm.watch().forEach((event) async {
await this.dispose();
ProcessSignal.sigint.watch().forEach((event) async {
await this.dispose();
if (ignoreExceptions) {
final errorsPort = ReceivePort();
errorsPort.listen((err) {
_logger.severe("ERROR: ${err[0]} \n ${err[1]}");
this._options = options ?? ClientOptions();
this._cacheOptions = cacheOptions ?? CacheOptions();
this.guilds = _SnowflakeCache();
this.channels = ChannelCache._new();
this.users = _SnowflakeCache();
this._http = _HttpHandler._new(this);
this._httpEndpoints = _HttpEndpoints._new(this);
this._onHttpError = StreamController.broadcast();
this.onHttpError = _onHttpError.stream;
this._onHttpResponse = StreamController.broadcast();
this.onHttpResponse = _onHttpResponse.stream;
this._onRatelimited = StreamController.broadcast();
this.onRatelimited = _onRatelimited.stream;
Future<void> dispose() async {
await this._onHttpResponse.close();
await this._onHttpError.close();
await this._onRatelimited.close();
/// The main place to start with interacting with the Discord API and creating discord bot.
/// From there you can subscribe to various [Stream]s to listen to [Events](https://github.com/l7ssha/nyxx/wiki/EventList)
/// and fetch data from API with provided methods or get cached data.
/// Creating new instance of bot:
/// ```
/// Nyxx("<TOKEN>");
/// ```
/// After initializing nyxx you can subscribe to events:
/// ```
/// client.onReady.listen((e) => print("Ready!"));
/// client.onRoleCreate.listen((e) {
/// print("Role created with name: ${e.role.name});
/// });
/// ```
/// or setup `CommandsFramework` and `Voice`.
class Nyxx extends NyxxRest {
late final _ConnectionManager _ws; // ignore: unused_field
late final _EventController _events;
/// Current client"s shard
late ShardManager shardManager;
/// Emitted when a shard is disconnected from the websocket.
late Stream<DisconnectEvent> onDisconnect;
/// Emitted when the client is ready. Should be sent only once.
late Stream<ReadyEvent> onReady;
/// Emitted when a message is received. It includes private messages.
late Stream<MessageReceivedEvent> onMessageReceived;
/// Emitted when private message is received.
late Stream<MessageReceivedEvent> onDmReceived;
/// Emitted when channel"s pins are updated.
late Stream<ChannelPinsUpdateEvent> onChannelPinsUpdate;
/// Emitted when guild"s emojis are changed.
late Stream<GuildEmojisUpdateEvent> onGuildEmojisUpdate;
/// Emitted when a message is edited. Old message can be null if isn"t cached.
late Stream<MessageUpdateEvent> onMessageUpdate;
/// Emitted when a message is deleted.
late Stream<MessageDeleteEvent> onMessageDelete;
/// Emitted when a channel is created.
late Stream<ChannelCreateEvent> onChannelCreate;
/// Emitted when a channel is updated.
late Stream<ChannelUpdateEvent> onChannelUpdate;
/// Emitted when a channel is deleted.
late Stream<ChannelDeleteEvent> onChannelDelete;
/// Emitted when a member is banned.
late Stream<GuildBanAddEvent> onGuildBanAdd;
/// Emitted when a user is unbanned.
late Stream<GuildBanRemoveEvent> onGuildBanRemove;
/// Emitted when the client joins a guild.
late Stream<GuildCreateEvent> onGuildCreate;
/// Emitted when a guild is updated.
late Stream<GuildUpdateEvent> onGuildUpdate;
/// Emitted when the client leaves a guild.
late Stream<GuildDeleteEvent> onGuildDelete;
/// Emitted when a member joins a guild.
late Stream<GuildMemberAddEvent> onGuildMemberAdd;
/// Emitted when a member is updated.
late Stream<GuildMemberUpdateEvent> onGuildMemberUpdate;
/// Emitted when a user leaves a guild.
late Stream<GuildMemberRemoveEvent> onGuildMemberRemove;
/// Emitted when a member"s presence is changed.
late Stream<PresenceUpdateEvent> onPresenceUpdate;
/// Emitted when a user starts typing.
late Stream<TypingEvent> onTyping;
/// Emitted when a role is created.
late Stream<RoleCreateEvent> onRoleCreate;
/// Emitted when a role is updated.
late Stream<RoleUpdateEvent> onRoleUpdate;
/// Emitted when a role is deleted.
late Stream<RoleDeleteEvent> onRoleDelete;
/// Emitted when many messages are deleted at once
late Stream<MessageDeleteBulkEvent> onMessageDeleteBulk;
/// Emitted when a user adds a reaction to a message.
late Stream<MessageReactionEvent> onMessageReactionAdded;
/// Emitted when a user deletes a reaction to a message.
late Stream<MessageReactionEvent> onMessageReactionRemove;
/// Emitted when a user explicitly removes all reactions from a message.
late Stream<MessageReactionsRemovedEvent> onMessageReactionsRemoved;
/// Emitted when someone joins/leaves/moves voice channel.
late Stream<VoiceStateUpdateEvent> onVoiceStateUpdate;
/// Emitted when a guild"s voice server is updated.
/// This is sent when initially connecting to voice, and when the current voice instance fails over to a new server.
late Stream<VoiceServerUpdateEvent> onVoiceServerUpdate;
/// Emitted when user was updated
late Stream<UserUpdateEvent> onUserUpdate;
/// Emitted when bot is mentioned
late Stream<MessageReceivedEvent> onSelfMention;
/// Emitted when invite is created
late Stream<InviteCreatedEvent> onInviteCreated;
/// Emitted when invite is deleted
late Stream<InviteDeletedEvent> onInviteDeleted;
/// Emitted when a bot removes all instances of a given emoji from the reactions of a message
late Stream<MessageReactionRemoveEmojiEvent> onMessageReactionRemoveEmoji;
/// Creates and logs in a new client. If [ignoreExceptions] is true (by default is)
/// isolate will ignore all exceptions and continue to work.
Nyxx(String token, int intents,
{ClientOptions? options,
CacheOptions? cacheOptions,
bool ignoreExceptions = true,
bool useDefaultLogger = true,
Level? defaultLoggerLogLevel}) :
super(token, intents, options: options, cacheOptions: cacheOptions,
ignoreExceptions: ignoreExceptions, useDefaultLogger: useDefaultLogger,
defaultLoggerLogLevel: defaultLoggerLogLevel
) {
this._events = _EventController(this);
this.onSelfMention = this
.where((event) => event.message.mentions.contains(this.self));
this.onDmReceived =
this.onMessageReceived.where((event) => event.message is DMMessage);
this._ws = _ConnectionManager(this);
/// The client's uptime.
Duration get uptime => DateTime.now().difference(_startTime);
/// [DateTime] when client was started
DateTime get startTime => _startTime;
/// This endpoint is only for public guilds if bot is not int the guild.
Future<GuildPreview> fetchGuildPreview(Snowflake guildId) async =>
/// Returns guild with given [guildId]
Future<Guild> fetchGuild(Snowflake guildId) =>
/// Returns channel with specified id.
/// ```
/// var channel = await client.getChannel<TextChannel>(Snowflake("473853847115137024"));
/// ```
Future<T> fetchChannel<T extends IChannel>(Snowflake channelId) =>
/// Get user instance with specified id.
/// ```
/// var user = client.getUser(Snowflake("302359032612651009"));
/// ``
Future<User> fetchUser(Snowflake userId) =>
/// Gets a webhook by its id and/or token.
/// If token is supplied authentication is not needed.
Future<Webhook> fetchWebhook(Snowflake id, {String token = ""}) =>
this._httpEndpoints.fetchWebhook(id, token: token);
/// Gets an [Invite] object with given code.
/// If the [code] is in cache - it will be taken from it, otherwise API will be called.
/// ```
/// var inv = client.getInvite("YMgffU8");
/// ```
Future<Invite> getInvite(String code) =>
/// Returns number of shards
int get shards => this.shardManager._shards.length;
/// Sets presence for bot.
/// Code below will display bot presence as `Playing Super duper game`:
/// ```dart
/// bot.setPresence(game: Activity.of("Super duper game"))
/// ```
/// Bots cannot set custom status - only game, listening and stream available.
/// To set bot presence to streaming use:
/// ```dart
/// bot.setPresence(game: Activity.of("Super duper game", type: ActivityType.streaming, url: "https://twitch.tv/l7ssha"))
/// ```
/// `url` property in `Activity` can be only set when type is set to `streaming`
void setPresence(PresenceBuilder presenceBuilder) {
Future<void> dispose() async {
this._logger.info("Disposing and closing bot...");
if (this._options.shutdownHook != null) {
await this._options.shutdownHook!(this);
await shardManager.dispose();
await this._events.dispose();
await guilds.dispose();
await users.dispose();