2021-03-29 21:18:36 +02:00

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part of nyxx_commander;
/// Used to determine if command can be executed in given environment.
/// Return true to allow executing command or false otherwise.
typedef PassHandlerFunction = FutureOr<bool> Function(CommandContext context);
/// Handler for executing command logic.
typedef CommandHandlerFunction = FutureOr<void> Function(CommandContext context, String message);
/// Handler for executing logic after executing command.
typedef AfterHandlerFunction = FutureOr<void> Function(CommandContext context);
/// Handler used to determine prefix for command in given environment.
/// Can be used to define different prefixes for different guild, users or dms.
/// Return String containing prefix or null if command cannot be executed.
typedef PrefixHandlerFunction = FutureOr<String?> Function(Message message);
/// Callback to customize logger output when command is executed.
typedef LoggerHandlerFunction = FutureOr<void> Function(CommandContext context, String commandName, Logger logger);
/// Callback called when command executions returns with [Exception] or [Error] ([exception] variable could be either).
typedef CommandExecutionError = FutureOr<void> Function(CommandContext context, dynamic exception);
/// Lightweight command framework. Doesn't use `dart:mirrors` and can be used in browser.
/// While constructing specify prefix which is string with prefix or
/// implement [PrefixHandlerFunction] for more fine control over where and in what conditions commands are executed.
/// Allows to specify callbacks which are executed before and after command - also on per command basis.
/// [beforeCommandHandler] callbacks are executed only command exists and is matched with message content.
// ignore: prefer_mixin
class Commander with ICommandRegistrable {
late final PrefixHandlerFunction _prefixHandler;
late final PassHandlerFunction? _beforeCommandHandler;
late final AfterHandlerFunction? _afterHandlerFunction;
late final LoggerHandlerFunction _loggerHandlerFunction;
late final CommandExecutionError? _commandExecutionError;
final List<CommandEntity> _commandEntities = [];
final Logger _logger = Logger("Commander");
/// Resolves prefix for given [message]. Returns null if there is no prefix for given [message] which
/// means command wouldn't execute in given context.
FutureOr<String?> getPrefixForMessage(Message message) => _prefixHandler(message);
/// Returns unmodifiable list of registered commands.
List<CommandEntity> get commands => List.unmodifiable(this._commandEntities);
/// Either [prefix] or [prefixHandler] must be specified otherwise program will exit.
/// Allows to specify additional [beforeCommandHandler] executed before main command callback,
/// and [afterCommandHandler] executed after main command callback.
Commander(Nyxx client,
{String? prefix,
PrefixHandlerFunction? prefixHandler,
PassHandlerFunction? beforeCommandHandler,
AfterHandlerFunction? afterCommandHandler,
LoggerHandlerFunction? loggerHandlerFunction,
CommandExecutionError? commandExecutionError}) {
if (!PermissionsUtils.isApplied(client.intents, GatewayIntents.allUnprivileged)) {
_logger.shout("Commander cannot start without at least all unprivileged intents");
if (prefix == null && prefixHandler == null) {
_logger.shout("Commander cannot start without both prefix and prefixHandler");
if (prefix == null) {
_prefixHandler = prefixHandler!;
} else {
_prefixHandler = (_) => prefix;
this._beforeCommandHandler = beforeCommandHandler;
this._afterHandlerFunction = afterCommandHandler;
this._commandExecutionError = commandExecutionError;
this._loggerHandlerFunction = loggerHandlerFunction ?? _defaultLogger;
this._logger.info("Commander ready!");
Future<void> _handleMessage(MessageReceivedEvent event) async {
final prefix = await _prefixHandler(event.message);
if (prefix == null) {
if(!event.message.content.startsWith(prefix)) {
// Find matching command with given message content
final matchingCommand = _commandEntities._findMatchingCommand(event.message.content.replaceFirst(prefix, "").trim().split(" ")) as CommandHandler?;
if(matchingCommand == null) {
// Builds a RegEx that matches the full command including their parents and all possible
// aliases of the final command entity and their parents.
// Example: (?<finalCommand>(quote|q) (remove|rm))
// This will match the command `quote remove`, `q remove`, `quote rm` and `q rm`
final match = RegExp("(?<finalCommand>${matchingCommand.getFullCommandMatch()})").firstMatch(
final finalCommand = match?.namedGroup("finalCommand");
if (finalCommand == null) {
// construct commandcontext
final context = CommandContext._new(
event.message is GuildMessage ? (event.message as GuildMessage).guild.getFromCache()! : null,
// Invoke before handler for commands
if (!(await _invokeBeforeHandler(matchingCommand, context))) {
// Invoke before handler for commander
if(this._beforeCommandHandler != null && !(await this._beforeCommandHandler!(context))) {
// Execute command
try {
await matchingCommand.commandHandler(context, event.message.content);
} on Exception catch (e) {
if(this._commandExecutionError != null) {
await _commandExecutionError!(context, e);
} on Error catch (e) {
if(this._commandExecutionError != null) {
await _commandExecutionError!(context, e);
// execute logger callback
_loggerHandlerFunction(context, finalCommand, this._logger);
// invoke after handler of command
await _invokeAfterHandler(matchingCommand, context);
// Invoke after handler for commander
if (this._afterHandlerFunction != null) {
// Invokes command after handler and its parents
Future<void> _invokeAfterHandler(CommandEntity? commandEntity, CommandContext context) async {
if(commandEntity == null) {
if(commandEntity.afterHandler != null) {
await commandEntity.afterHandler!(context);
if(commandEntity.parent != null) {
await _invokeAfterHandler(commandEntity.parent, context);
// Invokes command before handler and its parents. It will check for next before handlers if top handler returns true.
Future<bool> _invokeBeforeHandler(CommandEntity? commandEntity, CommandContext context) async {
if(commandEntity == null) {
return true;
if(commandEntity.beforeHandler == null) {
return _invokeBeforeHandler(commandEntity.parent, context);
if(await commandEntity.beforeHandler!(context)) {
return _invokeBeforeHandler(commandEntity.parent, context);
return false;
FutureOr<void> _defaultLogger(CommandContext ctx, String commandName, Logger logger) {
logger.info("Command [$commandName] executed by [${ctx.author.tag}]");
/// Registers command with given [commandName]. Allows to specify command specific before and after command execution callbacks
void registerCommand(String commandName, CommandHandlerFunction commandHandler, {PassHandlerFunction? beforeHandler, AfterHandlerFunction? afterHandler}) {
this.registerCommandEntity(BasicCommandHandler(commandName, commandHandler, beforeHandler: beforeHandler, afterHandler: afterHandler));
/// Registers command as implemented [CommandEntity] class
void registerCommandGroup(CommandGroup commandGroup) => this.registerCommandEntity(commandGroup);
/// Provides common functionality for entities which can register subcommand or sub command groups.
abstract class ICommandRegistrable {
List<CommandEntity> get _commandEntities;
/// Registers [CommandEntity] within context of this instance. Throws error if there is command with same name as provided.
void registerCommandEntity(CommandEntity entity) {
if (this._commandEntities.any((element) => element.isEntityName(entity.name) )) {
throw Exception("Command name should be unique! There is already command with name: ${entity.name}}");
if (entity is CommandGroup && entity.name.isEmpty && entity.aliases.isNotEmpty) {
throw Exception("Command group cannot have aliases if its name is empty! Provided aliases: [${entity.aliases.join(", ")}]");