
72 lines
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part of nyxx_interactions;
/// The Interaction data. e.g channel, guild and member
class Interaction extends SnowflakeEntity {
/// Reference to bot instance.
final Nyxx _client;
/// The type of the interaction received.
late final int type;
/// The guild the command was sent in.
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, Guild> guild;
/// The channel the command was sent in.
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, TextChannel> channel;
/// The member who sent the interaction
late final Member author;
/// Token to send requests
late final String token;
/// Version of interactions api
late final int version;
/// Name of interaction
late final String name;
/// Args of the interaction
late final Iterable<InteractionOption> args;
/// Id of command
late final Snowflake commandId;
Interaction._new(this._client, Map<String, dynamic> raw) : super(Snowflake(raw["id"])) {
this.type = raw["type"] as int;
this.guild = CacheUtility.createCacheableGuild(
this.channel = CacheUtility.createCacheableTextChannel(
this.author = EntityUtility.createGuildMember(
raw["member"] as Map<String, dynamic>,
this.token = raw["token"] as String;
this.version = raw["version"] as int;
this.name = raw["data"]["name"] as String;
this.args = _generateArgs(raw["data"] as Map<String, dynamic>);
this.commandId = Snowflake(raw["data"]["id"]);
Iterable<InteractionOption> _generateArgs(Map<String, dynamic> rawData) sync* {
if (rawData["options"] == null) {
final options = rawData["options"] as List<dynamic>;
for (final option in options) {
yield InteractionOption._new(option as Map<String, dynamic>);