
143 lines
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part of nyxx;
class Member extends SnowflakeEntity {
/// Reference to client
final INyxx client;
/// [Cacheable] for this [Guild] member
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, User> user;
/// The members nickname, null if not set.
String? nickname;
/// When the member joined the guild.
late final DateTime joinedAt;
/// Weather or not the member is deafened.
late final bool deaf;
/// Weather or not the member is muted.
late final bool mute;
/// Cacheable of guild where member is located
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, Guild> guild;
/// Roles of member
late Iterable<Cacheable<Snowflake, Role>> roles;
/// Highest role of member
late Cacheable<Snowflake, Role> hoistedRole;
/// Voice state of member. Null if not connected to channel or voice state not cached
VoiceState? get voiceState => this.guild.getFromCache()?.voiceStates[this.id];
/// When the user starting boosting the guild
late DateTime? boostingSince;
// TODO: is everything okay?
/// Returns highest role of member.
/// Uses ! on nullable properties and will throw if anything is missing from cache
Role get highestRole =>
this.roles.reduce((value, element) {
final valueInstance = value.getFromCache();
final elementInstance = element.getFromCache();
if (valueInstance!.position > elementInstance!.position) {
return value;
return element;
Member._new(this.client, Map<String, dynamic> raw, Snowflake guildId) : super(Snowflake(raw["user"]["id"])) {
this.nickname = raw["nick"] as String?;
this.deaf = raw["deaf"] as bool;
this.mute = raw["mute"] as bool;
this.user = _UserCacheable(client, this.id);
this.guild = _GuildCacheable(client, guildId);
this.boostingSince = DateTime.tryParse(raw["premium_since"] as String? ?? "");
this.roles = [
for (var id in raw["roles"])
_RoleCacheable(client, Snowflake(id), this.guild)
if (raw["hoisted_role"] != null) {
this.hoistedRole = _RoleCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["hoisted_role"]), this.guild);
if (raw["joined_at"] != null) {
this.joinedAt = DateTime.parse(raw["joined_at"] as String).toUtc();
if (!client.users.hasKey(this.id) && client._cacheOptions.userCachePolicyLocation.objectConstructor) {
final userRaw = raw["user"] as Map<String, dynamic>;
if (userRaw["id"] != null && userRaw.length != 1) {
client.users.add(this.id, User._new(client, userRaw));
/// Returns total permissions of user.
Future<Permissions> get effectivePermissions async {
final guildInstance = await guild.getOrDownload();
final owner = await guildInstance.owner.getOrDownload();
if (this == owner) {
return Permissions.all();
var total = guildInstance.everyoneRole.permissions.raw;
for (final role in roles) {
final roleInstance = await role.getOrDownload();
total |= roleInstance.permissions.raw;
if (PermissionsUtils.isApplied(total, PermissionsConstants.administrator)) {
return Permissions.fromInt(PermissionsConstants.allPermissions);
return Permissions.fromInt(total);
/// Bans the member and optionally deletes [deleteMessageDays] days worth of messages.
Future<void> ban({int? deleteMessageDays, String? reason, String? auditReason}) async =>
client._httpEndpoints.guildBan(this.guild.id, this.id, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Adds role to user.
/// ```
/// var r = guild.roles.values.first;
/// await member.addRole(r);
/// ```
Future<void> addRole(SnowflakeEntity role, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.addRoleToUser(this.guild.id, role.id, this.id, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Removes [role] from user.
Future<void> removeRole(SnowflakeEntity role, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.removeRoleFromUser(this.guild.id, role.id, this.id, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Kicks the member from guild
Future<void> kick({String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.guildKick(this.guild.id, this.id);
/// Edits members. Allows to move user in voice channel, mute or deaf, change nick, roles.
Future<void> edit({String? nick, List<SnowflakeEntity>? roles, bool? mute, bool? deaf, SnowflakeEntity? channel, String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.editGuildMember(this.guild.id, this.id, nick: nick, roles: roles, mute: mute, deaf: deaf, channel: channel, auditReason: auditReason);
void _updateMember(String? nickname, List<Snowflake> roles, DateTime? boostingSince) {
if (this.nickname != nickname) {
this.nickname = nickname;
if (this.roles != roles) {
this.roles = roles.map((e) => _RoleCacheable(client, e, this.guild));
if (this.boostingSince == null && boostingSince != null) {
this.boostingSince = boostingSince;