Szymon Uglis c71d310d6e
Changelog, license update, Implement stage channels, implements new permissions
Remove unnecessary stuff from tests and analyzer options, remove travis config file
2021-04-07 22:54:14 +02:00

75 lines
2.2 KiB

part of nyxx;
/// A channel.
/// Abstract base class that defines the base methods and/or properties for all Discord channel types.
/// Generic interface for all channels
abstract class IChannel extends SnowflakeEntity implements Disposable {
/// Type of this channel
late final ChannelType channelType;
/// Reference to client
final INyxx client;
IChannel._new(this.client, Map<String, dynamic> raw): super(Snowflake(raw["id"])){
this.channelType = ChannelType.from(raw["type"] as int);
factory IChannel._deserialize(INyxx client, Map<String, dynamic> raw, [Snowflake? guildId]) {
final type = raw["type"] as int;
switch (type) {
case 1:
case 3:
return DMChannel._new(client, raw);
case 0:
case 5:
return TextGuildChannel._new(client, raw, guildId);
case 2:
return VoiceGuildChannel._new(client, raw, guildId);
case 13:
return StageVoiceGuildChannel._new(client, raw, guildId);
case 4:
return CategoryGuildChannel._new(client, raw, guildId);
return _InternalChannel._new(client, raw, guildId);
/// Deletes channel if guild channel or closes DM if DM channel
Future<void> delete() => this.client.httpEndpoints.deleteChannel(this.id);
Future<void> dispose() async {
// Empty body
class _InternalChannel extends GuildChannel {
_InternalChannel._new(INyxx client, Map<String, dynamic> raw, [Snowflake? guildId]): super._new(client, raw, guildId);
/// Enum for possible channel types
class ChannelType extends IEnum<int> {
static const ChannelType text = ChannelType._create(0);
static const ChannelType voice = ChannelType._create(2);
static const ChannelType category = ChannelType._create(4);
static const ChannelType dm = ChannelType._create(1);
static const ChannelType groupDm = ChannelType._create(3);
static const ChannelType guildNews = ChannelType._create(5);
static const ChannelType guildStore = ChannelType._create(6);
ChannelType.from(int value) : super(value);
const ChannelType._create(int value) : super(value);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is int) {
return this._value == other;
return super == other;